144 research outputs found

    Transient behavior of wind towers grounding systems under lightning strikes

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    Wind turbines, because of their height and localization, are frequently subject to direct lightning strikes. Thus, the investigation on the performance of their grounding system is of paramount interest for the prediction of the potential threats either for people working in (or animals passing through) the wind farm area and for the power and control units installed in close proximity of the turbine towers. In this paper,we perform a comprensive study of the transient behavior of the earthing systems of wind turbines. The analysis is conducted in the frequency domain and an hybrid approach, based on circuit theory and Method of Moments, is adopted to fully account for resistive, inductive and capacitive couplings between elements of the ground system. The actual transient behavior is obtained by means of an Inverse Fourier Transform. The results, computed considering a typical wind turbine grounding system configuration, provide more insight on the nature of the early-time transient response of grounding systems and allow to draw up useful design guidelines

    Ground Transient Resistance of Underground Cables

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    During transients involving multiconductor lines, the importance of the ground finite conductivity is well known and various techniques and expressions have been presented in literature for the inclusion of its contribution into the per unit length parameters. The direct time domain approach based on the introduction of the transient parameters and on the numerical solution of the telegrapher's equations demonstrated to be accurate and efficient for the analysis of typical transients. In this letter, the expressions for the ground transient resistance for underground cables, based on the closed-form inverse Laplace transform of the classical Pollaczek expressions (valid for the low-frequency-range), are presented and discussed

    Eco-sustainable routing of power lines for the connection of renewable energy plants to the Italian high-voltage grid

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    Routing of high-voltage electric transmission lines for the connection of renewable energy-distributed generation plants is a critical issue from an environmental point of view. A standard methodology that accounts for multiple perspectives, influence factors and is able to mediate between weighted constraints can be a useful tool for the regulating bodies that are involved in approval processes. The methodology can be an effective support to increase reliability, save consumers' money and mitigate the unavoidable impacts of the lines on the population living nearby. In this paper we investigate the suitability of a procedure employed by Terna, the Italian high-voltage transmission system operator, to identify the corridors where to route new overhead transmission lines with the lowest environmental impact. The methodology is based on the subdivision of all the relevant constraints dictated by environmental issues and territory legislations in four main classes. A real case study concerning the design and connection of a wind farm placed near Collarmele, in the center of Italy, shows the effectiveness of the proposed methodology

    Simplified conservative testing method of touch and step voltages by multiple auxiliary electrodes at reduced distance

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    Grounding systems (GSs) must be tested periodically in order to maintain the touch voltage (TV) and step voltage (SV) below a safe value in all of the zones of the installation. Measurements of the ground resistance and of the TV and SV are typically done by the fall-of-potential (FoP) method, locating the auxiliary current electrode at remote distance to test the effective behavior of the GS. In urban areas, it could be very complicated or impossible to install the auxiliary current electrode as required, not having area around with sufficient accessibility. At this aim, this paper describes a methodology of using multiple current electrodes at short distances, modifying the classic FoP practice, so that the measurements of TV and SV are always conservative. The adequacy of a GS is verified if the values of the TV and SV, tested inside and in the vicinity of the GS, are below the permissible limits, regardless if they are true or conservatively increased. Thus, the measured TV and SV by the suggested method, always conservative, allow verifying the adequacy of GSs, in the cases where it is impossible to locate the remote auxiliary electrode

    Effects of the Dispersive Behaviour of Dielectric Substrates on the SPI

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    Actual printed circuit board configurations require either full-wave simulations or accurate analytical techniques for the analysis and the design of interconnects. This paper focuses on the effects of the dispersive behavior of dielectric substrates and on their simulation by means of new expressions giving a guidance on effective permittivity and per unit length (p.u.l.) parameters at the design stage

    Assessment of a practical model to estimate the cell temperature of a photovoltaic module

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    Instantaneous solar irradiance profiles or solar irradiation data collected with small time intervals (e.g., minutes) are usually required for the energy simulation of photovoltaic systems, especially as concerns the estimation of the cell temperature. However, meteorological stations and technical standards often provide just monthly average values of the horizontal daily solar irradiation; extensive climate databases which make available up to date hourly observation data, or satellite-derived data are seldom available. The goal of the present paper is to investigate the suitability and the accuracy of a methodology aimed at estimating the time profile of the cell temperature of a photovoltaic system on the basis of only the monthly mean values of the daily global irradiation on a horizontal surface. The methodology consists of a chain of well-established models which are applied one after another, in a step-by-step procedure, in order to derive the cell temperatures from the solar radiation data. In particular, we selected different models as possible candidates for each step of the methodology and compared their predictions with measured data to identify the most suitable ones. In addition, we tried several combinations of models in order to identify the most accurate combination. Comparisons with data measured in Rome confirm the suitability of the proposed approach and give information about its accuracy

    Magnetic-field transmission through a circular aperture in a magneto-conductive screen. Identification of aperture penetration and field diffusion contributions

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    The magnetic field transmitted through a circular aperture in an infinite magneto-conductive planar screen with finite thickness is studied, considering as a source a circular electric current loop coaxial with the aperture. The field source consists of a circular electric current loop coaxial with the aperture. First, the finite thickness of the aperture is taken into account through suitable generalized boundary conditions. Next, a pair of dual integral equations are obtained whose solutions are obtained by means of an expansion of the unknowns in Neumann series of Bessel functions combined with a Galerkin method of moments. Such solutions furnish equivalent electric and magnetic spectral current densities fromwhich all the field components can easily be obtained. The proposed formulation allows for clearly distinguishing the contributions to the total transmitted field coming from the diffusion in the magneto-conductive screen and the penetration through the aperture, thus gaining physical insight into the transmission mechanism. Numerical results are presented and compared with those obtained through commercial software to show the accuracy and the efficiency of the proposed formulation

    Corona Influence on Lightning Induced Overvoltages in MOV Protected Multiconductor Power Lines

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    The effects of corona on amplitude and distortion of lightning overvoltages in three-phase MV lines is investigated. The line is protected by surgearresters whose characterstics can be planned taking into account real phenomena

    Analysis of PCB discontinuities using FD-TD and wavelets

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    A wavelet-based technique is proposed for the extraction of a two-port equivalent circuit of typical printed circuit board (PCB) discontinuities from full-wave FD-TD results. An equivalent representation in the wavelet domain of the discontinuity is obtained by expanding the computed time domain quantities. Hence the wavelet transformed scattering parameters can be included in a wavelet equivalent of TEM wave propagation paths along the PCB in order to obtain an overall equivalent of the entire structure. The wavelet representation drastically minimizes the CPU time and computer storage requirements while maintaining excellent accuracy, so that it proves to be a very useful modeling tool especially in the design stage
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