51 research outputs found


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    Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide protozoarian pathology, caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis is a human pathology with an high risk of diffusion because the parasite can be present in many food and sometimes it is very hard to demonstrate a direct relation between clinical cases and food consumption. The aim of this work was to assess toxoplasmosis risk communication performed by veterinary hygienists involved in local health authority (ASL). The results demonstrate that informative campaigns should be organized to show toxoplasmosis risk communication and to organize educational nutrition programs by veterinarians regarding risks caused by animals or parasitized food consumption

    Rapid method for detection of Anisakidae larvae inmarine fishes, based on UV transillumination

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    A rapid and sensitive detection method is proposed to evaluate the presence and vitality degree of Anisakidae larvae in marine fishes by UV diaphanoscopy. 923 fish samples belonging to seven fish species (Merluccius merluccius, Molva elongata, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber scomber, Triglia lucerna, Engraulis encrasicolus, and Trachurus trachurus) were evaluated for the presence of Anisakidae larvae by using direct observation, peptic digestion, and UV transillumination. The results obtained indicate that UV transillumination can be considered a rapid and accurate tool for routine analysis of marine fishes even under field condition