705 research outputs found

    Petrologic and minerochemical trends of acapulcoites, winonaites and lodranites: New evidence from image analysis and EMPA investigations

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    A comprehensive classification of primitive achondrites is difficult due to the high compositional and textural variability and the low number of samples available. Besides oxygen isotopic analysis, other minerochemical and textural parameters may provide a useful tool to solve taxonomic and genetic problems related to these achondrites. The results of a detailed modal, textural and minerochemical analysis of a set of primitive achondrites are presented and compared with literature data. All the samples show an extremely variable modal composition among both silicate and opaque phases. A general trend of troilite depletion vs. silicate fraction enrichment has been observed, with differences among coarse-grained and fine-grained meteorites. In regard to the mineral chemistry, olivine shows marked differences between the acapulcoite-lodranite and winonaite groups, while a compositional equilibrium between matrix and chondrules for both groups, probably due to the scarce influence of metamorphic grade on this phase, was observed. The analysis of Cr and Mn in clinopyroxene revealed two separate clusters for the acapulcoite/lodranite and winonaite groups, while the analysis of the reduction state highlighted three separate clusters. An estimate of equilibrium temperatures for the acapulcoite-lodranite and winonaite groups is provided. Finally, proposals regarding the genetic processes of these groups are discussed

    Photoinduced inverse spin Hall effect in Pt/Ge(001) at room temperature

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    We performed photoinduced inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) measurements on a Pt/Ge(001) junction at room temperature. The spin-oriented electrons, photogenerated at the direct gap of Ge using circularly polarized light, provide a net spin current which yields an electromotive field E_ISHE in the Pt layer. Such a signal is clearly detected at room temperature despite the strong {\Gamma} to L scattering which electrons undergo in the Ge conduction band. The ISHE signal dependence on the exciting photon energy is in good agreement with the electron spin polarization expected for optical orientation at the direct gap of Ge

    Effect of asymmetric concentration profile on thermal conductivity in Ge/SiGe superlattices

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    The effect of the chemical composition in Si/Ge-based superlattices on their thermal conductivity has been investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Simulation cells of Ge/SiGe superlattices have been generated with different concentration profiles such that the Si concentration follows a step-like, a tooth-saw, a Gaussian, and a gamma-type function in direction of the heat flux. The step-like and tooth-saw profiles mimic ideally sharp interfaces, whereas Gaussian and gamma-type profiles are smooth functions imitating atomic diffusion at the interface as obtained experimentally. Symmetry effects have been investigated comparing the symmetric profiles of the step-like and the Gaussian function to the asymmetric profiles of the tooth-saw and the gamma-type function. At longer sample length and similar degree of interdiffusion, the thermal conductivity is found to be lower in asymmetric profiles. Furthermore, it is found that with smooth concentration profiles where atomic diffusion at the interface takes place the thermal conductivity is higher compared to systems with atomically sharp concentration profiles

    Giant g factor tuning of long-lived electron spins in Ge

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    Control of electron spin coherence via external fields is fundamental in spintronics. Its implementation demands a host material that accommodates the highly desirable but contrasting requirements of spin robustness to relaxation mechanisms and sizeable coupling between spin and orbital motion of charge carriers. Here we focus on Ge, which, by matching those criteria, is rapidly emerging as a prominent candidate for shuttling spin quantum bits in the mature framework of Si electronics. So far, however, the intrinsic spin-dependent phenomena of free electrons in conventional Ge/Si heterojunctions have proved to be elusive because of epitaxy constraints and an unfavourable band alignment. We overcome such fundamental limitations by investigating a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined in quantum wells of pure Ge grown on SiGe-buffered Si substrates. These epitaxial systems demonstrate exceptionally long spin relaxation and coherence times, eventually unveiling the potential of Ge in bridging the gap between spintronic concepts and semiconductor device physics. In particular, by tuning spin-orbit interaction via quantum confinement we demonstrate that the electron Land\'e g factor and its anisotropy can be engineered in our scalable and CMOS-compatible architectures over a range previously inaccessible for Si spintronics

    On-Site Inspection Form in Veterinary Cases: The Parma Veterinary Form

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    Simple Summary In veterinary practice, the on-site inspection of the scene of an animal dead body is crucial for a correct interpretation of the autopsy results, in particular to determine the manner, mechanism and cause of death, as an important role in the control of public health including the prevention of zoonoses. It is also fundamental for the recognition and the contrast of crimes against animals and to animal abuse phenomena, considered an alert sign of an anti-social or violent behavior of humans, theory known as "The Link". A good practice is the presence of a veterinary pathologist on the scene. Although photographs and information made available by the police officers on the place of discovery of the animal cadaver can be useful, the information that can be achieved by a direct examination of the scene is irreplaceable. Today the best veterinary procedure requires an accurate collection of evidence at the scene that can be then handed to experts belonging to other forensic sciences for further evaluation and data interpretation. In this paper authors suggest a form aiming to facilitate either the on-site and the autopsy activities. The suggested form can contribute to guarantee the quality of the forensic process from the discovery site up to the court. Particular attention is paid to the training of non-medical personnel who often represent the first, and sometimes, the only figure to be present on the scene. The form proposed is inspired by the interdisciplinary form developed by the European Council of Legal Medicine. This form represents an initial tool to improve a multidisciplinary activity in close synergy with other forensic experts. The on-site inspection of the scene of an animal cadaver is crucial for a correct interpretation of the autopsy results, to determine the manner, method, and cause of death. This information plays a crucial role in the control of public health including the prevention of zoonoses. It is also fundamental for the recognition and the contrast of crimes against animals and to animal abuse phenomena, considered an alert sign of an anti-social or violent behavior of humans. Today the best veterinary procedure requires an accurate collection of the evidence at the scene that can be then handed to experts belonging to other forensic disciplines for further evaluation and data interpretation. In this paper authors suggest a form aiming to facilitate either the on-site and the autopsy activities, as a guarantee of the quality of the forensic process starting from the discovery scene up to the reconstruction of the case. Essential is training of non-medical personnel who often represent the first responder to be present on the scene. The form is inspired by the interdisciplinary form developed by the European Council of Legal Medicine and represents an initial tool to stimulate a multidisciplinary activity in close synergy with other forensic experts

    HRTFs Measurement Based on Periodic Sequences Robust towards Nonlinearities in Automotive Audio

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    The head related transfer functions (HRTFs) represent the acoustic path transfer functions between sound sources in 3D space and the listener’s ear. They are used to create immersive audio scenarios or to subjectively evaluate sound systems according to a human-centric point of view. Cars are nowadays the most popular audio listening environment and the use of HRTFs in automotive audio has recently attracted the attention of researchers. In this context, the paper proposes a measurement method for HRTFs based on perfect or orthogonal periodic sequences. The proposed measurement method ensures robustness towards the nonlinearities that may affect the measurement system. The experimental results considering both an emulated scenario and real measurements in a controlled environment illustrate the effectiveness of the approach and compare the proposed method with other popular approaches
