191 research outputs found

    A Method of Drusen Measurement Based on the Geometry of Fundus Reflectance

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    BACKGROUND: The hallmarks of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the developed world, are the subretinal deposits known as drusen. Drusen identification and measurement play a key role in clinical studies of this disease. Current manual methods of drusen measurement are laborious and subjective. Our purpose was to expedite clinical research with an accurate, reliable digital method. METHODS: An interactive semi-automated procedure was developed to level the macular background reflectance for the purpose of morphometric analysis of drusen. 12 color fundus photographs of patients with age-related macular degeneration and drusen were analyzed. After digitizing the photographs, the underlying background pattern in the green channel was leveled by an algorithm based on the elliptically concentric geometry of the reflectance in the normal macula: the gray scale values of all structures within defined elliptical boundaries were raised sequentially until a uniform background was obtained. Segmentation of drusen and area measurements in the central and middle subfields (1000 μm and 3000 μm diameters) were performed by uniform thresholds. Two observers using this interactive semi-automated software measured each image digitally. The mean digital measurements were compared to independent stereo fundus gradings by two expert graders (stereo Grader 1 estimated the drusen percentage in each of the 24 regions as falling into one of four standard broad ranges; stereo Grader 2 estimated drusen percentages in 1% to 5% intervals). RESULTS: The mean digital area measurements had a median standard deviation of 1.9%. The mean digital area measurements agreed with stereo Grader 1 in 22/24 cases. The 95% limits of agreement between the mean digital area measurements and the more precise stereo gradings of Grader 2 were -6.4 % to +6.8 % in the central subfield and -6.0 % to +4.5 % in the middle subfield. The mean absolute differences between the digital and stereo gradings 2 were 2.8 +/- 3.4% in the central subfield and 2.2 +/- 2.7% in the middle subfield. CONCLUSIONS: Semi-automated, supervised drusen measurements may be done reproducibly and accurately with adaptations of commercial software. This technique for macular image analysis has potential for use in clinical research

    The nature of NV absorbers at high redshift

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    We present a study of NV absorption systems at 1.5 < z < 2.5 in the optical spectra of 19 QSOs. Our analysis includes both absorbers arising from the intergalactic medium as well as systems in the vicinity of the background quasar. We construct detailed photoionization models to study the physical conditions and abundances in the absorbers and to constrain the spectral hardness of the ionizing radiation. The rate of incidence for intervening NV components is dN/dz = 3.38 +/- 0.43, corresponding to dN/dX = 1.10 +/- 0.14. The column density distribution function is fitted by the slope beta = 1.89 +/- 0.22, consistent with measurements for CIV and OVI. The narrow line widths (b_NV ~ 6 km/s) imply photoionization rather than collisions as dominating ionization process. The column densities of CIV and NV are correlated but show different slopes for intervening and associated absorbers, which indicates different ionizing spectra. Associated systems are found to be more metal-rich, denser, and more compact than intervening absorbers. This conclusion is independent of the adopted ionizing radiation. For the intervening NV systems we find typical values of [C/H] ~ -0.6 and n_H ~ 10^-3.6 cm^-3, and sizes of a few kpc, while for associated NV absorbers we obtain [C/H] ~ +0.7, n_H ~ 10^-2.8 cm^-3, and sizes of several 10 pc. The abundance of nitrogen relative to carbon [N/C] and alpha-elements like oxygen and silicon [N/alpha] is correlated with [N/H], indicating the enrichment by secondary nitrogen. The larger scatter in [N/alpha] in intervening systems suggests an inhomogeneous enrichment of the IGM. There is an anti-correlation between [N/alpha] and [alpha/C], which could be used to constrain the initial mass function of the carbon- and nitrogen-producing stellar population.Comment: accepted by A&A, revised versio

    Deletions of the region 17p11-13 in advanced melanoma revealed by cytogenetic analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    The significance of the p53 tumour-suppressor gene in the oncogenesis of a variety of malignant tumours has been demonstrated over recent years. However, the role of p53 in human malignant melanoma is still unclear. Therefore, we investigated melanoma metastases from 11 patients cytogenetically and with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) after short-term culture, employing a p53 region-specific probe for 17p13.1 and a probe detecting the centromere of chromosome 17. Furthermore, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from nine of these patients were investigated immunohistochemically for expression of the p53 protein. Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 17 were seen in six melanomas in cytogenetic analysis. With FISH, three malignant melanomas had clones with only one p53-allele and an additional four malignant melanomas showed a reduced number of signals at the p53 tumour-suppressor gene locus compared with signals for the centromeric region of chromosome 17. This was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Our results suggest that the 17p11–13 region is frequently deleted in malignant melanomas and that p53 or other genes located on this band might contribute to the malignant potential of advanced melanoma. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Protection of Melanized Cryptococcus neoformans from Lethal Dose Gamma Irradiation Involves Changes in Melanin's Chemical Structure and Paramagnetism

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    Certain fungi thrive in highly radioactive environments including the defunct Chernobyl nuclear reactor. Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans), which uses L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) to produce melanin, was used here to investigate how gamma radiation under aqueous aerobic conditions affects the properties of melanin, with the aim of gaining insight into its radioprotective role. Exposure of melanized fungal cell in aqueous suspensions to doses of γ-radiation capable of killing 50 to 80% of the cells did not lead to a detectable loss of melanin integrity according to EPR spectra of melanin radicals. Moreover, upon UV-visible (Xe-lamp) illumination of melanized cells, the increase in radical population was unchanged after γ-irradiation. Gamma-irradiation of frozen cell suspensions and storage of samples for several days at 77 K however, produced melanin modification noted by a reduced radical population and reduced photoresponse. More direct evidence for structural modification of melanin came from the detection of soluble products with absorbance maxima near 260 nm in supernatants collected after γ-irradiation of cells and cell-free melanin. These products, which include thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive aldehydes, were also generated by Fenton reagent treatment of cells and cell-free melanin. In an assay of melanin integrity based on the metal (Bi+3) binding capacity of cells, no detectable loss in binding was detected after γ-irradiation. Our results show that melanin in C. neoformans cells is susceptible to some damage by hydroxyl radical formed in lethal radioactive aqueous environments and serves a protective role in melanized fungi that involves sacrificial breakdown

    Congruence of tissue expression profiles from Gene Expression Atlas, SAGEmap and TissueInfo databases

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    BACKGROUND: Extracting biological knowledge from large amounts of gene expression information deposited in public databases is a major challenge of the postgenomic era. Additional insights may be derived by data integration and cross-platform comparisons of expression profiles. However, database meta-analysis is complicated by differences in experimental technologies, data post-processing, database formats, and inconsistent gene and sample annotation. RESULTS: We have analysed expression profiles from three public databases: Gene Expression Atlas, SAGEmap and TissueInfo. These are repositories of oligonucleotide microarray, Serial Analysis of Gene Expression and Expressed Sequence Tag human gene expression data respectively. We devised a method, Preferential Expression Measure, to identify genes that are significantly over- or under-expressed in any given tissue. We examined intra- and inter-database consistency of Preferential Expression Measures. There was good correlation between replicate experiments of oligonucleotide microarray data, but there was less coherence in expression profiles as measured by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression and Expressed Sequence Tag counts. We investigated inter-database correlations for six tissue categories, for which data were present in the three databases. Significant positive correlations were found for brain, prostate and vascular endothelium but not for ovary, kidney, and pancreas. CONCLUSION: We show that data from Gene Expression Atlas, SAGEmap and TissueInfo can be integrated using the UniGene gene index, and that expression profiles correlate relatively well when large numbers of tags are available or when tissue cellular composition is simple. Finally, in the case of brain, we demonstrate that when PEM values show good correlation, predictions of tissue-specific expression based on integrated data are very accurate

    Defining the Earliest Transcriptional Steps of Chondrogenic Progenitor Specification during the Formation of the Digits in the Embryonic Limb

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    The characterization of genes involved in the formation of cartilage is of key importance to improve cell-based cartilage regenerative therapies. Here, we have developed a suitable experimental model to identify precocious chondrogenic events in vivo by inducing an ectopic digit in the developing embryo. In this model, only 12 hr after the implantation of a Tgfβ bead, in the absence of increased cell proliferation, cartilage forms in undifferentiated interdigital mesoderm and in the course of development, becomes a structurally and morphologically normal digit. Systematic quantitative PCR expression analysis, together with other experimental approaches allowed us to establish 3 successive periods preceding the formation of cartilage. The “pre-condensation stage”, occurring within the first 3 hr of treatment, is characterized by the activation of connective tissue identity transcriptional factors (such as Sox9 and Scleraxis) and secreted factors (such as Activin A and the matricellular proteins CCN-1 and CCN-2) and the downregulation of the galectin CG-8. Next, the “condensation stage” is characterized by intense activation of Smad 1/5/8 BMP-signaling and increased expression of extracellular matrix components. During this period, the CCN matricellular proteins promote the expression of extracellular matrix and cell adhesion components. The third period, designated the “pre-cartilage period”, precedes the formation of molecularly identifiable cartilage by 2–3 hr and is characterized by the intensification of Sox 9 gene expression, along with the stimulation of other pro-chondrogenic transcription factors, such as HifIa. In summary, this work establishes a temporal hierarchy in the regulation of pro-chondrogenic genes preceding cartilage differentiation and provides new insights into the relative roles of secreted factors and cytoskeletal regulators that direct the first steps of this process in vivo