26 research outputs found

    IT-SNOW: a snow reanalysis for Italy blending modeling, in situ data, and satellite observations (2010-2021)

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    We present IT-SNOW, a serially complete and multi-year snow reanalysis for Italy (similar to 301 x 10(3) km(2)) - a transitional continental-to-Mediterranean region where snow plays an important but still poorly constrained societal and ecological role. IT-SNOW provides similar to 500 m daily maps of snow water equivalent (SWE), snow depth, bulk snow density, and liquid water content for the initial period 1 September 2010-31 August 2021, with future updates envisaged on a regular basis. As the output of an operational chain employed in real-world civil protection applications (S3M Italy), IT-SNOW ingests input data from thousands of automatic weather stations, snow-covered-area maps from Sentinel-2, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), and H SAF products, as well as maps of snow depth from the spatialization of over 350 on-the-ground snow depth sensors. Validation using Sentinel-1-based maps of snow depth and a variety of independent, in situ snow data from three focus regions (Aosta Valley, Lombardy, and Molise) show little to no mean bias compared to the former, and root mean square errors are of the typical order of 30-60 cm and 90-300 mm for in situ, measured snow depth and snow water equivalent, respectively. Estimates of peak SWE by IT-SNOW are also well correlated with annual streamflow at the closure section of 102 basins across Italy (0.87), with ratios between peak water volume in snow and annual streamflow that are in line with expectations for this mixed rain-snow region (22 % on average and 12 % median). Examples of use allowed us to estimate 13.70 +/- 4.9 Gm3 of water volume stored in snow across the Italian landscape at peak accumulation, which on average occurs on 4 March +/- 10 d. Nearly 52 % of the mean seasonal SWE is accumulated across the Po river basin, followed by the Adige river (23 %), and central Apennines (5 %). IT-SNOW is freely available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7034956 (Avanzi et al., 2022b) and can contribute to better constraining the role of snow for seasonal to annual water resources - a crucial endeavor in a warming and drier climate

    Database of the Italian disdrometer network

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    In 2021, a group of seven Italian institutions decided to bring together their know-how, experience, and instruments for measuring the drop size distribution (DSD) of atmospheric precipitation, giving birth to the Italian Group of Disdrometry (in Italian named Gruppo Italiano Disdrometria, GID, https://www.gid-net.it/, last access: 16 May 2023). GID has made freely available a database of 1 min records of DSD collected by the disdrometer network along the Italian peninsula. At the time of writing, the disdrometer network was composed of eight laser disdrometers belonging to six different Italian institutions (including research centres, universities, and environmental regional agencies). This work aims to document the technical aspects of the Italian DSD database consisting of 1 min sampling data from 2012 to 2021 in a uniform standard format defined within GID. Although not all the disdrometers have the same data record length, the DSD data collection effort is the first of its kind in Italy, and from here onwards, it opens up new opportunities in the surface characterization of microphysical properties of precipitation in the perspective of climate records and beyond. The Version 01 GID database can be downloaded at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6875801 (Adirosi et al., 2022), while Version 02 can be downloaded at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7708563 (Adirosi et al., 2023). The difference among the two versions is the diameter–fall velocity relation used for the DSD computation

    Beef marketing and quality in Uruguay.

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    Meat cannot be considered as a mere commodity. Modern consumers not only care for certain quality traits and adequate prices, but are increasingly paying attention to other non-traditional cues, such as origin of food, production systems from where their meat comes from and animal welfare practices, among others.Uruguay bases most of its beef production on grass, although grain supplementation is used to feed animals facing nutritional restrictions with animal welfare benefits. Not only do grass-based production systems clearly present environment-friendly features, but also these systems positively influence meat quality traits, especially those affecting human health. Although Uruguay´s extensive conditions allow animals to best perform their physiological and behavioural functions, many adjustments should be done to enhance animal productivity and animal welfare throughout the meat supply chain. Local research has provided the Uruguayan meat industry with information on how to improve animal welfare, efficiency, performance and product quality, taking into account consumer´s preferences and health issues as well.Local scientists unanimously agree that unbiased scientific information must be always delivered, so as to maintain the country´s credibility and trust. Throughout the years, national meat marketing policies shifted from "selling meat" to "selling trust" and now, Uruguayan beef marketing present and future challenges lie on how to continue adding value and creativity for each link and for the meat supply chain as a whole. The promotion, of the “Uruguayan Natural Meat” brand -among others- will continue to spur sustainable production systems, processing and commercialization along the entire national industry

    Estrategias de alimentación y manejo de la recría y engorde estival de corderos en el Uruguay: revisión bibliográfica. (Feeding and Management Strategies of Rearing and Fattening Lambs in Summer in Uruguay: Literature Review)

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    Dentro de los factores que limitan el mayor desarrollo de la Cadena Cárnica Ovina del Uruguay, se encuentra la marcada estacionalidad de la oferta de animales. Esta última se asocia principalmente a problemas de déficit en la cantidad y calidad del forraje que normalmente se da en verano, seguido por el otoño. Este artículo resume, sistematiza y prioriza trabajos de investigación sobre la recría y engorde de corderos durante los meses de verano y su eventual prolongación a los meses otoño. Se resumen los parámetros de producción animal registrados en investigaciones realizadas en el exterior y a nivel nacional. De la información local se destaca el estudio de varios factores, tales como la base forrajera utilizada, sistemas de pastoreo, nivel y tipo de suplementación, uso del riego, carga animal y género, sobre la productividad de corderos. Se concluye que existe una amplia gama de opciones y recomendaciones tecnológicas generadas por la investigación nacional, disponibles para asesores técnicos y productores, para evaluar la conveniencia productiva y económica de la implementación de sistemas acelerados de recría y engorde estival de corderos en el Uruguay. // Summary: Among the limiting factors preventing further development of the Uruguayan Sheep Meat Industry, the seasonality of lamb supply is highlighted. The latter is mainly associated with constraints in forage quantity and quality, which usually occurs in summer, followed by autumn. This article summarizes, systematizes and prioritizes research information about lamb rearing and fattening during the summer months, and the eventuality of its extension through autumn. Animal production parameters recorded in research conducted abroad and nationally are summarized. Local information focuses on the study of various factors, such as type of forage base used, grazing systems, level and type of supplementation, use of irrigation, stocking rate, and gender, on lamb productivity. It is concluded that there is a wide range of technology options and recommendations generated by national research, available for technical advisors and farmers, to evaluate the productive and economicconvenience of implementing accelerated lamb rearing and fattening systems during summer in Uruguay

    Ejemplos empresariales y asociativos de marcas de calidad: Uruguay [Associative business examples and quality brands: Uruguay].

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    Resumen: En un marco de intensificación sostenible de la ganadería nacional, Uruguay viene impulsando una estrategia de diferenciación y agregado devalor de productos y procesos desde una visión integral ?del campo al plato del consumidor?. En este contexto, existen una serie de experiencias exitosasa destacar entre los diferentes actores de la cadena cárnica del Uruguay. Este artículo se focaliza en describir, analizar y reflexionar sobre algunoscasos exitosos de emprendimientos empresariales asociativos del desarrollo de marcas y/o procesos de certificaciones que permitieron consolidaragronegocios ganaderos innovadores y competitivos. Entre los factores en común que presentan estas iniciativas, se destacan: orientadas a nichos demercado de alto valor, experiencia grupal previa, protocolo y certificación, asistencia técnica, gobernanza y procesos de gestión que favorecen laconfianza y la transparencia, una clara vocación de anticipar, acompañar y capturar las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado // Summary: In a framework of sustainable intensification of national livestock, Uruguay has been promoting a strategy of differentiation and added value of productsand processes from a comprehensive vision “from the field to the plate of the consumer”. In this context, there are series of successful experiences tobe highlighted among the different actors of the Uruguayan meat chain of Uruguay. This article focuses on describing, analysing and reflecting on somesuccessful cases of associative entrepreneurial ventures of brand development and/or certification processes that allowed the consolidation of innovative and competitive livestock agribusinesses. Among the common factors presented by these initiatives, we highlight: oriented to high-value market niches, previous working group experience, protocol and certification process, technical assistance, governance and management processes that favour trust and transparency, a clear vocation for anticipation, accompany and capture the opportunities offered by the market

    From farm to fork: the uruguayan experience.

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    Uruguay has designed its sustainable intensification strategies over the years, taking into account that one of the goals is to feed 42% more people in 2050 than we do today. In order to succeed in this pursuit, specifically considering meat production, this country has tackled the following issues: traceability, soil utilisation and management plans, animal welfare, climate change mitigation, animal breeding, genomics and conversion efficiency, meat seen as healthy food for human nourishment, taking into consideration rural inhabitant´s life quality (automation and reducing supplementation frequency, supply chain integration and brand developing, certification and marketing campaigns. Not only strictly productive, technological or industrial activities must be enhanced and/or adopted, but also beef and lamb meat products must cease to be seen as mere commodities and start to be considered as a highly nutritious healthy food instead. Only through a multidimensional and inter institutional approach, as well as private-public partnerships and constructing State policies based on solid scientific foundations, can this endeavour be performed

    Conectando y alineando a los productores de alimentos con los consumidores: el caso de la ganadería uruguaya.

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    En un escenario de creciente demanda de alimentos a nivel mundial, INIA analiza las principales oportunidades de nuestro sector ganadero. Para diferenciarse y ocupar nichos de mercados de alto valor, Uruguay debe necesariamente atender las demandas crecientes, diferenciales y sofisticadas de consumidores del alto poder adquisitivo

    Pastoreo horario para recría invernal de bovinos en la región de basalto.

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    Esta publicación sintetiza, desarrolla y aporta información sobre el uso de forraje de pasturas cultivadas de alta disponibilidad y valor nutritivo que es cosechado directamente por el animal en áreas estratégicas de alimentación mejorada, denominadas «bancos o pulmones verdes» del establecimiento.Esta es una opción alternativa para la mejora de la productividad de la recría bovina en sistemas ganaderos

    Otra forma de suplementar: el uso del pastoreo horario en la recría bovina en sistemas ganaderos extensivo.

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    En este artículo se resume la información y recomendaciones generadas a partir de trabajos experimentales realizados en la Estación Experimental ?Glencoe? de INIA Tacuarembó

    Sistemas de engorde de novillos sobre verdeos anuales estivales en la región de basalto.

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    Los trabajos experimentales de la presente publicación tuvieron por objetivo cuantificar la respuesta animal (por unidad de superficie y como producción individual) frente a la aplicación de variantes en el manejo de diferentes materiales genéticos de sorgo forrajero, la capacidad de carga y la suplementación con diferentes opciones de granos de cereales o sub-productos de la industria cerealera nacional