109 research outputs found

    Von der ersten zur zweiten Republik: Italien zwischen Kontinuität und Veränderung

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    The article examines Italy's transformation process as a profound crisis of social institutions. The conjunction of a large number of crises has finally led to Tangentopoli: the erosion of social consensus, illegal practices in politics and society aswell as the decline of traditional value systems. All this has undermined the legitimacy basis of the society's institutional structure. Italy needs a new 'religio', a social connection without which a community breaks apart. The redefinition of legality and consensus is of crucial importance for the societal renewal in Italy. Cazzola's analysis results in a pessimistic diagnosis that the civil society's new beginning has been cancelled by the privatism of the Berlusconi government and that Italy is in a crisis deeper than ever

    Validation tests of the CMS TIB/TID structures

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    Tracker Inner Barrel half-cylinders and Tracker Inner Disks of the CMS tracker have been integrated in three INFN sites. Integrated structures are submitted to an extensive set of tests whose main aim is to validate the functioning of the structures in CMS-like conditions. The tests have furthermore proven to be a great opportunity to study several aspects of the performance in detail. In this note the tests are described in some detail and an overview of the results is presented

    Preliminary identification of key clinical domains for outcome evaluation in fibromyalgia using the Delphi method : the Italian experience

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    Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complex syndrome that, in Italy, affects at least 2% of the adult population. It is characterized by chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain often accompanied by multiple other symptoms. The aim of this study was to identify a set of clinical domains for FM considered relevant by both clinicians and patients using a consensus process. Methods: Consensus was achieved using the Delphi method based on questionnaires and systematic, controlled opinion feedback. The Delphi exercise involved a panel of 252 rheumatologists and 86 patients with FM as defined by the American College of Rheumatology criteria. All of the patients and clinicians were asked to rank the relative different domains of FM in order of priority. The content validity index (CVI) was used to establish the percentage agreement. The importance of each item was ranked on a 0-3 Likert scale. The frequency, mean relevance scores, and frequency importance product were also calculated. Results: The Delphi exercise showed that the domains ranked highest by patients were similar to those of the clinicians, with the exception of tender point intensity (considered relevant by the clinicians but not by the patients) and environmental sensitivity (considered important by the patients but not by the clinicians). A final 8-item model was developed which was considered to demonstrate adequate validity. Conclusions: The Delphi exercises identified and ranked relevant key clinical domains that need to be assessed in FM research. On the basis of these results, a new patient-reported composite outcome index can be developed and used in clinical trials

    Chronic widespread pain in spondyloarthritis

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    The pain associated with spondyloarthritis (SpA) can be intense, persistent and disabling. It frequently has a multifactorial, simultaneously central and peripheral origin, and may be due to currently active inflammation, or joint damage and tissue destruction arising from a previous inflammatory condition. Inflammatory pain symptoms can be reduced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but many patients continue to experience moderate pain due to alterations in the mechanisms that regulate central pain, as in the case of the chronic widespread pain (CWP) that characterises fibromyalgia (FM). The importance of distinguishing SpA and FM is underlined by the fact that SpA is currently treated with costly drugs such as tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, and direct costs are higher in patients with concomitant CWP or FM than in those with FM or SpA alone. Optimal treatment needs to take into account symptoms such as fatigue, mood, sleep, and the overall quality of life, and is based on the use of tricyclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine, rather than adjustments in the dose of anti-TNF agents or disease-modifying drugs

    Giovanni Sartori e la democrazia della Seconda Repubblica

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    Il saggio ripercorre e analizza criticamente tutti i passaggi istituzionali della cosiddetta Seconda Repubblica, ossia della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria che si imposta in Italia a partire dal 1994. Tali passaggi sono visti all'interno del pensiero di Giovanni Sartori e in particolare della sua teoria della democrazia. Tale pensiero si è manifestato sia attraverso opere scientifiche sia attraverso una continua attività pubblicistica, in particolare dalle colonne, come editorialista, del Corriere della Sera. Dall'esame di questo pensiero emerge una serrata e continua critica dei caratteri istituzionali della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria all'italiana.The essay traces and critically analyzes all the institutional steps of the so-called Italian Second Republic, that is the peculiar majoritarian democracy that is set in Italy since 1994. These steps are seen within the thoughts of Giovanni Sartori and in particular of his theory of democracy . Such thinking has manifested both through scientific works both through continuous publications, in particular from the columns, as a columnist, of the Corriere della Sera. From an examination of this thinking emerges a close and continuous criticism of the institutional character of the distinctive Italian style majoritarian democracy

    The evaluation of the fibromyalgia patients.

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a rheumatic disease characterized by musculoskeletal pain, chronic diffuse tension and/or stiffness in joints and muscles, easy fatigue, sleep and emotional disturbances, and pressure pain sensitivity in at least 11 of 18 tender points. At present, there are no instrumental tests or specific diagnostic markers for FM; in fact, many of the existing indicators are significant for research purposes only. Many differential diagnoses may be excluded by an extensive clinical examination and patient history. Considering overlap of FM with other medical conditions, the treating physicians should be vigilant: chest-X-rays and abdominal ultrasonography are the first steps of general evaluation for all the patients with suspected FM. Functional neuroimaging methods have revealed a large number of supraspinal effects in FM, a disorder mediated by mechanisms that are essentially unknown. Many treatments are used in FM patients, but evaluating their therapeutic effects in FM is difficult because the syndrome is so multifaceted. To address the identification of core outcome domains, the Initiative on IMMPACT and OMERACT workshop convened a meeting to develop consensus recommendations for chronic pain clinical trials

    Fibromyalgia syndrome : definition and diagnostic aspects

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    Ever since it was first defined, fibromyalgia (FM) has been considered one of the most controversial diagnoses in the field of rheumatology, to the point that not everybody accepts its existence as an independent entity. The sensitivity and specificity of the proposed diagnostic criteria are still debated by various specialists (not only rheumatologists), whose main criticism of the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria is that they identify subsets of particular patients that do not reflect everyday clinical reality. Furthermore, the symptoms characterising FM overlap with those of many other conditions classified in a different manner. Over the last few years, this has led to FM being considered less as a clinical entity and more as a possible manifestation of alterations in the psychoneuroendocrine system (the spectrum of affective disorders) or the stress reaction system (dysfunctional symptoms). More recently, doubts have been raised about even these classifications; and it now seems more appropriate to include FM among the central sensitisation syndromes, which identify the main pathogenetic mechanism as the cause of skeletal and extra-skeletal symptoms of FM and other previously defined "dysfunctional" syndromes

    Fibromyalgia syndrome : the pharmacological treatment options

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    Pharmacological treatment has been gradually enriched by a variety of compounds; however, no single drug is capable of fully managing the constellation of fibromyalgia (FM) symptoms. Currently, it is not possible to draw definite conclusions concerning the best pharmacological approach to managing FM because results of randomized clinical trials present methodological limitations and therapeutic programs are too heterogeneous for adequate comparison. However, a variety of pharmacological treatments including antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), opioids, sedatives, muscle relaxants and antiepileptics have been used to treat FM with varying results. In this review, we will evaluate those pharmacological therapies that have produced the most significant clinical results in treating FM patients. The nature of FM suggests that an individualized, multimodal approach that includes both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies seems to be the most appropriate treatment strategy to date

    Symptoms and signs in fibromyalgia syndrome

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    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) is a common chronic pain condition that affects at least 2% of the adult population. Chronic widespread pain is the defining feature of FM, but patients may also exhibit a range of other symptoms, including sleep disturbance, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and mood disorders. The etiology of FM is not completely understood and the syndrome is influenced by factors such as stress, medical illness, and a variety of pain conditions. Establishing diagnosis may be difficult because of the multifaceted nature of the syndrome and overlap with other chronically painful conditions. A unifying hypothesis is that FM results from sensitization of the central nervous system; this new concept could justify the variety of characteristics of the syndrome. FM symptoms can be musculoskeletal, non-musculoskeletal, or a combination of both; and many patients will also experience a host of associated symptoms or conditions. The ACR classification criteria focus only on pain and disregard other important symptoms; but three key features, pain, fatigue and sleep disturbance, are present in virtually every patient with FM. Several other associated syndromes, including circulatory, nervous, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems are probably a part of the so called central sensitivity or sensitization syndrome. A minority subgroup of patients (30-40%) has a significant psychological disturbance. Psychological factors are an important determinant of any type of pain, and psychological comorbidity is frequent in FM. Psychiatric disorders most commonly described are mood disorders, but psychiatric illness is not a necessary factor in the etiopathogenesis of FM
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