32 research outputs found

    Tropical Isabella grape juices: bioactive compounds and antioxidant power depends on harvest season.

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    Grapes are important sources of antioxidants compounds and one of the most used varieties to elaborate juices is 'Isabel', or 'Isabella', as it is called in North-America. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Isabella grape juices from the tropical semi-arid climate produced in Brazil on March and September, 2010. Total phenolics and anthocyanins were determined, as well as the antioxidant capacity by DPPH, FRAP and hydrophilic ORAC methods. Test T was used to compare statistical difference at 5% of significance level. As expected, the results showed that the season can play a significant role on phenolics content and antioxidant power. Polyphenols content in juices varied from 82.9 ± 0.92 to 102.2 ± 1.59 mg GAE 100 mL-1 and anthocyanins content ranged from 44.3 ± 2.01 to 129.5 ± 2.82 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside 100 mL-1. Regression analyses showed a high correlation of antioxidant capacity and anthocyanins content. Grapes from Sao Francisco River Valley demonstrated to be a good source of antioxidant for human diet

    Manejo da irrigação da Palma de óleo em fase inicial nas condições edafoclimáticas do Mato Grosso.

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    Com o propósito de avaliar a cultura da Palma de óleo sob diferentes condições de regime hídrico no estado de Mato grosso, foram conduzidos experimentos na área experimental da Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, no município de Sinop, MT, durante três períodos: dezembro de 2012 a abril 2013, maio de 2013 a setembro de 2013 e outubro 2013 a dezembro de 2013. No primeiro experimento foram avaliados quatro níveis de depleção de água no solo (10, 20, 30 e 40% da disponibilidade total de água no solo) nas parcelas e com dois cultivares (BRS C2501 e BRS C2528) nas subparcelas. No segundo experimento avaliaram-se dois sistemas de cultivo (sequeiro e irrigado) nas parcelas e dois cultivares (BRS C2501 e BRS C2528) nas subparcelas. Os caracteres morfológicos avaliados foram: Diâmetro de projeção de copa (DPC), número de folhas (NF) e largura foliar (LF). No período de dezembro de 2012 a abril de 2013 (chuvoso 1) não ocorreu diferença significativa entre as cultivares de Palma de óleo e entre os quatro níveis de depleção de água. No período de maio de 2013 a setembro de 2013, avaliando as características de DPC, NF e LF em dois cultivares de Palma de óleo nos sistemas com e sem irrigação foram observadas diferença significativa para todas as características. Como conclusão, considera-se que o aporte de irrigação é necessário para a região de Sinop - MT, visto que as médias de desenvolvimento das cultivares avaliadas foram superiores para os tratamentos irrigados.bitstream/item/206633/1/2018-cpamt-quitete-manejo-irrigacao-palma-oleo-condicoes-edafoclimaticas-mt.pd

    Outcropping analogs and multiscale fracture patterns in the Jandaíra formation

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    Outcropping analogs can provide key information on the 3D organization of fracture networks affecting carbonate reservoirs. Such information, however, needs to be integrated in a consistent work flow which includes i) 3D geometric model of the reservoir architecture, ii) mechanic modeling to determine areas of fracturing, iii) characterization of fracture networks, iv) determination of fracture-related permeability in small representative volumes and v) fluid flow simulations. Fracture networks have been recently analysed from km-scale pavements of the Jandaira Formation in NE Brazil. Combining images from a drone with outcrop analysis and thin section we present the first multiscale characterization of the fracture field affecting the shallow water carbonates.Geoscience & EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Fracturing and fluid-flow during post-rift subsidence in carbonates of the Jandaira Formation, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil

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    Pervasive fracture networks are common in many reservoir-scale carbonate bodies even in the absence of large deformation and exert a major impact on their mechanical and flow behaviour. The Upper Cretaceous Jandaíra Formation is a few hundred meters thick succession of shallow water carbonates deposited during the early post-rift stage of the Potiguar rift (NE Brazil). The Jandaíra Formation in the present onshore domain experienced 1000 km2. The carbonates have a gentle, 400–500 m. Deformation was accommodated by a dense network of sub-vertical mode I and hybrid fractures associated with sub-vertical stylolites developed in a stress field characterised by a sub-horizontal σ1 and sub-vertical σ2. The development of a network of hybrid fractures, rarely reported in the literature, activated the circulation of waters charged in the mountainous region, flowing along the porous Açu sandstone underlying the Jandaíra carbonates and rising to the surface through the fractured carbonates. With persisting subsidence, carbonates reached depths of 800–900 m entering a depth interval characterised by a sub-vertical σ1. At this stage, sub-horizontal stylolites developed liberating calcite which sealed the sub-vertical open fractures transforming them in veins and preventing further flow. During Tertiary exhumation, several of the pre-existing veins and stylolites opened and became longer, and new fractures were created typically with the same directions of the older features. The simplicity of our model suggests that most rocks in passive margin settings might have followed a similar evolution and thus display similar structures