9,455 research outputs found

    Teaching Nutrition and Health in the Urban-Science Classroom A Blended-Approach to Culturally Relevant, and Problem Based Learning.

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    Education has been seen as the means for all young people to receive equal opportunities, however our current system of education does not currently set up all young people to have similar achievements in the field of science. Young people from urban and impoverished backgrounds are less likely to see value or purpose in their science education. For this reason it is my belief that something needs to change in the way we educate urban youth in the field science. This project aims to unite currently supported practices and theories in to a cohesive educational unit. This unit will pull from multiple research supported theories and combine them in a unique manner to create a new experience for urban students with in the context of nutrition and human body systems. This unit will unite the notion that urban students value inquiry more than their suburban peers (Sandoval & Harven 2011), with an approach that values the unique funds of knowledge within a diverse urban classroom (Moll& Greenberg 1990). In addition an students will complete an end of the unit project that aligns itself with social justice theory (Esposito, J. & Swain 2009), and problem-based learning (Bouillion & Gomez 2001). Using a variety of techniques and researched based theories within a single unit of study will best address the engagement based issues within the urban science classroom

    Organic matter in forest arrangements within the Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration System in Mato Grosso State.

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    In Mato Grosso State, the main objectives of this integration are the shading provided to the animals, the improvement in the pastures? fertility, and the availability of wood for use at the property

    Pericentromeric heterochromatin is hierarchically organized and spatially contacts H3K9me2 islands in euchromatin.

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    Membraneless pericentromeric heterochromatin (PCH) domains play vital roles in chromosome dynamics and genome stability. However, our current understanding of 3D genome organization does not include PCH domains because of technical challenges associated with repetitive sequences enriched in PCH genomic regions. We investigated the 3D architecture of Drosophila melanogaster PCH domains and their spatial associations with the euchromatic genome by developing a novel analysis method that incorporates genome-wide Hi-C reads originating from PCH DNA. Combined with cytogenetic analysis, we reveal a hierarchical organization of the PCH domains into distinct territories. Strikingly, H3K9me2-enriched regions embedded in the euchromatic genome show prevalent 3D interactions with the PCH domain. These spatial contacts require H3K9me2 enrichment, are likely mediated by liquid-liquid phase separation, and may influence organismal fitness. Our findings have important implications for how PCH architecture influences the function and evolution of both repetitive heterochromatin and the gene-rich euchromatin

    Soil P, K, and Al contents in a Crop-Livestock-Forest integration system in Mato Grosso State.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil P, K, and Al contents in a CLFi system established in Nova Canaã do Norte-MT, Brazil

    Influence of aerosol and surface reflectance variability on hyperspectral observed radiance

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    Current aerosol retrievals based on visible and near infrared remote-sensing, are prone to loss of accuracy, where the assumptions of the applied algorithm are violated. This happens mostly over land and it is related to misrepresentation of specific aerosol conditions or surface properties. New satellite missions, based on high spectral resolution instruments, such as PRISMA (Hyperspectral Precursor of the Application Mission), represent a valuable opportunity to improve the accuracy of τ<sup>a</sup><sub>550</sub> retrievable from a remote-sensing system developing new atmospheric measurement techniques. This paper aims to address the potential of these new observing systems in more accurate retrieving τ<sup>a</sup><sub>550</sub>, specifically over land in heterogeneous and/or homogeneous areas composed by dark and bright targets. The study shows how the variation of the hyperspectral observed radiance can be addressed to recognise a variation of Δτ<sup>a</sup><sub>550</sub> = 0.02. The goal has been achieved by using simulated radiances by combining two aerosol models (urban and continental) and two reflecting surfaces: dark (represented by water) and bright (represented by sand) for the PRISMA instrument, considering the environmental contribution of the observed radiance, i.e., the adjacency effect. Results showed that, in the continental regime, the expected instrument sensitivity would allow for retrieval accuracy of the aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm of 0.02 or better, with a dark surface surrounded by dark areas. The study also showed that for the urban regime, the surface plays a more significant role, with a bright surface surrounded by dark areas providing favourable conditions for the aerosol load retrievals, and dark surfaces representing less suitable situations for inversion independently of the surroundings. However, over all, the results obtained provide evidence that high resolution observations of Earth spectrum between 400 and 1000 nm would allow for a significant improvement of the accuracy of the τ<sup>a</sup><sub>550</sub> for anthropogenic/natural aerosols over land

    Spin-orbit-enhanced Wigner localization in quantum dots

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    We investigate quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the strongly-correlated regime. We show that the presence of the Rashba interaction enhances the Wigner localization in these systems, making it achievable for higher densities than those at which it is observed in Rashba-free quantum dots. Recurring shapes in the pair-correlated densities of the yrast spectrum, which might be associated with rotational and vibrational modes, are also reported.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    How much and for how long does the neonatal myocardium suffer from mild perinatal asphyxia?

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    Cardiac troponins can be useful in monitoring cardiac injury following perinatal distress. We report here an increase of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) to 2.84 microg/l at 3 weeks (age-related median: 0.07 microg/l) followed by normalization in a newborn with an uneventful clinical course after resuscitation at birth. Serial echocardiographs showed normal cardiac function. Such a time course of cTnI, not previously reported, could be due to either a greater sensitivity of biochemical markers than of instrumental tools or birth asphyxia. Larger studies are neede

    A highly conserved circular RNA is required to keep neural cells in a progenitor state in the mammalian brain

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    circSLC45A4 is the main RNA splice isoform produced from its genetic locus and one of the highest expressed circRNAs in the developing human frontal cortex. Knockdown of this highly conserved circRNA in a human neuroblastoma cell line is sufficient to induce spontaneous neuronal differentiation, measurable by increased expression of neuronal marker genes. Depletion of circSlc45a4 in the developing mouse cortex causes a significant reduction of the basal progenitor pool and increases the expression of neurogenic regulators. Furthermore, knockdown of circSlc45a4a induces a significant depletion of cells in the cortical plate. In addition, deconvolution of the bulk RNA-seq data with the help of single-cell RNA-seq data validates the depletion of basal progenitors and reveals an increase in Cajal-Retzius cells. In summary, we present a detailed study of a highly conserved circular RNA that is necessary to maintain the pool of neural progenitors in vitro and in vivo