1,439 research outputs found

    Pion-delta sigma-term

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    We use a configuration space chiral model in order to evaluate nucleon and delta sigma-terms. Analytic expressions are consistent with chiral counting rules and give rise to expected non-analytic terms in the chiral limit. We obtain the results σN=46\sigma_N=46 MeV and σΔ=32\sigma_{\Delta}=32 MeV, which are very close to values extracted from experiment and produced by other groups.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Efeito de porta-enxertos na produção de castanha de um clone de cajueiro-anão precoce.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar,a partir de um pomar comercial, o efeito de três porta-enxertos na produção de castanha do clone do cajueiro anão precoce.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5360/1/Ct-045.pd

    Biomass production of Piatã grass (Brachiaria Brizantha cv. Piatã) on different degree days in Brazilian Northeast.

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    Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã was released from a Brazilian breeding program of Brachiaria genus to be a new option of forage plant for use in grasslands. This cultivar has been presented interesting strategy to persist on higher temperatures and water stress and can be useful for systems when water is not available in high quantity. For this reason this trial aimed quantifies biomass production on different degree days in Brazilian Northeast. This research was carried out in cultivate irrigated Brachiaria pasture at Embrapa Goats and Sheep (3º 41'S e 40º 20'W). Four experimental treatments were evaluated: 250ºC, 500ºC, 750ºC and 1,000ºC of degree days. Experimental design used was block complete randomized, with subplots and four repetition by plot. Degree days were obtained from temperature data collected in automatic station, daily. When amount of degree days was get in each treatment, grasses were cut and taken weight to estimate total biomass (kg/ha). Part of forage was dried in oven (55ºC) to get dry matter perceptual and another part was separate in stems, leaves and death material. Parameters evaluated were total biomass production (TBP) in kg/ha, leaves biomass (LB) in kg/ha, stem biomass (SB) in kg/ha and death material (DM) kg/ha. Data was collect for four cycles during dry season in 2012. Data was submitted to variance analysis (F test, p<0.05) and regression. There were significant effects (p<0.05) from treatment to biomass total, leaves biomass and death material. All parameter presented a linear pattern (YTBP= 1.26x + 23.95; R²= 0.99; YLB=0.94 x + 82.91; R2 =0.98; YDM= 0.04x ? 3.51; R²= 0.84). There were significant effect of interaction cycle and treatment to steam production during cycles two (C2) (YC2SB= -54.49 + 0.18x e R²= 0.73) and three (C3) (YC3SB = -206.28 + 0.76x e R²= 0.85). Most biomass produced was 1,284 kg/ha in 1,000ºC. This result occurred about 30 days. During a complete dry season in Northeast Region estimated a total biomass production from Piatã grass about 10.3t/ha while in native vegetation is less than 2t. Small cultivate areas with Brachiaria Piatã can produce forage sufficient to reduce grazing pasture in large native areas especially during dry season. 80% of forage total produced was basically leaves. Leaves are most nutritive part of plant. Piatã grass presented a high capacity to produce leaves in dry and high temperature environments. Most stem production during cycle two was 125.51 kg/ha while cycle three was 553.72kg/ha. During cycle three was observed increase cloudiness, probably affected stem production. Finally, There was produced just 36,5kg/ha death material in 1,000ºC. There is a linear effect of degree day on biomass production until 1,000ºC in Brazilian Northeast

    Crossing Symmetry Violation of Unitarized Pion-Pion Amplitude in the Resonance Region

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    Pion-pion scattering amplitude obtained from one-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) is crossing symmetric, however the corresponding partial wave amplitudes do not respect exact unitarity relation. There are different approaches to get unitarized partial wave amplitudes from ChPT. Here we consider the inverse amplitude method (IAM) that is often used to fit pion-pion phase shifts to experimental data, by adjusting free parameters. We measure the amount of crossing symmetry violation (CSV) in this case and we show that crossing symmetry is badly violated by the IAM unitarized ChPT amplitude in the resonance region. Important CSV also occurs when all free parameters are set equal to zero.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Identificação e compatibilidade de espécies herbáceas nativas e BRS Piatã (Brachiaria Brizantha Cv. Piatã).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a compatibilidade entre uma gramínea exótica e o pasto nativo, através da produção de biomassa dos componentes do pasto e da identificação da presença de espécies de dicotiledôneas herbáceas, em uma área cultivada com BRS Piatã manejado sob diferentes graus dia.bitstream/item/142537/1/CNPC-2015-Identificacao-e-compatibilidade.pd

    Efeito do tipo de parto sobre o perfil parasitológico de ovelhas da raça Morada Nova no período de lactação.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse estudo, avaliar o efeito do tipo de parto sobre o perfil parasitológico de ovelhas da raça Morada Nova (MN) no periodo de lactação. Foram utilizadas 20 fêmeas em lactação. Os animais tinham idade entre dois e seis anos e foram distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais, constituídos por 10 animais cada um: fêmeas com partos duplos e fêmeas com partos simples, naturalmente infectadas com nematódeos gastritestinais e mantidas no mesmo sistema de manejo. Quinzenalmente foram submetidas a avaliação do grau de anemia pelo cartão FAMACHA e coletadas fezes para contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e sangue para determinar os níveis de proteína plasmática total (PPT) e volume globular (VG). As matrizes de parto simples apresentaram menor percentual de volume globular e valores superiores de PPT, FAMACHA e OPG, em relação as do grupo parto duplo. No teste de correlação das variáveis, os resultados obtidos em conjunto para os dois tipos de partos foram negativos para: VG e OPG (r= -0,423), PPT e OPG (r= -0,361) e positivo para VG e PPT (r= 0,349). Conclui-se que o tipo de parto influenciou no percentual de volume globular e na proteína plasmática total de matrizes da raça Morada Nova no período de lactação. Effect of tipy of partum on the parasitological profile of Morada Nova sheep during lactation Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of partum type on the parasitology profile of ewes of breed Morada Nova (MN) in the period of lactation. Twenty females in lactation were utilized. The animals were between two and six years old, and they were distributed in two experimental groups of 10 animals each one: females with doubles partum and females with simple partum, naturally infected with nematodes gastrointestinal and kept in the same management system. The anemia degree of animals was evaluated each two weeks using FAMACHA card, and samples of feces were colected to counts eggs per gram of feces (EPG). Samples of blood were colected to detect the levels of plasma protein total (PPT) and globular volume (GV). The females of simple partum showed a lower globular volume and higher values to PPT, FMACHA and EPG, in relation to the group of double partum. In the correlation between the variables, the results obtained combined with the two types of partum were negative to: VG and EPG (r= -0,423), PPT and EPG (r= -0.361), and were positive to VG and PPT (r=0.349). It is concluded that the partum type influence the percentage of globular volume and protein plasmatic total of females of Morada Nova breed in lactation period

    Agro-climatic suitability and water requirement for Tanzania guineagrass cultivation in the State of Ceará.

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    Abstracts: This study aimed to define areas suitable, and the irrigation water requirement for, cultivation of Tanzania guineagrass in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Tanzania guineagrass yield was estimated by a mathematical model, which considers the crop actual evapotranspiration, resulting from the crop climatological water balance. The water requirement throughout the year was estimated for soils with a water holding capacity of 20 (shallow soils), 40 (sandy soils), 60 (soils with medium texture) and 100 mm (clay soils). The relative frequency of occurrence of monthly productions greater than 2,750 kg DM ha-1 month-1 was obtained for different areas in Ceará, representative of most of the state's economic mesoregions. Tanzania guineagrass annual yields in the state of Ceará were between 20,000-30,000 kg DM ha-1 year-1 . During the rainy season, the productive potential varies with the economic mesoregion, which presents different climatic conditions. The state of Ceará is only suitable for the rainfed production of Tanzania guineagrass for 4 months each year, predominantly from February to May, while weather conditions do not favor the development of this grass in the remaining months. [Agro-climatic suitability and water requirement for Tanzania guineagrass cultivation in the State of Ceará]. Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho foi delimitar áreas aptas e o requerimento hídrico de irrigação para cultivo do capim Tanzânia no estado do Ceará. A produtividade do capim Tanzânia foi obtida a partir de um modelo matemático que assume os valores da evapotranspiração real, resultante do balanço hídrico climatológico da cultura. A necessidade hídrica para reposição de água ao longo do ano para solos com capacidade de água disponível de 20 (solos rasos), 40 (solos arenosos), 60 (solos de textura média) e 100 mm (solos argilosos). A partir da TAMS obteve-se a frequência relativa de ocorrência de produtividade mensal em diferentes municípios Cearense. Os valores de produtividade do capim Tanzânia no estado do Ceará predominaram entre 20.000 e 30.000 kg MS ha-1 ano-1. Durante os meses chuvosos o potencial produtivo varia em função da mesorregião econômica, as quais apresentam condições climáticas distintas. Portanto, o estado do Ceará possui aptidão para produção do capim Tanzânia, sob regime de sequeiro, durante apenas quatro meses, predominantemente, de fevereiro a maio, sendo que as condições climáticas não favorecem o desenvolvimento do capim nos demais meses

    Physical and Quality Seed Traits Observed in New Pigeon Pea (\u3cem\u3eCajanus Cajan\u3c/em\u3e) Hybrids

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    Pigeon pea seed production may be affected by factors such as % of pure seeds, mean seed weight, incidence of pests and diseases and environmental stresses. Harvested seeds from different cultivars may also vary in germination %, hardseededness and germination speed. Hardseededness (seed coat impermeability to water) commonly occurs in forage legume species (Hopkinson, 1993). There is considerable variation among different entries for seed characters but this is not considered within genetic materials. This research analysed harvested seeds of selected individuals of two segregating F2 pigeon pea populations for the above cited traits and assessed the range of variation for them resulting from the hybridisation process