875 research outputs found

    Efeito de porta-enxertos na produção de castanha de um clone de cajueiro-anão precoce.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar,a partir de um pomar comercial, o efeito de três porta-enxertos na produção de castanha do clone do cajueiro anão precoce.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5360/1/Ct-045.pd

    Características estruturais do capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia) sob diferentes somas térmicas.

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    Resumo: Fatores climáticos como temperatura têm grande importância no crescimento das plantas forrageiras, influenciando o acúmulo de forragem a distribuição estacional da produção. O objetivo foi quantificar características estruturais do capim-tanzânia em diferentes somas térmicas. O experimento foi conduzido em área semiárida, os tratamentos foram as somas térmicas: 250ºC, 500ºC, 750ºC e 1000ºC. As variáveis analisadas foram: altura do pasto, índice de área foliar, interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, massa de forragem total e todos os seus componentes (folha, colmo e material senescente). As temperaturas médias foram de 27 a 29º C, sendo as máximas de 32º C a 37º C e mínimas de 21º C a 22º C O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas. Todas as variáveis, exceto relação material vivo: material morto (MV/MM) apresentaram um comportamento linear crescente, sendo as maiores produções de biomassa de 4934 kg/ha, estimadas aos 1.000o. MV/MM teve comportamento linear decrescente, sendo os maiores valores encontrados na soma térmica de 250º C. A estrutura do pasto aos 1000º C (ou 40 dias) apresentou características de altura e número de folhas compatível com pastejo para bovinos, enquanto para caprinos e ovinos as características estruturais foram mais adequadas foram aos 463º C (ou 21 dias). O acumulo total de forragem aos 1000º C foi de 4934 kg de matéria seca por hectare para condições de temperaturas estudadas. [Structural characteristics of Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia) on different daily caloric sum]. Abstract: Climatic aspects as temperature are important to forage growth as they affect herbage accumulation as well as the seasonal distribution. These work aimed quantify structural characteristics of guinea grass on different daily caloric sum. Experiment was carried out in semi arid land conditions, Treatments were daily caloric sum: 250ºC, 500ºC, 750ºC e 1000ºC. Variables analyzed were sward height, leaf area index, interception of photosynthetically active radiation, total forage mass and their components (leaves, stem, and death material). Average temperature ranged 27 - 29º C, higher temperature ranged 32º C - 37º C and lower temperature was between 21o -22o C. Experimental design was block complete randomized in split plot. All variables presented a linear increase regression (P<0.05), except relation between live material: death material that had presented a linear decreasing regression (P<0.05). Higher forage production was estimated in 4934 kg/ha on 1000oC condition. Higher relation live material: death material was observed on 250o C. Structural characteristics of pasture on 1000oC (40 days) was more adequate to cattle grazing than small ruminants that got a better grazing condition on 463oC (21 days). Total biomass on 1000oC was estimated in 4934 dry matter kg per hectare on temperature conditions studied it

    Taxa de bocado de caprinos leiteiros em pasto de capim-tifton 85 (Cynodon spp ) manejado sob diferentes intensidades de adubação.

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    A oferta de forragem de melhor qualidade no manejo intensivo do pasto, adubado com 600kg N/ha ano, reduziu a taxa de bocado melhorando a eficiência de colheita e possivelmente de consumo de caprinos leiteiros em pastejo

    Efeito do manejo do pastejo sobre a taxa de bocado de caprinos leiteiros em pastagem de capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia).

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    A oferta de forragem de melhor qualidade no manejo intensivo reduz a taxa de bocado melhorando a eficiência de colheita e consumo do animal em pastejo

    Efeito da intensidade de uso do pasto sobre a densidade populacional de perfilhos.

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    Adubações com altas doses de nitrogênio podem não refletir em aumentos na densidade populacional de perfilhos, pelo fato de nessas condições haver limitações fisiológicas que afetam características morfogênicas, como o aparecimento e alongamento de folhas, favorecendo densidades menores, porém com perfilhos de maior tamanho

    Atividade nematicida in vitro de resíduos agroindustriais.

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    O trabalho objetivou avaliar a atividade nematicida de extratos da torta de mamona e do bagaço de uva, resíduos agroindustriais da produção de biodiesel e vinho, respectivamente

    Forage yield, structural responses and chemical composition of spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana in different water depths and irrigation frequencies.

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    The objective was to evaluate the effects of water depths and irrigation frequencies on structural responses, forage yield and chemical composition of spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM) (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw), in adensed crop system. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in subdivided plots (3x4) with 4 replicates. The water depths were (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of ETc - crop evapotranspiration) and three water application frequencies (7; 14 and 28 days between irrigations). There was interaction for water use efficiency (WUE) and plant dry mass. Increasing water depths reduced WUE for all irrigation frequencies and plant dry mass was lower for 7 days compared to 14 and 28 days in 25% ETc. Greater water depths increased linearly the plant height and plant width. First and second order cladode length, second order cladode dry mass (kg), fresh mass yield (FMY) (kg ha-1) and dry mass yield (DMY) (kg ha-1) had a quadratic response with the increase in water depth. The FMY and DMY increased up to 77% and 75% ETc, respectively. Irrigation frequency (28 days) promoted greater first order cladode length and cladode dry mass compared to 7 days. Cladode thickness in plant and basal cladode thickness were greater for 7 days compared to 28 days and 14 and 28 days, respectively, without influence on FMY and DMY. Irrigation frequencies from 7 to 28 days promotes similar forage production and water depths up to 77% ETc favors the forage yield for spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana receiving supplemental irrigation

    Biomass flow in Tifton-85 bermudagrass canopy subjected to different management strategies under rotational grazing with dairy goats.

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    Biomass flow characteristics and forage accumulation were evaluated in Bermudagrass (Tifton 85) pasture managed under intermittent stocking with different management strategies. The management levels utilized were conventional (10 cm residual height and unfertilized), light (20 cm residual height and unfertilized), moderate (20 cm residual height with fertilization of 300 kg N/ha.year) and intensive (10 cm residual height with fertilization of 600 kg N/ha.year). A randomized design was used with repeated measurements over time, in two periods of the year, with four replicates. There was significant effect of management × period of the year on the leaf elongation rate (LER). The management levels under fertilization (0.59 and 0.60 cm/tiller.day for the intensive and moderate management, respectively) and the rainy season (0.49 cm/tiller.day) showed the greatest stem elongation rate. Leaf senescence rate (LSR) before and after and total LSR were modified by the management × period of the year interaction. The intensive management, with 0.38 leaves/tiller.day, as well as the dry period, with 0.27 leaves/tiller.day, showed higher leaf appearance rate. The lowest phyllochron was observed in intensive management and dry periods, as well as an interaction with the management of the same periods of the year. There was management × period of year interaction effect on leaf lifespan; the highest value was found under conventional management and dry period. Both production and forage accumulation rates were higher in the intensive and moderate management levels and dry season, and there was interaction of the intensive management system with the seasons. Managing pastures under moderate and intensive rotational stocking, which occurred mainly in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively, maximizes the flow of tissues and consequently production and accumulation of forage