30,429 research outputs found

    The SEALS Yardsticks for Ontology Management

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    This paper describes the rst SEALS evaluation campaign over ontology engineering tools (i.e., the SEALS Yardsticks for Ontology Management). It presents the dierent evaluation scenarios dened to evaluate the conformance, interoperability and scalability of these tools, and the test data used in these scenarios

    Comment on ``Kepler problem in Dirac theory for a particle with position-dependent mass''

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    Based on easy-to-follow considerations it is not difficult to be vehemently opposed not only the solutions found in that paper but also the conclusions manifested there.Comment: 4 page

    Detection of magnetic field in the B2 star ρ\rho Oph A with ESO FORS2

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    Circumstantial evidence suggests that magnetism and enhanced X-ray emission are likely correlated in early B-type stars: similar fractions of them (∌\sim 10 %) are strong and hard X-ray sources and possess strong magnetic fields. It is also known that some B-type stars have spots on their surface. Yet up to now no X-ray activity associated with spots on early-type stars was detected. In this Letter we report the detection of a magnetic field on the B2V star ρ\rho Oph A. Previously, we assessed that the X-ray activity of this star is associated with a surface spot, herewith we establish its magnetic origin. We analyzed FORS2 ESO VLT spectra of ρ\rho Oph A taken at two epochs and detected a longitudinal component of the magnetic field of order of ∌500\sim500 G in one of the datasets. The detection of the magnetic field only at one epoch can be explained by stellar rotation which is also invoked to explain observed periodic X-ray activity. From archival HARPS ESO VLT high resolution spectra we derived the fundamental stellar parameters of ρ\rho Oph A and further constrained its age. We conclude that ρ\rho Oph A provides strong evidence for the presence of active X-ray emitting regions on young magnetized early type stars.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, accepted as a "Letter to the Editor" to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Formation of X-ray emitting stationary shocks in magnetized protostellar jets

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    X-ray observations of protostellar jets show evidence of strong shocks heating the plasma up to temperatures of a few million degrees. In some cases, the shocked features appear to be stationary. They are interpreted as shock diamonds. We aim at investigating the physics that guides the formation of X-ray emitting stationary shocks in protostellar jets, the role of the magnetic field in determining the location, stability, and detectability in X-rays of these shocks, and the physical properties of the shocked plasma. We performed a set of 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations modelling supersonic jets ramming into a magnetized medium and explored different configurations of the magnetic field. The model takes into account the most relevant physical effects, namely thermal conduction and radiative losses. We compared the model results with observations, via the emission measure and the X-ray luminosity synthesized from the simulations. Our model explains the formation of X-ray emitting stationary shocks in a natural way. The magnetic field collimates the plasma at the base of the jet and forms there a magnetic nozzle. After an initial transient, the nozzle leads to the formation of a shock diamond at its exit which is stationary over the time covered by the simulations (~ 40 - 60 yr; comparable with time scales of the observations). The shock generates a point-like X-ray source located close to the base of the jet with luminosity comparable with that inferred from X-ray observations of protostellar jets. For the range of parameters explored, the evolution of the post-shock plasma is dominated by the radiative cooling, whereas the thermal conduction slightly affects the structure of the shock.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Unstable particles versus resonances in impurity systems, conductance in quantum wires

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    We compute the DC conductance for a homogeneous sine-Gordon model and an impurity system of Luttinger liquid type by means of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and standard potential scattering theory. We demonstrate that unstable particles and resonances in impurity systems lead to a sharp increase of the conductance as a function of the temperature, which is characterized by the Breit-Wigner formula.Comment: 5 pages Latex, 1 figure replaced, version to appear in J. Phys.

    Astrophysical parameters and orbital solution of the peculiar X-ray transient IGR J00370+6122

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    BD+6073 is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source IGR J00370+6122, a probable accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. The X-ray light curve of this binary system shows clear periodicity at 15.7 d, which has been interpreted as repeated outbursts around the periastron of an eccentric orbit. We obtained high-resolution spectra of BD+6073 at different epochs. We used the FASTWind code to generate a stellar atmosphere model to fit the observed spectrum and obtain physical magnitudes. The synthetic spectrum was used as a template for cross-correlation with the observed spectra to measure radial velocities. The radial velocity curve provided an orbital solution for the system. We have also analysed the RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT light curves to confirm the stability of the periodicity. BD +6073 is a BN0.7 Ib low-luminosity supergiant located at an approximate distance of 3.1 kpc, in the CasOB4 association. We derive Teff=24000 K and log gc=3.0, and chemical abundances consistent with a moderately high level of evolution. The spectroscopic and evolutionary masses are consistent at the 1 sigma level with a mass of 15 solar masses. The recurrence time of the X-ray flares is the orbital period of the system. The NS is in a high eccentricity (e=0.56) orbit, and the X-ray emission is strongly peaked around orbital phase 0.2, though the observations are consistent with some level of X-ray activity happening at all orbital phases. The X-ray behaviour of IGR J00370+6122 is reminiscent of intermediate SFXTs, though its peak luminosity is rather low. The orbit is somewhat wider than those of classical persistent supergiant X-ray binaries, which, combined with the low luminosity of the mass donor, explains the low X-ray luminosity. IGR J00370+6122 will likely evolve towards a persistent supergiant system, highlighting the evolutionary connection between different classes of wind-accreting X-ray sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Universal scaling of current fluctuations in disordered graphene

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    We analyze the full transport statistics of graphene with smooth disorder at low dopings. First we consider the case of 1D disorder for which the transmission probability distribution is given analytically in terms of the graphene-specific mean free path. All current cumulants are shown to scale with system parameters (doping, size, disorder strength and correlation length) in an identical fashion for large enough systems. In the case of 2D disorder, numerical evidence is given for the same kind of identical scaling of all current cumulants, so that the ratio of any two such cumulants is universal. Specific universal values are given for the Fano factor, which is smaller than the pseudodiffusive value of ballistic graphene (F=1/3) both for 1D (F=0.243) and 2D (F=0.295) disorder. On the other hand, conductivity in wide samples is shown to grow without saturation as \sqrt{L} and Log L with system length L in the 1D and 2D cases respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Published version, includes corrected figure for Fano facto

    Nambu-Goto Strings from SU(N) Born-Infeld model

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    The spectrum of quenched Yang-Mills theory in the large-N limit displays strings and higher dimensional extended objects. The effective dynamics of string-like excitations is encoded into area preserving Schild action. In this letter, we bridge the gap between SU(N) gauge models and fully reparametrization invariant Nambu-Goto string models by introducing an extra matrix degree of freedom in the Yang-Mills action. In the large-N limit this matrix variable becomes the world-sheet auxiliary field allowing a smooth transition between the Schild and Nambu-Goto strings. The new improved matrix model we propose here can be extended to p-branes provided we enlarge the dimensionality of the target spacetime.Comment: 11pages, no figures, LateX2e; added discussio
