20 research outputs found

    Molecular diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis: comparison of four analytical procedures

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    We compared the analytical accuracy, times, costs and the detection rate of four procedures for the molecular analysis of cystic fibrosis (CF). DNA from 127 subjects bearing different genotypes was tested by denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis followed by sequencing (reference procedure) and, for comparison, by ASO dot-blot (in-house), reverse dot-blot (Innogenetics), ARMS (Zeneca Diagnostics) and OLA-PCR (PE Applied Biosystem). To assess inter-observer variability, all samples were tested twice. To evaluate intra- and between-series variability, two samples were tested twice in each series. All the procedures yielded reproducible results and assigned the correct genotype to each sample. ASO dot-blot is the cheapest procedure but has the longest analytical time (> 24 h) and uses radioactive labeling. It can be adapted to analyze peculiar mutations in specific ethnic groups. ARMS from Zeneca Diagnostics is rapid (4 h), easy to perform, but, except for the AF508 mutation, does not distinguish the homozygote from the heterozygote genotype. It could be used for carrier analysis in families with known mutations. OLA-PCR has the highest detection rate in most ethnic groups, is automated for capillary electrophoresis but requires a high level of operator expertise: it is suitable when collected series of samples are analyzed from large patient cohorts. Reverse dot-blot is easy to perform and can be semiautomated: it can be used as first-line screening test. Given the heterogeneity of CF mutations, commercial kits should be developed to analyze mutations peculiar to specific ethnic groups

    Antiproliferative effects of tocopherols (vitamin E) on murine glioma C6 cells: homologue-specific control of PKC/ERK and cyclin signaling

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    Chemoprevention strategies for brain tumors (specifically gliomas) are few and surprisingly poorly investigated. We have studied the effects of tocopherols (TOCs; vitamin E) on proliferation and death processes of murine glioma C6 cells. These vitamers showed different cell uptake and concentration- and time-dependent inhibitory effects on cell growth that were significant at the lowest concentrations tested (1-10 microM). However, the inhibitory potency of TOCs seemed to reflect at least in part their actual cell concentrations at steady state, with the order of magnitude gamma-TOC >or= alpha-TOC > delta-TOC approximately or = beta-TOC. Moreover, for extracellular concentrations >or=10 microM, TOCs also showed a significant cytotoxic effects due mainly to necrosis, while apoptosis was negligible. Gamma-TOC (the form showing preferential cell uptake and lowest unspecific cytotoxicity) was the most effective inhibitor of cell cycle progression (arrest in G0/G1 phase) leading to lowered expression of cyclin E and cyclin-dependent kinases 2 and 4 and overexpression of p27 (specific inhibitor of S-phase entering). According to these signals, activated ERK1/2 and PKC upstream and Rb phosphorylation downstream were decreased. In conclusion, within TOCs the gamma form exerts the most potent and specific control of cell cycle progression in C6 cells (cytostatic effect). This suggests a chemopreventive role of this form of vitamin E in glioma

    Motor coordination and synaptic plasticity deficits are associated with increased cerebellar activity of NADPH oxidase, CAMKII, and PKC at preplaque stage in the TgCRND8 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Numerous studies indicate that the cerebellum undergoes structural and functional neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of cerebellar alterations at early, preplaque stage of the pathology in TgCRND8 mice through behavioral, electrophysiological, and molecular analysis. Balance beam test and foot-printing analysis revealed significant motor coordination and balance deficits in 2-month-old TgCRND8 mice compared to their littermates. Patch-clamp recordings performed on cerebellar slices of transgenic mice showed synaptic plasticity deficit and loss of noradrenergic modulation at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapse suggesting an early dysfunction of the cerebellar circuitry due to amyloid precursor protein overexpression. Finally, western blot analysis revealed an enhanced expression of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase subunits p47phoxand p67phoxas well as Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C alpha in the cerebellum of 2-month-old transgenic mice. Therefore, we propose the existence of self-sustaining feedback loop involving the formyl peptide receptor 2-reactive oxygen species-Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-protein kinase C alpha pathway that may promote reactive oxygen species generation in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease and eventually contribute to the exacerbation of pathological phenotype

    Avaliação quĂ­mica e nutricional do queijo mozzarella e iogurte de leite de bĂșfala Chemical and nutritional evaluation of mozzarella cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a composição quĂ­mica e nutricional do queijo e iogurte elaborados com leite de bĂșfala e comparados com aqueles elaborados com leite de vaca. Dos resultados obtidos foram obtidas as seguintes conclusĂ”es: o queijo tipo mozzarella e o iogurte elaborado com leite de bĂșfala apresentaram nĂ­veis superiores em proteĂ­na, gordura, cinzas, cĂĄlcio e fĂłsforo, estando relacionados com a composição quĂ­mica inicial do leite. Os nĂ­veis de digestibilidade in vitro dos queijos tipo mozzarella e iogurte de leite de bĂșfala apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos elaborados com leite de vaca, indicando nĂ­veis adequados de digestibilidade para consumo humano.<br>The chemical and nutritional compositions of cheese and yogurt made from buffalo and cow milk were compared. The following conclusions were obtained: mozzarella type cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk exhibited higher content of protein, fat, minerals, calcium and phosphorus when compared to those made from cow milk; in vitro digestibility tests of mozzarella type cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk were similar to those of cow milk, indicantig suitable digestibility levels for human consumption