178 research outputs found

    Maps and multimedia tool for the environmental tourism in protected areas of the Modena Apennines (northern Italy)

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    This paper describes the characteristics, criteria and methodology used for the implementation of maps (Tourist-Environmental Maps) and a multimedia tool (CD-Rom) for the environmental tourism in protected areas located in hilly and mountain areas of the Apennines of Modena. The hilly area is the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano; the “Salse” are small mud volcanoes formed by emissions of salt water mixed with mud and pushed up by methane rising to the surface along ground discontinuities. The mountain sectors consist of the upper Tagliole Valley and Mt. Cimone area, located within the Frignano Park; they are mainly characterized by glacial and cryogenic and gravitational landforms and deposits.Geomorphological maps and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) have been produced. Geo-tourist maps were derived from the geomorphological maps; the geo-tourist maps combine the most evident geological/geomorphological features with fundamental tourist information. The goal was to produce maps that could be easily interpreted by tourists to help them understand the landscape.The geo-tourist maps and the DTM are the cartographic documents characterising tourist-environmental maps which are thematic pocket foldable maps printed on both sides with illustration notes both in English and Italian. In addition, the tourist-environmental maps contain a synoptic description of the geological, geomorphological, botanical and zoological aspects, accompanied by photographs and information on excursion trails, visitor centers, behaviour rules, refuges and restaurants and, finally, cultural and tourist attractions in the protected and surrounding areas. The CD-Rom consists in a digital multimedia gallery, produced in the 2007 for 25th anniversary of the Reserve of Salse di Nirano, that can be browsed like a web page. The CD-Rom is structured in five main units. A brief introduction, with the guide to the CD-Rom, is followed by the description of the Reserve. The core of the CD-Rom is represented by the scientific aspects (description of geology, geomorphology, flora and vegetation, fauna, fossils and climate). The other parts are dedicated to the tourist aspects (with a Geo-tourist map) and to a multimedia gallery that groups sound recordings, movies, photos plus a virtual flight. The CD-Rom contain several thematic maps which can be downloaded as PDF files. The tourist-environmental maps and CD-Rom form part of the initiatives taken by Public Boards to improve the knowledge, utilisation and appraisal of the environment of protected areas in the tourist sector

    Contributo alla definizione del limite tra evidenze di Neotettonica e fenomeni dovuti ad altre cause

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    Nel lavoro vengono illustrati vari ese,pi di ricerche a carattere geomorfologico che, in stretta connessione con dati di tipo geopedologico, geologico strutturale ecc., hanno messo in evidenza l'attivitĂ  o hanno escluso la presenza di elementi neotettonici lineari. Gli esempi descritti si trovano nell'Italia nord-orientale

    Leggere i paesaggi dell'Appennino Reggiano - Modenese

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    Il saggio si sviluppa in due parti. Nella prima parte vengono illustrati il concetto di Paesaggio e le cause che ne determinano l'aspetto. Nella seconda vengono descritti gli aspetti caratteristici dell'Appennino Reggiano - Modenese

    Appraisal of active deformation from drainage network and faults: inferences from non-linear analysis

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    This investigation reveals the relative susceptibility of the landscape to surface deformation by means of non-linear analysis of drainage network. The geometrical characteristics of the drainage network are quite capable of discriminating the impact of active tectonics. This study uses fractal dimension, lacunarity and succolarity techniques to demarcate numerous zones where the drainage network is tectonically controlled. Rose diagrams are used to compare drainage network orientation with the faults. This investigation is primarily based on the basic concept that the drainage network is subject to linearized and modify from its natural geometrical shape and orientation under the influence of tectonic activity. The areas with similar fractal dimension can be further discriminated by lacunarity and succolarity analysis. A detailed textural investigation of the drainage network (Strahler order „2) of Secchia, Panaro and Reno mountain river basins in northern Apennines, Italy is carried out to analyze the linearization, translational invariance and rotation of the stream patterns. The low fractal dimension values of Secchia, Panaro, Reno, Dragone, Dolo and Setta rivers indicate tectonically controlled drainage. The results reveal that the fractal dimension, lineament density and orientation analysis of drainage network and faults is a significant tool to pinpoint areas susceptible to active deformation

    Natural and anthropogenic agents in the present geomorphological dynamics of the Torrent Corlo mountain catchment (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The morphological changes affecting a small mountain catchment in the territory of Modena (Italy) have been taken into account. In particular, based on detailed field surveys and analysis of remote sensing imagery, an assessment was made on the natural and anthropogenic agents which have modelled this basin in the past 80 years. For several decades, the Torrent Corlo catchment was subject to intense exploitation of clay raw materials in order to supply a flourishing ceramic tile industry. As a result, a strong, negative impact has affected the landscape and, in some areas, the geomorphological evolution due to man’s activities greatly surpasses the changes ascribable to natural processes, such as landslides or stream channel processes. Since 2008, all quarrying activities have ceased and the local public administration has started a project of reclamation of the abandoned clay pits, although it will not be possible to restore completely the original, natural features of this catchment. A comparison is made with the sub-catchment Rio delle Vigne valley, which has been spared from anthropogenic changes and has been affected only by natural gravity-induced processes, which have produced some twelve landslides. The final products of this research are the implementation of the first geomorphological map of the T. Corlo mountain catchment and an updated version of the hydrological hazard map, in which active and dormant landslides are much more numerous than those mapped in any other previous geological map (s.l.). These documents can be utilized for any intervention by public boards aiming at recuperating and improving this intensely exploited area


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    The urban landscape of Oradea city is characterized by the presence of the Crişul Repede River and of the Renaissance Fortress. In the present study an interdisciplinary methodology for the diachronic study of the interrelationship between man and his landscape has been applied. The study of the paleorivers shows that the hydrographic network (the distinguishing and bonding element of the city) was subject to natural evolution and to human intervention. The knowledge of Oradea’s urban landscape represents a tool for rediscovering the geomorphological heritage, between use of resources and environmental conditioning. The relationship between fortress and rivers can be a chance for urban geotourism

    The Geoarchaeo-Tourist Map of the Territory of Otricoli (Umbria Region, Central Italy): Preliminary Notes.

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    This article illustrates the preliminary notes on the criteria and methods applied for implementing a GeoArchaeo-Tourist map of the territory of Otricoli. Otricoli is a village located in the south of the Umbria Region (Central Italy), on the eastern margin of the Apennine chain and the west bank of the River Tiber. Marine sediments (Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) and fluvial sediments (Early-Middle Pleistocene) covered by tuff rocks (Middle-Late Pleistocene) crop out in the area and control the physical forms of the landscape.By means of ArcGIS computer programme, a set of maps and three-dimensional visualizations have provided to represent the Otricoli natural landscape. The GeoArchaeo-Tourist map has been elaborating, integrating geological, geomorphological and archaeological aspects with the tourist infrastructure in order to obtain a document readable, simple, clear but scientifically accurate also for non-expert users. This map is an original cartographic elaboration in the field of geo-tourist thematic mapping.The main purpose of the GeoArchaeo-Tourist map is to favour the tourist to discover the Otricoli landscape and to promote its sustainable development

    Inquadramento geografico e caratteristiche delle Salse di Nirano

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    La Riserva Naturale Regionale delle Salse di Nirano (Comune di Fiorano Modenese) è stata la prima riserva naturale istituita nel 1982 dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna e, dal 2004, è anche un Sito di Importanza Comunitaria. Le Salse di Nirano rappresentano l’esempio più antico di vulcani di fango tutelati in Italia e ad oggi sono tra i meglio conservati d’Europa. Le salse sono delle emissioni di fango freddo prodotte dalla risalita in superficie di acqua salata e fangosa frammista a idrocarburi principalmente gassosi e, in piccola parte, liquidi prevalentemente lungo faglie e fratture del margine appenninico emiliano. La forma degli apparati dipende dalla tipologia dei fanghi estrusi, leggermente diversi tra loro dal punto di vista mineralogico e granulometrico. La morfologia è in continua evoluzione: nuove bocche si aprono mentre altre cessano la loro attività. Nel presente studio le salse sono state suddivise in otto gruppi identificati con una lettera da A a H, oltreché con una terminologia locale.Geographic setting and characteristics of the Nirano Mud Volcano Nature Reserve. The Regional Nature Reserve of the Nirano mud volcanoes (Fiorano Modenese, Italy) was the first nature reserve established in 1982 by the Emilia-Romagna Region and, since 2004, it is also a Site of Community Importance of the EU. The Nirano mud volcanoes are the oldest example of protected mud volcanoes in Italy and to date they are among the best preserved in Europe. These apparatuses are emissions of cold mud produced by the rising to the surface of salty and muddy water mixed with gaseous and, to a lesser extent, liquid hydrocarbons mainly along faults and joints of the Emilia pede-Apennine margin. The shape of the various apparatuses depends mostly on the characteristics of the extruded muds, which differ from the mineralogical and particle-size viewpoint. The morphology of mud volcanoes is in constant evolution: new vents are formed whereas others stop their activity. In this study, the Nirano mud volcanoes have been subdivided into eight groups, identified by means of a letter, from A to H, and also according to a local terminology

    Soil excavation as the main morphogenetic agent in the Torrent Corlo Valley (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    This work deals with morphological changes in the landscape of the valley of the Torrent Corlo from the mid-20th century to date caused by soil excavations. The study was carried out according to the traditional methods used in geomorphology as well as digital processing methods on maps and aerial photographs. The digital data available have been overlaid and compared using GIS software also by means of 3D elaborations in order to better appreciate the morphological features. The main stages of the evolutional trend determined by soil excavation are described and mapped. Finally, a detailed assessment is made of the fundamental role played by excavation activity as a morphogenetic agent of the T. Corlo Valley as well as its impact on the natural evolution of the landscape

    Rassegna di studi per la valorizzazione, promozione e fruizione in sicurezza della Riserva Naturale delle Salse di Nirano (Fiorano Modenese).

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    La Riserva Naturale Regionale delle Salse di Nirano è la prima riserva istituita in Regione Emilia Romagna nel 1982, dal 2004 è Sito di Importanza Comunitaria e dal 2016 geosito di rilevanza regionale. Le salse di Nirano rappresentano il fenomeno dei vulcani di fango più importante e meglio sviluppato dell'Italia intera. Da oltre una dozzina di anni l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e l’Amministrazione di Fiorano collaborano per la realizzazione di studi e materiali per la valorizzazione, promozione e fruizione in sicurezza della Riserva. Tra essi si ricordano in particolare: i) la Carta Turistico-Ambientale del 2004 aggiornata nel 2011; ii) il Convegno e il CD – Rom realizzati per festeggiare il 25° anniversario della Riserva; iii) lo studio interdisciplinare per la comprensione e l'analisi dei meccanismi geologici del fenomeno delle salse anche ai fini della fruizione in sicurezza dell'area integrale del campo di Nirano
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