72 research outputs found

    Potentialities of a Low Temperature Solar Heating System Based on Slurry Phase Change Materials (PCS)

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    AbstractFlat-plate solar thermal collectors are the most common devices to convert solar energy into heat. Water-based fluids are commonly adopted as heat carrier for this technology, although their efficiency is limited by some thermodynamic and heat storage constraints. To overcome some of these limitations, an innovative approach is the use of latent heat, which can be available by means of microencapsulated slurry PCMs (mixtures of microencapsulated Phase Change Materials, water and surfactants). The viscosity of these fluids is similar to that of water and they can be easily pumped. In the present work, some of the thermo-physical and rheological properties and material behaviour that interest flat-plate solar thermal collectors with slurry PCM as the heat carrier fluid are analysed. Concepts of solar thermal systems filled with a slurry phase change material are proposed and a prototypal system is presented. Possible advantages and drawbacks of this technology are also discussed

    Temporal and spatial modulation of Rho GTPases during in vitro formation of capillary vascular network. Adherens junctions and myosin light chain as targets of Rac1 and RhoA

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) self-organize into capillary networks when plated on extracellular matrix. In this process, Rho GTPases-mediated cytoskeletal dynamics control cell movement and organization of cell-to-matrix and cell-to-cell contacts. Time course analysis of RhoA and Rac1 activation matches specific morphological aspects of nascent pattern. RhoA-GTP increases early during EC adhesion and accumulates at sites of membrane ruffling. Rac1 is activated later and localizes in lamellipodia and at cell-to-cell contacts of organized cell chains. When ECs stretch and remodel to form capillary structures, RhoA-GTP increases again and associates with stress fibers running along the major cell axis. N17Rac1 and N19RhoA mutants impair pattern formation. Cell-to-cell contacts and myosin light chains (MLC) are targets of Rac1 and RhoA, respectively. N17Rac1 reduces the shift of beta-catenin and vascular endothelial cadherin to Triton X-100-insoluble fraction and impairs beta-catenin distribution at adherens junctions, suggesting that Rac1 controls the dynamics of cadherin-catenin complex with F-actin. During the remodeling phase of network formation, ECs show an intense staining for phosphorylated MLC along the plasma membrane; in contrast, MLC is less phosphorylated and widely diffused in N19RhoA ECs. Both N17Rac1 and N19RhoA have been used to investigate the role of wild type molecules in the main steps characterizing in vitro angiogenesis: (i) cell adhesion to the substrate, (ii) cell movement, and (iii) mechanical remodeling of matrix. N17Rac1 has a striking inhibitory effect on haptotaxis, whereas N19RhoA slightly inhibits EC adhesion and motility but more markedly Matrigel contraction. We conclude that different Rho GTPases control distinct morphogenetic aspects of vascular morphogenesis

    ASTRI SST-2M: the design evolution from the prototype to the array telescope

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will represent the new frontier of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope. The simultaneous use of large, medium and small telescopes (respectively LST, MST and SST) will allow to explore the astronomy related to the very high energy domain, typical of Gamma rays, with a sensitivity, angular resolution and image quality never seen before. Within this project, ASTRI, the Italian 2 mirrors Schwarzshild-Couder configuration Small SST led by Italian National Institute of Astronomy (INAF), has moved quickly developing a 4m class telescope prototype which has been tested with results which demonstrates excellent performance as well as wide margins for further improvements. On the basis of the experiences made on the prototype, this paper focus on the design enhancements carried out for the telescope which will be part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

    Possible application of FPGA to the MAORY Real Time Computer

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    MAORY is the post-focal Adaptive Optics module for the European Extremely Large Telescope first light. The baseline of MAORY is to rely upon the use of multiple Laser Guide Stars (6), multiple Natural Guide Stars (3) for wavefront sensing and multiple Deformable Mirrors (DM) for correction (M4/M5, that are part of the telescope, and 2 post focal DMs). The Real-Time Computer is a key sub-system of MAORY. It must collect the measurements from various sensing devices and drive several thousands actuators within high demanding latency requirements dictated by the system performance needs. The FPGA technology has been widely diffused in Real Time Systems due to its low latency and high determinism. Performance evaluation of this technology for the wavefront sensors images calibration and processing is in progress

    A Path to the Stars: The Evolution of the Species

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    During the last years, a number of telescopes have been dedicated to the followup of the GRBs. But after the Swift launch, the average observed intensity of the GRBs showed to be lower than thought before. Our experience with the robotic 60 cm REM telescope confirmed this evidence, with a large number oflostGRBs. Then, we proposed to study the feasibility of a 4 m fast pointing class telescope, equipped with a multichannel imagers, from Visible to Near Infrared. In this paper, we present the main result of the feasibility study we performed so far

    Mount control system of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The ASTRI SST-2M telescope is an end-to-end prototype proposed for the Small Size class of Telescopes (SST) of the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The prototype is installed in Italy at the INAF observing station located at Serra La Nave on Mount Etna (Sicily) and it was inaugurated in September 2014. This paper presents the software and hardware architecture and development of the system dedicated to the control of the mount, health, safety and monitoring systems of the ASTRI SST-2M telescope prototype. The mount control system installed on the ASTRI SST-2M telescope prototype makes use of standard and widely deployed industrial hardware and software. State of the art of the control and automation industries was selected in order to fulfill the mount related functional and safety requirements with assembly compactness, high reliability, and reduced maintenance. The software package was implemented with the Beckhoff TwinCAT version 3 environment for the software Programmable Logical Controller (PLC), while the control electronics have been chosen in order to maximize the homogeneity and the real time performance of the system. The integration with the high level controller (Telescope Control System) has been carried out by choosing the open platform communications Unified Architecture (UA) protocol, supporting rich data model while offering compatibility with the PLC platform. In this contribution we show how the ASTRI approach for the design and implementation of the mount control system has made the ASTRI SST-2M prototype a standalone intelligent machine, able to fulfill requirements and easy to be integrated in an array configuration such as the future ASTRI mini-array proposed to be installed at the southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA)

    MAORY real-time computer preliminary design

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    MAORY is the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics module for the Extremely Large Telescope and it will be located on the Nasmyth platform of the telescope to feed scientific instruments. MAORY will re-image the telescope focal plane providing multi-conjugate adaptive optics correction of the wavefront distortion induced by the atmosphere. The system is based on six laser guide stars and three natural guide stars for sensing the wavefront distortion and three deformable mirrors for correcting it. We will show the current status of the preliminary design of the Real Time Computer in charge of carrying out all the calculations based on the measurements of the guide stars wavefront sensors. The hard real time (primary) loops are in charge of controlling the deformable mirrors and the lasers jitter compensation while the soft real- time (secondary) loops are in charge of updating the primary loops parameters as well as measuring or estimating the atmospheric parameters and the system performance. Telemetry data management/recording and calibration are the other tasks carried out by the real time computer

    MORFEO enters final design phase

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    MORFEO (Multi-conjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observations, formerly MAORY), the MCAO system for the ELT, will provide diffraction-limited optical quality to the large field camera MICADO. MORFEO has officially passed the Preliminary Design Review and it is entering the final design phase. We present the current status of the project, with a focus on the adaptive optics system aspects and expected milestones during the next project phase
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