2,734 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Relationship Between the Achievement of Students with High Incidence Disabilities and Maine State Compliant Standards-Based Individualized Educational Programs

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    This quantitative study analyzed the significance of the impact of Maine state compliant standards-based individualized education programs (IEPs) on the math and reading achievement of third grade students eligible for special education under the high incidence disability categories of Specific Learning Disability and Other Health Impairment. A total of 72 cases (n = 72) were collected. Descriptive data analysis was conducted to investigate characteristics of IEP compliance with Maine state standardsbased IEP expectations in the academic and standards-based IEP goal realms. Analyses of Covariance were conducted to determine if the compliance level of a student\u27s standards-based IEP had a significant impact on the student\u27s achievement in math and reading, respectively, as measured by his or her growth target attainment on the Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) assessment, while controlling for the covariates of student disability and least restrictive environment percentage. Results indicated a significant difference in student reading achievement between the different overall IEP compliance ratings. No significant differences were found in student math achievement between the different overall IEP compliance ratings. Generalizability of the results is limited due to the small sample size obtained for this study. Despite its small size, however, the sample did represent larger tendencies as it mirrored statewide trends in school administrative units (SAUs) and geographical distribution SA Us. Implications for pol icy and practice, both in terms of revisions to current policies as well as supports for special educators, are discussed, particularly in regards to the evident lack of empirical research pertaining to standards-based IEPs and the achievement of students with high incidence disabilities. Given these limited results, and the effects policy decisions pertaining to standards-based IEP mandates have had on the field of special education in Maine, areas of future research are proposed, particularly in regards to study design, instrumentation, and factors affecting the achievement of students with disabilities

    Nebivolol: haemodynamic effects and clinical significance of combined beta-blockade and nitric oxide release.

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    Nebivolol is a third-generation beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist (beta-blocker) with high selectivity for beta(1)-adrenergic receptors. In addition, it causes vasodilatation via interaction with the endothelial L-arginine/nitric oxide (NO) pathway. This dual mechanism of action underlies many of the haemodynamic properties of nebivolol, which include reductions in heart rate and blood pressure (BP), and improvements in systolic and diastolic function. With respect to BP lowering, the NO-mediated effects cause a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and an increase in stroke volume with preservation of cardiac output. Flow-mediated dilatation and coronary flow reserve are also increased during nebivolol administration. Other haemodynamic effects include beneficial effects on pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, exercise capacity and left ventricular ejection fraction. In addition, nebivolol does not appear to have adverse effects on lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity like traditional beta-blockers. The documented beneficial haemodynamic effects of nebivolol are translated into improved clinical outcomes in patients with hypertension or heart failure. In patients with hypertension, the incidence of bradycardia with nebivolol is often lower than that with other currently available beta-blockers. This, along with peripheral vasodilatation and NO-induced benefits such as antioxidant activity and reversal of endothelial dysfunction, should facilitate better protection from cardiovascular events. In addition, nebivolol has shown an improved tolerability profile, particularly with respect to events commonly associated with beta-blockers, such as fatigue and sexual dysfunction. Data from SENIORS (Study of the Effects of Nebivolol Intervention on Outcomes and Rehospitalization in Seniors with Heart Failure) showed that significantly fewer nebivolol versus placebo recipients experienced the primary endpoint of all-cause mortality or cardiovascular hospitalization. The benefits of nebivolol therapy were shown to be cost effective. Thus, nebivolol is an effective and well tolerated agent with benefits over and above those of traditional beta-blockade because of its effects on NO release, which give it unique haemodynamic effects, cardioprotective activity and a good tolerability profile

    OSNR-aware control of optical white boxes on elastic optical networks

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    Asia Communications and Photonics Conferene (ACP) © OSA 2016 Results of optical white boxes on Elastic Optical Networks with adaptive modulation format and symbol rate simulations demonstrate that synthesized nodes improve capacity under low loads while preserving performance of existing ROADMs for higher loads

    A-DInSAR performance for updating landslide inventory in mountain areas. An example from Lombardy region (Italy)

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    This work focuses on the capabilities and limitations of the Advanced Satellite SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) Interferometry (A-DInSAR) in wooded and mountainous regions, with the aim to get insights on the performances for studying slow-moving landslides. The considered critical issues are related to the SAR acquisition geometries (angle of incidence of the satellite line of sight, ascending and descending geometries) and to the physical and morphological features of the slopes (land use, aspect and slope angles), which influence the measuring points coverage. 26 areas in Lombardy Region (Italy), affected by known slope instability phenomena, have been analyzed through A-DInSAR technique, using COSMO-SkyMed images. The results allowed to outline general considerations about the effectiveness of A-DInSAR analysis of a single dataset (descending or ascending dataset), selected accordingly to the aspect of the slopes. Moreover, we aimed to quantitatively describe the capability to update the state of activity of several previously mapped landslides using satellite SAR Interferometry results. Although in a wooded and mountainous region, where the chances of retrieving radar targets for satellite SAR analysis are generally low, the A-DInSAR results have allowed to detect landslides’ reactivations or new landslides and to update the inventory for about 70% of the investigated areas

    An Innovative Lipidomic Workflow to Investigate the Lipid Profile in a Cystic Fibrosis Cell Line

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    Altered lipid metabolism has been associated to cystic fibrosis disease, which is characterized by chronic lung inflammation and various organs dysfunction. Here, we present the validation of an untargeted lipidomics approach based on high-resolution mass spectrometry aimed at identifying those lipid species that unequivocally sign CF pathophysiology. Of n.13375 mass spectra recorded on cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial airways epithelial cells IB3, n.7787 presented the MS/MS data, and, after software and manual validation, the final number of annotated lipids was restricted to n.1159. On these lipids, univariate and multivariate statistical approaches were employed in order to select relevant lipids for cellular phenotype discrimination between cystic fibrosis and HBE healthy cells. In cystic fibrosis IB3 cells, a pervasive alteration in the lipid metabolism revealed changes in the classes of ether-linked phospholipids, cholesterol esters, and glycosylated sphingolipids. Through functions association, it was evidenced that lipids variation involves the moiety implicated in membrane composition, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria compartments, and chemical and biophysical lipids properties. This study provides a new perspective in understanding the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis and strengthens the need to use a validated mass spectrometry-based lipidomics approach for the discovery of potential biomarkers and perturbed metabolism

    Facies architecture, emplacement mechanisms and eruption style of the submarine andesite El Barronal complex, Cabo de Gata, SE Spain

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    El Barronal complex consists of a succession of andesite lavas and andesite volcaniclastic facies interbedded with carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Carbonate and siliciclastic rocks were deposited in a shallow-marine environment during periods of volcanic quiescence. Lavas consist of an inner coherent core grading outward into hyaloclastite breccia made of dense clasts that in turn grade into hyaloclastite breccia made of vesicular clasts, in massive to layered zones. Volcaniclastic facies contain clasts produced during explosive eruptions and reworked clasts from sources above wave base. Volcaniclastic facies were deposited from cold granular flows with different grain size populations. Stratigraphy and facies architecture at El Barronal suggest that a succession of several discrete eruptive events occurred with a similar cyclic pattern made of an initial explosive phase followed by effusive emplacement of lavas, in turn followed by a period of quiescence of volcanic activity. Hyaloclastic fragmentation of magma took place in the final stages of lava emplacement, allowing only for local disorganization of the jigsaw-fit texture. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.This research has been funded by projects CGL2005-03511/BTE and HI2006-0073Peer Reviewe

    Ni/Bi bilayers: The effect of thickness on the superconducting properties

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    Nickel/Bismuth (Ni/Bi) bilayers have recently attracted attention due to the occurrence of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting state. Here, we report on the structural, magnetic and electric characterization of thin film Ni/Bi bilayers with several Bi thicknesses. We observed the formation of a complex layered structure depending on the Bi thickness caused by the inter-diffusion of Bi and Ni which leads to the stabilization of NiBi3_{3} at the Bi/Ni interface. The superconducting transition temperature and the transition width are highly dependent on the Bi thickness and the layer structure. Magnetoelectric transport measurements in perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields were used to investigate the temperature-dependent upper critical field within the framework of the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory and the Werthamer Helfand Hohenberg model. For thicker samples, we observed a conventional behavior, similar to that shown by NiBi3_{3} bulk samples, including a small Maki parameter (αM\alpha_{M} = 0), no spin-orbit scattering (λSO\lambda_{SO}= 0) and nearly isotropic coherence length (Îł\gamma = Ο⊄\xi_{\perp}(0)/Ο∄\xi_{\parallel}(0) ≈\approx 1). The values obtained for these properties are close to those characterizing NiBi3_{3} single crystals. On the other hand, in very thin samples the Maki parameter increases to about αM\alpha_{M} = 2.8. In addition, the coherence length becomes anisotropic (Îł\gamma = 0.32) and spin-orbit scattering (λSO\lambda_{SO}= 1.2) must be taken into account. Our results unequivocally show that the properties characterizing the superconducting state in the Ni/Bi are strongly dependent on the sample thickness.Comment: 16 Pages and 5 figure

    Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Ancient Submarine Lava Flows : An Example From the Southern Australian Margin

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    This work comprises a part of the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program (GABDMP) for funding this project. The GABDMP is a CSIRO research program, sponsored by Chevron Australia the results of which will be made publicly available. 3D seismic data was gratefully provided by TGS. IHS are thanked for access to seismic interpretation software. Spectral decomposition was carried out using Foster-Findlay Associates Geoteric Software. Sverre Planke and Tracy Gregg are thanked for constructive reviews.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Applying grounded theory to data collected through participatory research on African Independent Churches' liturgical rituals : a comparative study

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    This article reported on two research projects, the first conducted in the early 1990s and the second, a project currently in progress. In essence, the article was an attempt to compare the theology of African Independent Churches in the two respective periods by making use of a grounded theory approach to their worship services. Significant similarities and differences were identified and reported on.http://www.hts.org.z
