14,270 research outputs found

    Sustainable treatment of different high-strength cheese whey wastewaters: an innovative approach for atmospheric CO2 mitigation and fertilizer production

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    Raw cheese whey wastewater (CWW) has been treated by means of FeCl3 coagulation-flocculation, NaOH precipitation, and Ca(OH)2 precipitation. Three different types of CWW were considered: without cheese whey recovery (CWW0), 60 % cheese whey recovery (CWW60), and 80 % cheese whey recovery (CWW80). Cheese whey recovery significantly influenced the characteristics of the wastewater to be treated: organic matter, solids, turbidity, conductivity, sodium, chloride, calcium, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Initial organic load was reduced to values in the interval of 60–70 %. Application of FeCl3, NaOH, or Ca(OH)2 involved additional chemical oxygen demand (COD) depletions regardless of the CWW used. Under optimum conditions, the combination of 80 % cheese whey recovery and lime application led to 90 % reduction in COD. Turbidity (99.8%), total suspended solids (TSS) (98–99 %), oils and fats (82–96 %), phosphorus (98–99 %), potassium (96–97 %), and total coliforms (100 %) were also reduced. Sludge generated in the latter process showed excellent settling properties. This solid after filtration and natural evaporation can be used as fertilizer with limitations due to its saline nature. In an innovative, low-cost, and environmentally friendly technology, supernatant coming from the Ca(OH)2 addition was naturally neutralized in 4–6 days by atmospheric CO2 absorption without reagent addition. Consequently, a final aerobic biodegradation step can be applied for effluent polishing. This technology also allows for some atmospheric CO2 mitigation. Time requirement for the natural carbonation depends on the effluent characteristics. A precipitate rich in organic matter and nutrients and depletions of solids, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, Kjeldahl, and ammoniacal nitrogen were also achieved during the natural carbonation

    Offline digital – digital offline: The potential of offline digitised information for the production, distribution and appropriation of human knowledge

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    The lifeworlds of large parts of the human population have undergone profound transformations through the expansion of the internet. Yet great parts of the world are still totally or partially offline. Cheap smartphones, tablets and (off-grid) electricity reach ever more of these populations. Scientists’ fascination with the internet – where money, investments, business models, communication, political control, as well as their lifeworlds converge - has largely obscured the potential of offline digitised information for the storage and distribution of information and the appropriation of knowledge. The profound changes of the socialisation of human knowledge through the revolutions in the transmission media have influenced how societies produce, distribute, receive and appropriate information. The expansion of access to digitised information revolutionises horizontal and vertical transmission. The differences are manifold: physical requirements are reduced – a whole library fits into a pocket; digital information is much cheaper to acquire; logistic chains through which books or journals are produced, shipped, distributed and stored are as unnecessary as are libraries. The actual access to information is also vastly different – the electronic search function and the offline Wikipedia may serve as examples. This suggests a rethinking of the “digital divide” which is no longer synonymous with internet access. Is there rather a frontier zone where different forms of access overlap? What are the distribution and market mechanisms for offline digital information? To what uses can digitised information be put offline? How will the new availability of ever cheaper technology affect knowledge production and appropriation?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Saudações em África - Além do aperto de mão: Um ensaio sobre os rituais de saudação e despedida como prática de comunicação em sociedades agrárias da África Subsaariana

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    In African Agrarian Societies greeting and leave-taking rituals are an essential part of the communication processes that constitute these societies as collective entities. Through elaborate forms of greeting and leave-taking people initiate and end communication and interaction processes within a framework of collective identities and cultures. Intricate greeting rituals allow to deal with all forms of encounters, with living people as well as with the spirits of the deceased. Greeting rituals are acquired through lengthy periods of learning. Their mastery is the sign of being an adult and competent member of society. External actors from different cultures often seem to be unaware of the subtleties of these greeting rituals. They ignore them at a cost. This essay provides some insights into the inner workings of African societies concerning the framing of most of their internal and external communication processes that are as vital for their lifeworlds as they are for their interaction with external actors from different spheres. Analysing the societies in a comprehensive manner as self-organising entities within an ethnic matrix clearly shows the limits of reducing greeting rituals to mere speech acts between individuals and proves that some of the fundamental assumptions of modern communication theories are not valid for African Agrarian Societies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    African peasants on the move: turmoil between global dynamics, migration and food insecurity

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    This issue presents some of the publications resulting from the research project “African societies facing global dynamics: Turbulences between external intervention, migration, and food insecurity” [Dynamics]1. The underlying idea was to investigate contemporary global dynamics faced by African societies, how they interact with internal processes of change and these societies’ responses to these pressures. The contributions address the key issues raised in the Dynamics research project in different ways. They focus on an analysis of migration (internal as well as international), agricultural transformation and food (in)security in different societies and locations. They also explore the links between them and their interrelations with global dynamics. The work was based on case studies conducted in Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe (STP), Cape Verde and Senegal. An additional contribution from Mozambique was also included as it addressed the central issues of the project. Although this research project in itself can only address a few aspects of this complex set of interactions and highlight some of the key issues at play in specific case studies, the project is part of a long-term investigation about the dynamics of change in African agrarian societies which contemplates a wider range of issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relações hídricas de gravioleiras (Annona muricata L.) jovens em porta-enxertos dos gêneros Annona e Rollinia.

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    Publicado também: FRAZÃO, D. A. C.; HOMMA, A. K. O; VIÉGAS, I. de J. M. (Ed.). Contribuição ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na Amazônia. Belém, PA: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 2006. p. 543-548

    Bacuri: fruta amazônica em ascensão.

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    Algumas frutas da Amazônia, como guaraná, açaí e cupuaçu, já são conhecidas em outras partes do país e até no exterior, mas outras são consumidas apenas pela população local. Entre as que começam a ganhar mercado fora da região está o bacuri, do qual é extraída uma polpa usada para fazer sorvetes, doces, sucos e outros produtos. A maior procura por essa fruta já supera a capacidade de produção atual, essencialmente extrativa, mas estudos mostram que essa situação pode ser modi?cada com a adoção do cultivo e do manejo de plantas originadas da regeneração natural da espécie, que geraria renda e emprego e permitiria a recuperação parcial de extensas áreas desmatadas e abandonadas

    Análise do preço do bezerro pago no Pantanal da Nhecolândia, no período de 2001 a 2008.

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    O planejamento da fazenda de gado de corte é determinado não só por índices zootécnicos e por condições edafoclimáticas, mas também por um conjunto de variáveis econômicas. Estas podem atuar sobre o mercado de bovinos, induzindo transformações e mudanças no sistema de produção e na caracterização dos ciclos pecuários, incentivando, sustando e até desencorajando o produtor (Cadavid Garcia, 1984). A análise de preços é ferramenta importante para o produtor no processo de tomada de decisão. Além de auxiliar na indicação de prioridades de pesquisa e no processo de difusão de tecnologias, de acordo com as relações de preços de produtos e dos fatores de produção (Cadavid Garcia, 1982).bitstream/CPAP-2009-09/56777/1/COT70.pdfFormato eletrônico