7,645 research outputs found

    Some First Results for Noncooperative Pregames : Social Conformity and Equilibrium in Pure Strategies.

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    We introduce the framework of noncooperative pregames and demonstrate that for all games with sufficiently many players, there exists approximate (E) Nash equilibria in pure strategies. Moreover, an equilibrium can be selected with the property that most players choose the same strategies as all other players with similar attributes. More precisely, there is an integer K, depending on E but not on the number of players so that any sufficiently large society can be partitioned into fewer than K groups, or cultures, consisting of similar players, and all players in the same group play the same pure strategy. In ongoing research we are extending the model to cover a broader class of situations, including incomplete information.GAMES ; INFORMATION ; STRATEGIC PLANNING

    Molecular Hydrogen Optical Depth Templates for FUSE Data Analysis

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    The calculation and use of molecular hydrogen optical depth templates to quickly identify and model molecular hydrogen absorption features longward of the Lyman edge at 912 Angstroms are described. Such features are commonly encountered in spectra obtained by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and also in spectra obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, albeit less commonly. Individual templates are calculated containing all the Lyman and Werner transitions originating from a single rotational state (J'') of the 0th vibrational level (v'') of the ground electronic state. Templates are provided with 0.01 Angstrom sampling for doppler parameters ranging from 2 <= b <= 20 km s^-1 and rotational states 0 <= J'' <= 15. Optical depth templates for excited vibrational states are also available for select doppler parameters. Each template is calculated for a fiducial column density of log[N(cm^-2)] = 21 and may be scaled to any column less than this value without loss of accuracy. These templates will facilitate the determination of the distribution of molecular hydrogen column density as a function of rotational level. The use of these templates will free the user from the computationally intensive task of calculating profiles for a large number of lines and allow concentration on line profile or curve-of-growth fitting to determine column densities and doppler parameters. The templates may be downloaded freely from http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~stephan/h2ools2.htmlComment: 20 pages, 2 tables, 6 figures, submitted to PASP 02-04-2003 Accepted for publication on 03-05-2003 with revisions, including modified fg1, modifed fg6 to become fg2 to support improved error discussion. To appear in the June 2003 issue of the PAS

    Does micro-credit empower women : evidence from Bangladesh

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    This paper examines the effects of men's and women's participation in group-based micro-credit programs on a large set of qualitative responses to questions that characterize women's autonomy and gender relations within the household. The data come from a special survey carried out in rural Bangladesh in 1998-99. The results are consistent with the view that women's participation in micro-credit programs helps to increase women's empowerment. Credit program participation leads to women taking a greater role in household decisionmaking, having greater access to financial and economic resources, having greater social networks, having greater bargaining power compared with their husbands, and having greater freedom of mobility. Female credit also tended to increase spousal communication in general about family planning and parenting concerns. The effects of male credit on women's empowerment were, at best, neutral, and at worse, decidedly negative. Male credit had a negative effect on several arenas of women's empowerment, including physical mobility, access to savings and economic resources, and power to manage some household transactions.Public Health Promotion,Economic Theory&Research,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Anthropology,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Anthropology,Environmental Economics&Policies,Housing&Human Habitats,Economic Theory&Research

    Holy Island: A demographic, genetic and medical population study

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    The thesis consists of three chapters, concerned with demographic genetic and medical population studies respectively. In the first chapter the social history of the island is outlined and the historical demography, as deduced principally from census and parish records is considered. Thus the demographic composition of the present day islanders is established in detail and these data provide the bases for genetic studies. The second chapter provides detailed genetic parameters for the contemporary population. These include the following: blood groups, serum proteins, isoenzymes, PTC tasting, dermatoglyphics and BAIB excretion. Possible explanations for the observed gene frequencies are sought, frequencies which, in toto, render the population of Holy Island unique. These explanations involve both geographical and historico-demographic factors. In the third chapter the results obtained by population screening procedures are outlined. These include: red cell haemoglobin, serum uric acid, serum cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and their significance within the population is discussed. Major themes which run through the thesis and which serve to unify its constituent sections include: the use of surnames, a series of island sub-populations and the use of interrelationships

    Surviving Higher Education: Retention & Persistence Through The Lens Of Psychological Survivorship

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    The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological study was to examine the lived experiences of students categorized as at-risk, non-traditional adult learners who persisted in pursuit of their higher education degree. These students demonstrated perseverance and grit when faced with challenges that might have caused them to drop out of school. The lived experiences of the participants are strongly linked to their identities as working professionals and adult-learners. Recent literature indicates that several theories and models have emerged on the concept of motivation as it relates to success in higher education. Research suggests that achievement is not solely based on cognitive abilities of the learner, but rather on the combination of cognitive ability and personality traits, such as grit and deliberate practice. In the past two decades, one of the most important innovations in the US higher education system has been the steady increase in distance education through online courses. The institution in this study is experiencing a similar trend in online learning enrollment growth coupled with student retention and persistence challenges. The students in this study have demonstrated the requisite grit and perseverance to succeed even in the face of adversity. Students in this study also exhibited a strong internal locus of control and all had strong support structures outside of their educational orbit

    Konstruiranje vidljivosti: fotografija Esther Born izvan arhiva

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    Esther Baum Born was an American photographer who worked in both the United States and Mexico. Beginning in the 1920s, she exhibited her work regularly in New York galleries and saw her photographs published in a broad spectrum of architectural journals. Born’s book, The New Architecture in Mexico (1937), stands as an undisputed monument to her creative insights and a respected source for cutting-edge ideas about modern building. Less well known to the scholarly community are the sensitive portraits that Born took of her own artistic milieu: Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Frank Lloyd Wright, to name only a few, appeared before her camera. The author argues that these images represent an area for future research. In any event, Born’s creative flourishing was largely eclipsed once she joined the highly successful architectural practice of her husband, Ernest Born. She gave up photography entirely in the 1940s to support his work. The legacy of both Borns remains fairly well-known to students of Bay Area architecture, who have admired their contributions to public transportation (designing train stations), urban renewal (developing master planning documents), and book design (such as the Plan of St. Gall, co-authored with art historian, Walter Horn). Much of the couple’s joint career is documented in established archives throughout the United States and Canada, although it needs to be said that Ernest Born is typically given top billing for the work. Esther Born’s early efforts as a photographer sit in these archives, too. A full assessment of her legacy as a photographer waits to be written. This paper attempts to give greater visibility to her ambitions as well as to the lasting consequence of her work’s placement within the many archival situations where it can be found today.Esther Baum Born bila je američka fotografkinja koja je radila u Sjedinjenim DrĆŸavama i Meksiku. PočevĆĄi od 1920-ih, redovito je izlagala svoje radove u njujorĆĄkim galerijama i objavljivala fotografije u ĆĄirokom spektru arhitektonskih časopisa. Njezina knjiga The New Architecture in Mexico [Nova arhitektura u Meksiku] (1937.) stoji kao neosporan spomenik njezinim kreativnim uvidima i predstavlja vrijedan izvor najsuvremenijih ideja o modernoj gradnji. Ono ĆĄto je znanstvenoj zajednici manje poznato jesu tankoćutni portreti koje je Born snimala u vlastitom umjetničkom miljeu: pred njezinim fotoaparatom pojavljivali su se Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera i Frank Lloyd Wright, da spomenemo samo neke. Autor smatra da te fotografije predstavljaju građu za buduća istraĆŸivanja. U svakom slučaju, kreativni procvat Esther Born uvelike je zasjenjen nakon ĆĄto se pridruĆŸila vrlo uspjeĆĄnoj arhitektonskoj praksi svoga supruga Ernesta Borna. Kako bi podrĆŸala njegov rad, 1940-tih se potpuno odrekla fotografije. Nasljeđe oboje Bornovih joĆĄ je uvijek prilično dobro poznato studentima arhitekture područja Bay Area, koji se mogu diviti njihovom doprinosu javnom prijevozu (projektiranje ĆŸeljezničkih postaja), urbanoj obnovi (razvoj glavnih planskih dokumenata) i dizajnu knjiga (kao ĆĄto je Plan of St. Gall [Plan St. Gallena], nastao u koautorstvu s povjesničarem umjetnosti Walterom Hornom). Velik dio zajedničke karijere bračnog para Born dokumentiran je u zasnovanim arhivima diljem Sjedinjenih DrĆŸava i Kanade, iako treba reći da se najveće zasluge za taj rad obično pripisuju Ernestu Bornu. Rani radovi Esther Born iz područja fotografije također se nalaze u tim arhivima, ali na punu procjenu njezine ostavĆĄtine kao fotografkinje tek se čeka. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokuĆĄaj povećanja vidljivosti njezinih ambicija kao i dugotrajnih posljedica pozicioniranja njezinoga rada u mnogim arhivima u kojima se danas nalazi

    ‘Joining a group was inspiring’: a qualitative study of service users’ experiences of yoga on social prescription

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    Background Yoga is becoming an increasingly popular holistic approach in the West to manage long-term health conditions. This study presents the evaluation of a pilot yoga intervention, Yoga4Health, that was developed for the NHS to be socially prescribed to patients at risk of developing specific health conditions (risk factors for cardiovascular disease, pre-diabetes, anxiety/depression or experiencing social isolation). The aim of this qualitative study was to explore service users’ experiences of Yoga4Health and the acceptability of the programme. Methods Qualitative data were collected from three sources: 1. Open-ended questions on questionnaires completed by services users at three different time-points (baseline, post intervention and 3 months); 2. Interviews and focus groups with a subset of participants (n = 22); 3. interviews with yoga teachers delivering Yoga4Health (n = 7). Each data source was analysed thematically, then findings were combined. Results Of participants completing baseline questionnaires (n = 240), 82.5% were female, 50% White, with a mean age of 53 (range 23–82) years. Baseline questionnaires revealed key motivations to attend Yoga4Health were to improve psychological and physical health, and believing Yoga4Health would be accessible for people with their health condition. Post-intervention, participants reported a range of benefits across psychological, physical and social domains from Yoga4Health. Increased confidence in self-management of health was also reported, and a number of participants described making positive lifestyle changes after attending the programme. Unanticipated benefits of yoga emerged for participants, such as enjoyment and social connectedness, which facilitated ongoing attendance and practice. Also key to facilitating practice (during and after the intervention) were suitability of the classes for those with health conditions, practising with a group and qualities of the yoga teacher. Home practice was supported by course materials (manual, videos), as well as the teaching of techniques for everyday application that offered immediate benefits, such as breathing practices. Follow-up questionnaires revealed a key challenge was continuation of practice once the intervention had finished, with the structure of a class important in supporting practice. Conclusions Yoga4Health was a highly acceptable intervention to services users, which brought a range of biopsychosocial improvements, suggesting yoga is an appropriate intervention to offer on social prescription

    Impaired decidual natural killer cell regulation of vascular remodelling in early human pregnancies with high uterine artery resistance

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    During human pregnancy, natural killer (NK) cells accumulate in the maternal decidua, but their specific roles remain to be determined. Decidual NK (dNK) cells are present during trophoblast invasion and uterine spiral artery remodelling. These events are crucial for successful placentation and the provision of an adequate blood supply to the developing fetus. Remodelling of spiral arteries is impaired in the dangerous pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia. We studied dNK cells isolated from pregnancies at 9-14 weeks' gestation, screened by uterine artery Doppler ultrasound to determine resistance indices which relate to the extent of spiral artery remodelling. dNK cells were able to promote the invasive behaviour of fetal trophoblast cells, partly through HGF. Cells isolated from pregnancies with higher resistance indices were less able to do this and secreted fewer pro-invasive factors. dNK cells from pregnancies with normal resistance indices could induce apoptotic changes in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells in vitro, events of importance in vessel remodelling, partly through Fas signalling. dNK cells isolated from high resistance index pregnancies failed to induce vascular apoptosis and secreted fewer pro-apoptotic factors. We have modelled the cellular interactions at the maternal-fetal interface and provide the first demonstration of a functional role for dNK cells in influencing vascular cells. A potential mechanism contributing to impaired vessel remodelling in pregnancies with a higher uterine artery resistance is presented. These findings may be informative in determining the cellular interactions contributing to the pathology of pregnancy disorders where remodelling is impaired, such as pre-eclampsia. Copyright © 2012 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
