45 research outputs found

    A Special Amino-Acid Formula Tailored to Boosting Cell Respiration Prevents Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress Caused by Doxorubicin in Mouse Cardiomyocytes

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    Anthracycline anticancer drugs, such as doxorubicin (DOX), can induce cardiotoxicity supposed to be related to mitochondrial damage. We have recently demonstrated that a branchedchain amino acid (BCAA)-enriched mixture (BCAAem), supplemented with drinking water to middle-aged mice, was able to promote mitochondrial biogenesis in cardiac and skeletal muscle. To maximally favor and increase oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial function, here we tested a new original formula, composed of essential amino acids, tricarboxylic acid cycle precursors and co-factors (named \uf0615), in HL-1 cardiomyocytes and mice treated with DOX. We measured mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative stress, and BCAA catabolic pathway. Moreover, the molecular relevance of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) was studied in both cardiac tissue and HL-1 cardiomyocytes. Finally, the role of Kr\ufcppel-like factor 15 (KLF15), a critical transcriptional regulator of BCAA oxidation and eNOS-mTORC1 signal, was investigated. Our results demonstrate that the \uf0615 mixture prevents the DOX-dependent mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress better than the previous BCAAem, implying a KLF15/eNOS/mTORC1 signaling axis. These results could be relevant for the prevention of cardiotoxicity in the DOX-treated patients

    Targeting Multiple Mitochondrial Processes by a Metabolic Modulator Prevents Sarcopenia and Cognitive Decline in SAMP8 Mice

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    The age-dependent declines of skeletal muscle and cognitive functions often coexist in elderly subjects. The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms share common features of mitochondrial dysfunction, which plays a central role in the development of overt sarcopenia and/or dementia. Dietary supplementation with formulations of essential and branched-chain amino acids (EAA-BCAA) is a promising preventive strategy because it can preserve mitochondrial biogenesis and function. The senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) is considered an accurate model of age-related muscular and cognitive alterations. Hence, we aimed to investigate the progression of mitochondrial dysfunctions during muscular and cognitive aging of SAMP8 mice and to study the effects of a novel EAA-BCAA-based metabolic modulator on these changes. We evaluated body condition, motor endurance, and working memory of SAMP8 mice at 5, 9, 12, and 15 months of age. Parallel changes in protein levels of mitochondrial respiratory chain subunits, regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, and the antioxidant response, as well as respiratory complex activities, were measured in the quadriceps femoris and the hippocampus. The same variables were assessed in 12-month-old SAMP8 mice that had received dietary supplementation with the novel EAA-BCAA formulation, containing tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and co-factors (PD-0E7, 1.5 mg/kg/body weight/day in drinking water) for 3 months. Contrary to untreated mice, which had a significant molecular and phenotypic impairment, PD-0E7-treated mice showed preserved healthy body condition, muscle weight to body weight ratio, motor endurance, and working memory at 12 months of age. The PD-0E7 mixture increased the protein levels and the enzymatic activities of mitochondrial complex I, II, and IV and the expression of proliferator-activated receptor \u3b3 coactivator-1\u3b1, optic atrophy protein 1, and nuclear factor, erythroid 2 like 2 in muscles and hippocampi. The mitochondrial amyloid-\u3b2-degrading pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 was upregulated, while amyloid precursor protein was reduced in the hippocampi of PD-0E7 treated mice. In conclusion, we show that a dietary supplement tailored to boost mitochondrial respiration preserves skeletal muscle and hippocampal mitochondrial quality control and health. When administered at the early onset of age-related physical and cognitive decline, this novel metabolic inducer counteracts the deleterious effects of precocious aging in both domains

    Terapia farmacologica dell'obesit\ue0

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    La restrizione calorica, l'esercizio fisico e le modificazioni comportamentali costituiscono ancora il modello standard per il trattamento dell'obesit\ue0. Nella maggior parte dei casi, le modificazioni dietetiche, l'esercizio fisico e le modificazioni comportamentali, singolarmente o in combinazione, non ottengono risultati positivi a lungo termine. Se l'intervento fisiologico non sortisce effetto dopo 6 mesi, si pu\uf2 prendere in considerazione l'uso dei farmaci per il controllo del peso nei soggetti a elevato rischio. Quindi, i farmaci anti-obesit\ue0, in particolare sibutramina e orlistat, possono avere un ruolo nella riduzione del peso in pazienti la cui condizione \ue8 refrattaria alle misure non farmacologiche, oltre che per il mantenimento a lungo termine del peso perduto. Finora questi farmaci si sono dimostrati limitati nell'efficacia e non sempre soddisfacenti per gli effetti collaterali. Questo giustifica gli sforzi per l'identificazione dei meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nella fisiopatologia dell'obesit\ue0 stessa e di nuovi target farmacologici

    Emerging aspects of pharmacotherapy for obesity and metabolic syndrome

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    Obesity is a multifactorial, chronic disorder that has reached epidemic proportions in most industrialized countries and is threatening to become a global epidemic. Obese patients are at higher risk from coronary artery disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, cancers, cerebrovascular accidents, osteoarthritis, restrictive pulmonary disease, and sleep apnoea. In particular, visceral fat accumulation is usually accompanied by insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, high uremic acid levels, low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol to define a variously named syndrome or metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is now considered a major cardiovascular risk factor in a large percentage of population in worldwide. Both obesity and metabolic syndrome are particularly challenging clinical conditions to treat because of their complex pathophysiological basis. Indeed, body weight represents the integration of many biological and environmental components and relationships among fat and glucose tolerance or blood pressure are not completely understood. Efforts to develop innovative anti-obesity drugs, with benefits for metabolic syndrome, have been recently intensified. In general two distinct strategies can be adopted: first, to reduce energy intake; second, to increase energy expenditure. Here we review some among the most promising avenues in these two fields of drug therapy of obesity and, consequently, of metabolic syndrome

    La terapia farmacologica dell'obesit\ue0

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    La restrizione calorica, l'esercizio fisico e le modificazioni comportamentali costituiscono ancora il modello standard per il trattamento dell'obesità. Nella maggior parte dei casi, le modificazioni dietetiche, l'esercizio fisico e le modificazioni comportamentali, singolarmente o in combinazione, non ottengono risultati positivi a lungo termine. Se l'intervento fisiologico non sortisce effetto dopo 6 mesi, si può prendere in considerazione l'uso dei farmaci per il controllo del peso nei soggetti a elevato rischio. Quindi, i farmaci anti-obesità, in particolare sibutramina e orlistat, possono avere un ruolo nella riduzione del peso in pazienti la cui condizione è refrattaria alle misure non farmacologiche, oltre che per il mantenimento a lungo termine del peso perduto. Finora questi farmaci si sono dimostrati limitati nell'efficacia e non sempre soddisfacenti per gli effetti collaterali. Questo giustifica gli sforzi per l'identificazione dei meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nella fisiopatologia dell'obesità stessa e di nuovi target farmacologici

    Tessuto adiposo come organo endocrino

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    Il diabete di tipo 1 \ue8 caratterizzato dalla distruzione selettiva delle beta cellule causata da un attacco autoimmune. Il diabete di tipo 2 \ue8 una patologia pi\uf9 complessa che, oltre alla perdita di beta cellule dovuta ad apoptosi, comprende dedifferenziazione delle beta cellule e resistenza periferica all\u2019insulina. In entrambi i tipi di diabete, la causa primaria dell\u2019alterato controllo del livello di glucosio nel sangue e delle sue complicanze \ue8 il numero insufficiente di beta cellule che producono insulina. Il ripristino delle beta cellule danneggiate tramite trapianto da fonti esterne o tramite rigenerazione endogena del pancreas rappresenta una opzione terapeutica ideale. La guarigione dal diabete pu\uf2 essere raggiunta con il trapianto di isole pancreatiche e, da quando \ue8 stato sviluppato il protocollo di Edmonton, il trapianto di isole ha dato nuove speranze ai pazienti con diabete di tipo 1. Tuttavia, a causa della limitatezza del tessuto disponibile da donazione, trovare una fonte alternativa di tessuto insulare \ue8 diventato un campo di studi di sempre maggior rilevanza. Gli sforzi per raggiungere questo obiettivo sono rivolti in direzioni diverse. La possibilit\ue0 di generare cellule secernenti insulina o isole con cellule staminali o progenitrici da pancreas adulto \ue8 stata ampiamente studiata. Una delle strategie della medicina rigenerativa nel campo del diabete, basata sul concetto che le beta cellule sono capaci di proliferare in maniera significativa durante la vita adulta, \ue8 la stimolazione della proliferazione di beta cellule in vivo e in vitro. Alternativamente, sono stati fatti tentativi di differenziare nella direzione della secrezione di insulina cellule mature come gli epatociti, sfruttando la conoscenza dei meccanismi molecolari legati all\u2019espressione di fattori trascrizionali della beta cellula. Passi avanti sono stati compiuti anche nel dirigere la differenziazione delle cellule staminali embrionali. Sebbene i progressi fatti finora siano incoraggianti, molte lacune nella nostra comprensione dello sviluppo del pancreas e della beta cellula adulta sono da colmare prima che si giunga a una possibile applicazione terapeutica. Questo articolo mira a discutere i recenti progressi nello studio della cellula staminale o progenitrice del pancreas adulto e a suggerire future direzioni in questo campo

    Amino acids and mitochondrial biogenesis

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    Mitochondria are sources of energy production through their role in producing adenosine triphosphate for cell metabolism. Defective mitochondrial biogenesis and function play relevant roles in the pathophysiology of relevant diseases, including obesity, diabetes mellitus, myopathies, and neurodegenerative diseases. Their function is the product of synthesis of macromolecules within the mitochondria and import of proteins and lipids synthesized outside the organelles. Both are required for mitochondrial proliferation and may also facilitate the growth of preexisting mitochondria. Recent evidence indicates that these events are regulated in a complex way by several agonists and environmental conditions, through activation of specific signaling pathways and transcription factors. Nitric oxide (NO) appears to be a novel modulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. High levels of NO acutely inhibit cell respiration by binding to cytochrome c oxidase. Conversely, chronic, low-grade increases of NO stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in diverse cell types. Here, we suggest that some types of nutrients, including specific mixtures of amino acids, may improve mitochondrial biogenesis and energy production in energy-defective conditions by increasing endothelial NO synthase expression