10,768 research outputs found

    La comunicación en las sedes webs de las universidades a distancia españolas

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    Esta investigación analiza la comunicación de las universidades españolas a distancia en sus sedes webs. En los últimos años este tipo de universidades se han multiplicado por cuatro. Hoy en día, las sedes webs de las universidades españolas online se ha convertido en una herramienta primordial para comunicar y atraer a públicos potenciales. Es más, en este tipo de universidades la sede web es el medio por el que los alumnos conocen y establecen una relación con la universidad. El fin de este estudio es profundizar en la forma en que las universidades a distancia se comunican a través de sus sedes webs. Para ello, este trabajo ha utilizado el análisis de contenidos con el fin de estudiar las sedes webs de las universidades españolas a distancia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Validity of a Clinical Scale in Predicting the Failure of Non-Invasive Ventilation in Hypoxemic Patients

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    Introduction: The HACOR scale is a clinical score that can predict early failure of NIV in hypoxemic acute respiratory failure (ARF) The aim of this study is to analyze the validity of the HACOR scale. Methods: A retrospective study of a cohort of over 2749 episodes on 2711 consecutive patients requiring NIV for hypoxemic ARF in a polyvalent intensive care unit. The scale was measured before starting NIV and at 1, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after the initiation of NIV. Results: NIV failure occurred in 963 patients (35%). The value of the HACOR scale before NIV did not differ between success and failure. However, at 1, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h of NIV, the scale values clearly differed between the two groups. The HACOR scale at NIV initiation accurately predicts NIV failure in the first hour, with an optimal cut-off value of 8 points. The AUC for predicting NIV failure with HACOR at 1 h is greater than 0.9 in patients with pneumonia and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Conclusions: The HACOR scale measured at 1 h after NIV initiation accurately predicts NIV failure, especially in pneumonia and ARDS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comparative study of methods for automatic compile-time parallelization of logic programs

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    This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of three different algorithms for the parallelization of logic programs based on compile-time detection of independence among goals. The algorithms are embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler, which incorporates different abstract interpretation-based program analyses. The complete system shows the task of automatic program parallelization to be practical. The trade-offs involved in using each of the algorithms in this task are studied experimentally, weaknesses of these identified, and possible improvements discussed

    Effectiveness of global analysis in strict independence-based automatic program parallelization

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    This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of global analysis in the parallelization of logic programs using strict independence. A number of well-known approximation domains are selected and tlieir usefulness for the application in hand is explained. Also, methods for using the information provided by such domains to improve parallelization are proposed. Local and global analyses are built using these domains and such analyses are embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler. Then, the performance of the domains (and the system in general) is assessed for this application through a number of experiments. We argüe that the results offer significant insight into the characteristics of these domains, the demands of the application, and the tradeoffs involved

    Automatic compile-time parallelization of CLP programs by analysis and transformation to a concurrent constraint language.

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    The concept of independence has been recently generalized to the constraint logic programming (CLP) paradigm. Also, several abstract domains specifically designed for CLP languages, and whose information can be used to detect the generalized independence conditions, have been recently defined. As a result we are now in a position where automatic parallelization of CLP programs is feasible. In this paper we study the task of automatically parallelizing CLP programs based on such analyses, by transforming them to explicitly concurrent programs in our parallel CC platform (CIAO) as well as to AKL. We describe the analysis and transformation process, and study its efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness in program parallelization. The information gathered by the analyzers is evaluated not only in terms of its accuracy, i.e. its ability to determine the actual dependencies among the program variables, but also of its effectiveness, measured in terms of code reduction in the resulting parallelized programs. Given that only a few abstract domains have been already defined for CLP, and that none of them were specifically designed for dependency detection, the aim of the evaluation is not only to asses the effectiveness of the available domains, but also to study what additional information it would be desirable to infer, and what domains would be appropriate for further improving the parallelization process

    Towards independent and-parallelism in CLP

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    In this paper we propose a complete scheme for automatic exploitation of independent and-parallelism in CLP programs. We first discuss the new problems involved because of the different properties of the independence notions applicable to CLP. We then show how independence can be derived from a number of standard analysis domains for CLP. Finally, we perform a preliminary evaluation of the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the approach by implementing a parallehzing compiler for CLP based on the proposed ideas and applying it on a number of CLP benchmarks

    Brechas de Atrición y Mineralizaciones Auríferas en las minas de Miraflores (Quinchía, Risaralda)y su relación con un cuerpo tipo Brecha - Pipe

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    En las minas de Miraflores se explotan las mineralizaciones auríferas vetiformes, encajadas en los respaldos de las brechas de atrición, las cuales parecen ser más jóvenes que un cuerpo tipo brecha pipe, aflorante inmediatamente al E de las mismas. Las vetas auríferas son de tipo epitermal y aunque sus espesores son de carácter centimétrico, localmente presentan altas concentraciones de metales preciosos (bonanzas), importantes únicamente al nivel de la pequeña minería que allí se desarrolla. Tan solo en los sectores de la Balastrera (que corresponde a una brecha de implosión) y de la Calichera (una típica brecha de craquelamiento), los basaltos que encajan las brechas de atrición y las vetas, presentan mineralizaciones auríferas. La brecha pipe observada en la superficie y en la parte inicial de dos túneles, se muestra aparentemente estéril pero existen razones para pensar en la posibilidad de encontrar en la profundidad nuevas zonas mineralizadas que puedan sustentar desarrollos de mediana o gran minería. Palabras clave:Gold bearing veins hosted at the walls of attrition breccias are now in exploitation at the Miraflores mines and these breccias looks youngest than a breccia pipe body outcropping just at the eastern sector of them. The gold bearing veins are of epithermal type and even tough its width is centimetric they develops locally high gold concentrations (ore shoots or bonanzas), important alone for the small miners. Only at the places of La Balastrera (which correspond with an implosion breccia) and at the la Calichera (a typical crackle breccia), the basalt that host the breccias and the veins show gold bearing mineralizations. The breccia pipe observed at the surface and at the first meters of two tunnels is apparently barren but there are reasons to think that it is possible to find at deep, new gold ores capable to support medium scale or bulk mining explotations