5,424 research outputs found

    A Note on Tachyon Moduli and Closed Strings

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    The collective behavior of the SL(2,R) covariant brane states of non-critical c=1 string theory found in a previous work, is studied in the Fermi liquid approximation. It is found that such states mimick the coset WZW model, whereas only by further restrictions one recovers the double-scaling limit which was purported to be equivalent to closed string models. Another limit is proposed, inspired by the tachyon condensation ideas, where the spectrum is the same of two-dimensional string theory. We close by noting some strange connections between vacuum states of the theory in their different interpretations.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 17 pages, 2 figures; Section 2 rewritten, several fixes throughout the text to improve clarit

    Equality of opportunity and educational achievement in Portugal

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    Portugal has one of the highest levels of income inequality in Europe, and low wages and unemployment are concentrated among low skill individuals. Education is an important determinant of inequality. However, there are large differences in the educational attainment of different individuals in the population, and the sources of these differences emerge early in the life-cycle when families play a central role in individual development. We estimate that most of the variance of school achievement at age 15 is explained by family characteristics. Observed school inputs explain very little of adolescent performance. Children from highly educated parents benefit of rich cultural environments in the home and become highly educated adults. Education policy needs to be innovative: (1) it needs to explicitly recognize the fundamental long run role of families on child development; (2) it needs to acknowledge the failure of traditional input based policies

    New methods for stress assessment and monitoring at the workplace

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    The topic of stress is nowadays a very important one, not only in research but on social life in general. People are increasingly aware of this problem and its consequences at several levels: health, social life, work, quality of life, etc. This resulted in a significant increase in the search for devices and applications to measure and manage stress in real-time. Recent technological and scientific evolution fosters this interest with the development of new methods and approaches. In this paper we survey these new methods for stress assessment, focusing especially on those that are suited for the workplace: one of today’s major sources of stress. We contrast them with more traditional methods and compare them between themselves, evaluating nine characteristics. Given the diversity of methods that exist nowadays, this work facilitates the stakeholders’ decision towards which one to use, based on how much their organization values aspects such as privacy, accuracy, cost-effectiveness or intrusivenes

    Supervising attention in an E-learning system

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    Until now, the level of attention of a worker has been evaluated through his/her productivity: the more one produces, the better his/her attention at work. First, the worst aspect about this approach is that it only points out a potential decrease of attention after a productivity loss. An approach that could point out, in advance, upcoming breaks in attention could allow active/preventive interventions rather than reactive ones. In this paper we present a distributed system for monitoring attention in teams (of people). It is especially suited for people working with computers and it can be interesting for domains such as the workplace or the classroom. It constantly analyzes the behavior of the user while interacting with the computer and together with knowledge about the task, is able to temporally classify attention.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 andFCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Spontaneous emergence of spatial patterns ina a predator-prey model

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    We present studies for an individual based model of three interacting populations whose individuals are mobile in a 2D-lattice. We focus on the pattern formation in the spatial distributions of the populations. Also relevant is the relationship between pattern formation and features of the populations' time series. Our model displays travelling waves solutions, clustering and uniform distributions, all related to the parameters values. We also observed that the regeneration rate, the parameter associated to the primary level of trophic chain, the plants, regulated the presence of predators, as well as the type of spatial configuration.Comment: 17 pages and 15 figure

    Distinction between plant samples according to allele dosage by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction.

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    The lack of informativity of samples from heterozygotic individuals is one of the hindrances in the mapping of quantitative trait loci of outbred populations, since it is not normally possible to identify the origin of each allele. One way to include these individuals in analyses would be to genotype their endosperm, considering that heterozygote (Aa) has AAa endosperm, when the female genitor donates the A or a allele, respectivelly. We used semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction to determine allele dosages in DNA mixtures, by simulating the observed conditions for endospermic tissue. Semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction on agarose gels, along with regression analysis, allowed differentiation of the samples according to the amount of DNA. This type of information will help decrease the number of non-informative individuals in quantitative trait locus mapping of outbred populations, thereby increasing mapping accuracy

    Numerical modelling code based on the finite volume method in unstructured grids

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    In this work, the implementation employed in the new modeling code is described. It is based on the FVM with on a SIMPLE type scheme suitable for unstructured meshes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Effect of disorder on the vortex-lattice melting transition

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    We use a three dimensional stacked triangular network of Josephson junctions as a model for the study of vortex structure in the mixed state of high Tc superconductors. We show that the addition of disorder destroys the first order melting transition occurring for clean samples. The melting transition splits in two different (continuous) transitions, ocurring at temperatures Ti and Tp (>Ti). At Ti the perpendicular-to-field superconductivity is lost, and at Tp the parallel-to-field superconductivity is lost. These results agree well with recent experiments in YBaCuO.Comment: 4 pages + 2 figure