1,941 research outputs found

    Mandioquinha-salsa: manejo cultural.

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    On the embedding of spacetime in five-dimensional Weyl spaces

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    We revisit Weyl geometry in the context of recent higher-dimensional theories of spacetime. After introducing the Weyl theory in a modern geometrical language we present some results that represent extensions of Riemannian theorems. We consider the theory of local embeddings and submanifolds in the context of Weyl geometries and show how a Riemannian spacetime may be locally and isometrically embedded in a Weyl bulk. We discuss the problem of classical confinement and the stability of motion of particles and photons in the neighbourhood of branes for the case when the Weyl bulk has the geometry of a warped product space. We show how the confinement and stability properties of geodesics near the brane may be affected by the Weyl field. We construct a classical analogue of quantum confinement inspired in theoretical-field models by considering a Weyl scalar field which depends only on the extra coordinate.Comment: 16 pages, new title and references adde


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    CARMO, Flávio Cipriano de Assis. BALANÇO DA EMISSÃO DE GASES CARBÔNICOS NAS OPERAÇÕES FLORESTAIS E SEQUESTRO DE CARBONO EM FLORESTAS PLANTADAS NO ESPÍRITO SANTO. 2016. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Florestais) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Jerônimo Monteiro-ES. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Nilton César Fiedler. Coorientadores: Prof. Dr. Christiano Jorge Gomes Pinheiro e Prof. Dr. Amaury Paulo de Souza. Com o surgimento dos projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), várias empresas do setor florestal estão sendo estimuladas a desenvolver projetos com técnicas de produção que reduzam as emissões dos gases de efeito estufa, visando um aumento de renda, por meio da comercialização de créditos de carbono. Assim objetivou-se com esta pesquisa quantificar a concentração de gases que são emitidos durante o funcionamento das máquinas e veículos nas atividades de produção florestal visando realizar um balanço de sequestro de carbono pela floresta. Nesta pesquisa, para a quantificação de gases e opacidade, foram avaliadas 85 máquinas de motores a diesel utilizados no setor florestal, sendo responsáveis pela execução das atividades de silvicultura, colheita florestal, transporte florestal, administração, proteção, construção e manutenção de estradas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos na pesquisa, pode-se concluir que a atividade que emitiu maior quantidade de carbono para a atmosfera foi a de transporte florestal com aproximadamente 335 kgC.ha-1 (cerca de 56% da emissão total das atividades florestais), seguido da colheita florestal com 197,91 kgC.ha-1 (32,98 % do total emitido), silvicultura com 53,26 kgC.ha-1 (8,88% do total emitido), construção e manutenção de estradas com 11,18 kgC.ha-1 (1,86 % do total emitido) e a atividade de administração e proteção teve a menor emissão por hectare (2,86 kgC.ha-1 aproximadamente 0,5% do total emitido). Para o balanço de carbono, verificou-se que as florestas plantadas sequestram em torno de 42 toneladas de carbono por hectare, sendo que para seu desenvolvimento, colheita e transporte da madeira é emitido aproximadamente 600 kgC.ha-1 (1,43% do total sequestrado pela floresta). Em relação a emissão de opacidade, verificou-se que somente 4,71% das máquinas analisadas encontraram-se fora dos limites permitidos pela legislação vigente (CONAMA 418/09)

    Using low energy medical cyclotrons to produce 99mTc - Technetium

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    This article was retracted on 05 February 2014This paper refers to work in progress, addressing the global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments, Aiming to develop an efficient, safe and economical way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using lowenergy - so-called “medical” - cyclotrons. The present delivery strategy has intrinsic limitations because it is not only based on old nuclear reactors, but also limits the weekly agenda workflow. Our approach is distinct, and is based on the broad distribution network of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the target material, so the system here presented, is not based on the use of Nuclear Reactors and highly enriched (or even low enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), but entirely complying with the current international trends and directives, concerning the need to reduce the use of this potential highly critical target material. The direct production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc whose production yields have already been widely documented. The 99mTc is produced in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suscetibilidade dos estágios imaturos de Trichogramma pretiosum a óleos inseticidas.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a suscetibilidade das fases imaturas do parasitoide Trichogramma pretiosum a óleos vegetais e sintéticos utilizados no controle fitossanitário de pragas.Resumo

    Programmed buckling by controlled lateral swelling in a thin elastic sheet

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    Recent experiments have imposed controlled swelling patterns on thin polymer films, which subsequently buckle into three-dimensional shapes. We develop a solution to the design problem suggested by such systems, namely, if and how one can generate particular three-dimensional shapes from thin elastic sheets by mere imposition of a two-dimensional pattern of locally isotropic growth. Not every shape is possible. Several types of obstruction can arise, some of which depend on the sheet thickness. We provide some examples using the axisymmetric form of the problem, which is analytically tractable.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Perturbation theory for plasmonic eigenvalues

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    We develop a perturbative approach for calculating, within the quasistatic approximation, the shift of surface resonances in response to a deformation of a dielectric volume. Our strategy is based on the conversion of the homogeneous system for the potential which determines the plasmonic eigenvalues into an inhomogeneous system for the potential's derivative with respect to the deformation strength, and on the exploitation of the corresponding compatibility condition. The resulting general expression for the first-order shift is verified for two explicitly solvable cases, and for a realistic example of a deformed nanosphere. It can be used for scanning the huge parameter space of possible shape fluctuations with only quite small computational effort

    Photoluminescence and structure properties from mu c-Si:H and mu c-Si:H-PS samples

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    Microcrystalline and Porous on Microcrystalline Silicon thin films were produced. The photoluminescence characteristics of Porous on Microcrystalline Silicon were studied and compared with those from Microcrystalline and Porous Silicon grown on Silicon wafers. Under steady state it is possible to excite these samples with visible light at room temperature. This excitation gives rise to a red photoluminescence band, which is similar to that of Porous Silicon excited under the same conditions. MicroRaman and transmission spectroscopy shows that the Porous Silicon layer was produced below the Microcrystalline Silicon thin film that acts as a shield for excitation and emission of radiation with wavelength smaller than 500 nm. Sample thickness, crystallite size and crystallinity are determined. The results are discussed in terms of the theoretical framework based in the fluctuating quantum wire model for Porous Silicon.FCT-Praxis XX

    A study to guide breeding of new cultivars of organic cherry tomato following a consumer-driven approach.

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    Agricultural studies focusing on the development and/or improvement of new varieties of fruits and vegetables usually prioritize the productivity, disease resistance, response to fertilization, and higher nutrient content. However, new product development needs to take into account not only flavour preference, but also consumer preference for appearance since without tasting products, consumers have to make decisions based on the way a product looks. The present study evaluated the sensory characteristics and consumer preference of ten promising accessions of organic cherry tomato for fresh consumption aiming at identifying the sensory attributes related to appearance that contributed to consumer liking/disliking the fruit. More specifically, the objective of the study was to guide producers regarding the target appearance attributes that play a role on consumer acceptance of cherry tomatoes. Ten accessions of organic cherry tomatoes were evaluated by a trained panel using the QDA methodology, and also by 80 tomato consumers for the acceptance of appearance and intention to purchase. The results achieved after integrating these two data sets (from the trained panel and consumers) in a multidimensional map allowed the elucidation of consumer liking of tomatoes in relation to the appearance, i.e. drivers of liking/disliking were identified. Results revealed that tomatoes with round shape and red colour (reddish) (cultivar ENAS 1031, ENAS 1010, ?Perinha Agua Branca?, Super Sweet, and ?Joana?) were the most liked cherry tomatoes. Those genotypes were also liked by the smallest segment (17.5% of participants) but for them unusual shapes (oblong and pear), orange-yellow colour, and bigger size were also liked. Despite the small number of participants in this study (80 consumers), new shapes and colours for the organic cherry tomatoes could be considered promising alternatives in the Brazilian market, and can be an opportunity for the producers of the state of Rio de Janeiro