115 research outputs found

    An analytical framework for strategic alliance formation between a cooperative bank and a fintech start-up : an Italian case study

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    CEL: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja cech charakteryzujących analizowane podmioty, motywacje oraz procesy tworzenia aliansów strategicznych pomiędzy małym bankiem spółdzielczym a start-upem typu fintech. Artykuł wypełnia lukę badawczą w literaturze dotyczącej tej tematyki oraz wyjaśnia czynniki sukcesu aliansu strategicznego zawieranego pomiędzy badanymi podmiotami. METODYKA: Zastosowano jakościowe podejście badawcze, które składa się z dwóch etapów. Pierwszym krokiem było opracowanie ram analitycznych, umożliwiających zrozumienie kluczowych czynników sukcesu w tworzeniu aliansów strategicznych między bankami i start-upami typu fintech. W drugim kroku zastosowano ramy analityczne do analizy studium przypadku, którym był alians strategiczny pomiędzy Banca Popolare di Cortona i start--upem NetFintech. WYNIKI: Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że istnieją różne motywy tworzenia aliansów strategicznych między bankami i start-upami typu fintech. Z teoretycznego puntu widzenia motywacje banków opierają się na outsourcingu, innowacjach, ewolucji modelu biznesowego, przewadze konkurencyjnej, oszczędnościach, poprawie jakości świadczonych usług oraz uczenia się. Główne motywy fintechów to dostęp do klientów, pożyczki, licencja bankowa, ekonomia skali, zaufanie i wiarygodność. W części empirycznej ustalono, że głównymi czynnikami sukcesu są strategiczne dopasowanie i hybrydyzacja, kompetencje i doświadczenie, wartość kulturowa i bliskość terytorialna oraz profesjonalizm. IMPLIKACJE: Wyniki poszerzają wiedzę na temat aliansów strategicznych między bankami spółdzielczymi i start-upami typu fintech. Głównym ograniczeniem jest to, że artykuł opiera się tylko na jednym studium przypadku i dotyczy wyłącznie banków spółdzielczych, pomijając inne rodzaje banków. Może on być punktem wyjścia do dalszych badań w tym obszarze. Opisane studium przypadku może być dobrym przykładem do porównywania innych przypadków takich aliansów. Banki spółdzielcze i fintechy typu start-up zaangażowane w alianse strategiczne powinny dzielić swoje zaangażowanie na poziomie zarządzania. Istotne są również procedury tworzenia aliansów strategicznych. ORYGINALNOŚĆ I WARTOŚĆ: Artykuł wnosi istotny wkład do dotychczasowych badań na temat transformacji sektora bankowego pod wpływem technologii finansowych w dwóch obszarach. Po pierwsze opracowaliśmy teoretyczny model kluczowych czynników sukcesu podczas budowania aliansów strategicznych między bankami a start-upami typu fintech. Po drugie, zastosowaliśmy nasz model w kontekście kształtowania aliansów strategicznych między bankami i startupami na lokalnym rynku we Włoszech. W przeciwieństwie do wcześniejszych badań, które dotyczą głównie banków komercyjnych, nasz artykuł dotyczy relacji między bankami spółdzielczymi i start-upami typu fintech.PURPOSE: The paper aims to identify the characteristics of the entities involved, the motivations and the processes of forming strategic alliances between a small cooperative bank and a fintech start-up. The paper bridges the research gap in the literature and explains the success factors of strategic alliance between considered entities. METHODOLOGY: We applied a typical qualitative research approach that consists of two steps. The first step was to develop an analytical framework to understand the critical success factors for the strategic alliance formation between banks and fintech start-ups. In the second step, we applied the analytical framework for a case study analysis, considering the strategic alliance between the Banca Popolare di Cortona and the NetFintech start-up. FINDINGS: Our research shows that there are different motives for strategic alliance formation for banks and fintech startups. From a theoretical point of view, banks’ motivations are based on outsourcing, innovation, the evolution of the business model, competitive advantage, saving costs, improving service quality, and learning. The main motives for fintechs include access to customers, loans, banking license, economies of scale, trust, and credibility. In the empirical part, we found that the crucial success factors are strategic alignment and hybridization, competence and experience, cultural value and territorial closeness, and professionalism. IMPLICATIONS: The results develop the knowledge about the best conditions for cooperative banks and fintech start-ups strategic alliances. The main limitation is that the paper is based only on one case study and it is related to cooperative banks and does not embrace other groups of banks. For this reason, it can be a basis for further research in this area. The described case study can be a good example to compare other cases of such alliances. Cooperative banks and fintech start-ups involved in a strategic alliance should share the commitment at the governance level. Critical are also the procedures of the alliance formation. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: This article provides two main contributions to the literature on the technology-driven transformations of the banking sector. First, we elaborated a theoretical framework of the critical success factors for the bank and fintech start-up strategic alliance formation. Second, we applied the framework with the bank–fintech start-up cooperation in the local market in Italy. Contrary to previous research, which focuses mainly on commercial banks, this article presents the relationship between cooperative banks and fintech start-ups

    Validation of a questionnaire about knowledge and perception of biological risk among biomedical students of Sapienza University of Rome

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    Background and aim. Healthcare workers and Biomedical students are continuously exposed to biological risk in their clinical practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of an Italian questionnaire on the knowledge and perception of biological risk in Biomedical students at the beginning of their professional training. Material and methods.An electronic questionnaire was administered to students attending the second semester of the first year of Biomedical Courses at Sapienza University of Rome. The questionnaire consists of 40 questions divided into five sections collecting sociodemographic data, health status and level of knowledge and perception of biological risk. The statistical analysis was performed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Results. A total of 309 individuals answered the online questionnaire, with a response rate of 83.5%. The analysis of internal consistency was performed by two dichotomous variables that measured the knowledge level on hygiene behaviour and gloves use. The analysis showed a standardized Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.765, corresponding to a good reliability. A better reliability was found out among physiotherapy and medical students, with a Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.944 and 0.881, respectively. Regarding vaccines, 97.7% of the sample was given a Hepatitis B vaccination and 98.7% of students consider vaccinations essential for healthcare workers. Conclusion. Results of Cronbach’s alpha showed a good reliability of the questionnaire. First-year Biomedical students may be exposed to occupational biological risk mainly because of their inexperience. A training educational path should be implemented in order to acquire competences, knowledge, attitudes and practical skills, correct behaviors and a personal and professional responsibility

    The Digital Living Archive and the construction of a participatory cultural memory in the DARE-UIA project (Digital Environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities)

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    Living Archives perform a function of social memory sharing, which contributes to building social bonds, communities, and identities. This potential lays in the ability of Living Archives to put together an archival function, which allows with the conservation and transmission of memory, with an artistic, performative and creative function linked to the present. As part of the DARE-UIA (Digital environment for colaborative alliances to regenerate urban ecosystem in middle-sized cities) project, the creation of a living digital archive made possible to create a narrative that would consolidate the cultural memory of the Darsena district of the city of Ravenna. The aim of the project is to stimulate the urban regeneration of a suburban area of a city, enhancing its cultural memory and identity heritage, through digital heritage tools. The methodology used involves various digital storytelling actions necessary for the overall narrative using georeferencing systems (GIS), storymaps and 3D reconstructions for a transversal narration of historical content such as personal and institutional historical photos and to enhance the industrial archeology heritage of the neighborhood. The aim is the creation of an interactive and replicable narrative in similar contexts to the Darsena district in Ravenna. The Living Archive, in which all the digital contents are inserted, finds its manifestation towards the outside with the form of a museum spread throughout the neighborhood, making the contents usable on smartphones via QR codes and totems inserted on-site, creating thematic itineraries spread around the neighborhood. The construction of an interactive and engaging digital narrative has made possible to enhance the material and immaterial heritage of the neighborhood by recreating the community that has historically always distinguished it

    A data-driven analysis of the current debate on the linkages between performance and strategy studies

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    This paper focuses on how the relations between performance management and measurement (PMM) and strategy are considered by scholars. These relations are crucial in building a comprehensive body of knowledge of a complex and multifaceted phenomenon which attracts scholars pertaining to different management disciplines. The results obtained by adopting quantitative methodologies (descriptive statistics and text-mining analysis) on a sample of articles recently published in the most influential international 'business, and management accounting' journals, contribute to extant literature by providing evidence that several connections exist between key-concepts which are usually considered an exclusive heritage of single management disciplines, such as strategy, organisation, management control, and so forth. For that reason, an integration of competences and methodologies is needed to support further research in the field. We also find evidence suggesting that the organisational perspective should be particularly considered when investigating the relations between strategy, management control systems and PMM

    Valutazione dell’esposizione a sostanze chimiche: il ruolo del monitoraggio biologico in lavoratori esposti a TCE.

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    L’obiettivo di questo studio era esaminare i profili di un gruppo di lavoratori di un reparto di manutenzione di un’industria aeronautica espostio a tricloroetilene (TCE) dopo il 2001/59/ce ed il DL n. 197 06/14/2002, e di verificare l’utilità e la validità del monitoraggio biologico come fattore determinante per la sicurezza degli operatori

    Paediatric-type diffuse high-grade gliomas in the 5th CNS WHO Classification

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    As a relevant element of novelty, the fifth CNS WHO Classification highlights the distinctive pathobiology underlying gliomas arising primarily in children by recognizing for the first time the families of paediatric-type diffuse gliomas, both high-grade and low-grade. This review will focus on the family of paediatric-type diffuse high-grade gliomas, which includes four tumour types: 1) Diffuse midline glioma H3 K27-altered; 2) Diffuse hemispheric glioma H3 G34-mutant; 3) Diffuse paediatric-type high-grade glioma H3-wildtype and IDH-wildtype; and 4) Infant-type hemispheric glioma. The essential and desirable diagnostic criteria as well as the entities entering in the differential will be discussed for each tumour type. A special focus will be given on the issues encountered in the daily practice, especially regarding the diagnosis of the diffuse paediatric-type high-grade glioma H3-wildtype and IDH-wildtype. The advantages and the limits of the multiple molecular tests which may be utilised to define the entities of this tumour family will be evaluated in each diagnostic context

    Comparative systematics and phylogeography of Quercus Section Cerris in western Eurasia: inferences from plastid and nuclear DNA variation

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    Oaks (Quercus) comprise more than 400 species worldwide and centres of diversity for most sections lie in the Americas and East/Southeast Asia. The only exception is the Eurasian sect. Cerris that comprises about 15 species, most of which are confined to western Eurasia. This section has not been comprehensively studied using molecular tools. Here, we assess species diversity and provide a first comprehensive taxonomic and phylogeographic scheme of western Eurasian members of sect. Cerris using plastid (trnH-psbA) and nuclear (5S-IGS) DNA variation with a dense intra-specific and geographic sampling. Chloroplast haplotypes primarily reflected phylogeographic patterns originating from interspecific cytoplasmic gene flow within sect. Cerris and its sister section Ilex. We identified two widespread and ancestral haplotypes, and locally restricted derived variants. Signatures shared with Mediterranean species of sect. Ilex, but not with the East Asian Cerris oaks, suggest that the western Eurasian lineage came into contact with Ilex only after the first (early Oligocene) members of sect. Cerris in Northeast Asia had begun to radiate and move westwards. Nuclear 5S-IGS diversification patterns were more useful for establishing a molecular-taxonomic framework and to reveal hybridization and reticulation. Four main evolutionary lineages were identified. The first lineage is comprised of Q. libani, Q. trojana and Q. afares and appears to be closest to the root of sect. Cerris. These taxa are morphologically most similar to the East Asian species of Cerris, and to both Oligocene and Miocene fossils of East Asia and Miocene fossils of western Eurasia. The second lineage is mainly composed of the widespread Q. cerris and the narrow endemic species Q. castaneifolia, Q. look, and Q. euboica. The third lineage comprises three Near East species (Q. brantii, Q. ithaburensis and Q. macrolepis), well adapted to continental climates with cold winters. The forth lineage appears to be the most derived and comprises Q. suber and Q. crenata. Q. cerris and Q.  trojana displayed high levels of variation; Q. macrolepis and Q. euboica, previously treated as subspecies of Q. ithaburensis and Q. trojana, likely deserve independent species status. A trend towards inter-specific crosses was detected in several taxa; however, we found no clear evidence of a hybrid origin of Q. afares and Q. crenata, as currently assumed

    WandaVision, il Marvel Cinematic Universe e la rielaborazione della sitcom tra passato e presente

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    Con il lancio della nuova piattaforma Disney+, i Marvel Studios hanno cominciato a sperimentare. La loro è una nuova linea d’azione, dal grande al piccolo schermo, per rendere fin da subito Disney+ più ricca di contenuti originali. Destreggiandosi nel catalogo, lo spettatore potrà trovare, oltre ai classici film del MCU, le nuove serie. Tra queste, alcune annunciate, altre già rilasciate, troviamo WandaVision, Falcon & The Winter Soldier e Loki. Con questo studio, attraverso un’analisi iniziale della Marvel, dalla nascita alla bancarotta, fino ad oggi, l’attenzione sarà posta principalmente sulla prima serie, WandaVsion. La serie in questione apre le porte alla quarta nuova fase del MCU, ponendosi idealmente dopo l’ultimo film, Endgame, non tralasciando easter eggs e rimandi al passato. WandaVision rappresenta una vera e propria innovazione, ciò che la contraddistingue è la sapiente fusione tra sitcom del passato e presente, e l’imponenza dei classici supereroi. Vedremo come la serie abbia reso omaggio al piccolo schermo, iniziando il nostro percorso da quelle che sono le diramazioni create dalle fasi precedenti del MCU. Tutto questo grazie alle sitcom più famose, che dagli anni Trenta già con la radio hanno costellato, poi, la televisione fino ai giorni d’oggi