4,171 research outputs found

    Compaction dynamics in ductile granular media

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    Ductile compaction is common in many natural systems, but the temporal evolution of such systems is rarely studied. We observe surprising oscillations in the weight measured at the bottom of a self-compacting ensemble of ductile grains. The oscillations develop during the first ten hours of the experiment, and usually persist through the length of an experiment (one week). The weight oscillations are connected to the grain--wall contacts, and are directly correlated with the observed strain evolution and the dynamics of grain--wall contacts during the compaction. Here, we present the experimental results and characteristic time constants of the system, and discuss possible reasons for the measured weight oscillations.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Space-like and time-like pion electromagnetic form factor and Fock state components within the Light-Front dynamics

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    The simultaneous investigation of the pion electromagnetic form factor in the space- and time-like regions within a light-front model allows one to address the issue of non-valence components of the pion and photon wave functions. Our relativistic approach is based on a microscopic vector meson dominance (VMD) model for the dressed vertex where a photon decays in a quark-antiquark pair, and on a simple parametrization for the emission or absorption of a pion by a quark. The results show an excellent agreement in the space like region up to -10 (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^2, while in time-like region the model produces reasonable results up to 10 (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^2.Comment: 74 pages, 11 figures, use revtex

    Electromagnetic form factors in the light-front formalism and the Feynman triangle diagram: spin-0 and spin-1 two-fermion systems

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    The connection between the Feynman triangle diagram and the light-front formalism for spin-0 and spin-1 two-fermion systems is analyzed. It is shown that in the limit q+ = 0 the form factors for both spin-0 and spin-1 systems can be uniquely determined using only the good amplitudes, which are not affected by spurious effects related to the loss of rotational covariance present in the light-front formalism. At the same time, the unique feature of the suppression of the pair creation process is maintained. Therefore, a physically meaningful one-body approximation, in which all the constituents are on their mass-shells, can be consistently formulated in the limit q+ = 0. Moreover, it is shown that the effects of the contact term arising from the instantaneous propagation of the active constituent can be canceled out from the triangle diagram by means of an appropriate choice of the off-shell behavior of the bound state vertexes; this implies that in case of good amplitudes the Feynman triangle diagram and the one-body light-front result match exactly. The application of our covariant light-front approach to the evaluation of the rho-meson elastic form factors is presented.Comment: corrected typos in the reference

    A connection between inclusive semileptonic decays of bound and free heavy quarks

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    A relativistic constituent quark model, formulated on the light-front, is used to derive a new parton approximation for the inclusive semileptonic decay width of the B-meson. A simple connection between the decay rate of a free heavy-quark and the one of a heavy-quark bound in a meson or in a baryon is established. The main features of the new approach are the treatment of the b-quark as an on-mass-shell particle and the inclusion of the effects arising from the b-quark transverse motion in the B-meson. In a way conceptually similar to the deep-inelastic scattering case, the B-meson inclusive width is expressed as the integral of the free b-quark partial width multiplied by a bound-state factor related to the b-quark distribution function in the B-meson. The non-perturbative meson structure is described through various quark-model wave functions, constructed via the Hamiltonian light-front formalism using as input both relativized and non-relativistic potential models. A link between spectroscopic quark models and the B-meson decay physics is obtained in this way. Our predictions for the B -> X_c l nu_l and B -> X_u l nu_l decays are used to extract the CKM parameters |V_cb| and |V_ub| from available inclusive data. After averaging over the various quark models adopted and including leading-order perturbative QCD corrections, we obtain |V_cb| = (43.0 +/- 0.7_exp +/- 1.8_th) 10^-3 and |V_ub| = (3.83 +/- 0.48_exp +/- 0.14_th) 10^-3, implying |V_ub / V_cb| = 0.089 +/- 0.011_exp +/- 0.005_th, in nice agreement with existing predictions.Comment: revised version with pQCD corrections included, to appear in Physical Review

    Study of the semileptonic decay \Lambda_b^0 \to \Lambda_c^+ l^- \bar{\nu}_l

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    Within the framework of a nonrelativistic quark model we evaluate the six form factors associated to the \Lambda_b^0 \to \Lambda_c^+ l^- \bar{\nu}_l semileptonic decay. The baryon wave functions were evaluated using a variational approach applied to a family of trial functions constrained by Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS). We use a spectator model with only one-body current operators. For these operators we keep up to first order terms on the internal (small) heavy quark momentum, but all orders on the transferred (large) momentum. Our result for the partially integrated decay width is in good agreement with lattice calculations. Comparison of our total decay width to experiment allows us to extract the V_{cb} Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element for which we obtain a value of |V_{cb}|=0.047\pm 0.005 in agreement with a recent determination by the DELPHI Collaboration. Furthermore, we obtain the universal Isgur-Wise function with a slope parameter \rho^2=0.98 in agreement with lattice results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Presented at 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2004), Chicago, Illinois, 27 Jun - 3 Jul 200

    Comparison among Hamiltonian light-front formalisms at q+ = 0 and q+ <> 0: space-like elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons

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    The electromagnetic elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons are analyzed for space-like momentum transfers in terms of relativistic quark models based on the Hamiltonian light-front formalism elaborated in different reference frames (q+ 0 and q+ 0). As far as the one-body approximation for the electromagnetic current operator is concerned, it is shown that the predictions of the light-front approach at q+=0 should be preferred, particularly in case of light hadrons, because of: i) the relevant role played by the Z-graph at q+ 0, and ii) the appropriate elimination of spurious effects, related to the orientation of the null hyperplane where the light-front wave function is defined.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev. C. No change in the results and in the conclusion

    Explicitly Covariant Light-Front Dynamics and Relativistic Few-Body Systems

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    The wave function of a composite system is defined in relativity on a space-time surface. In the explicitly covariant light-front dynamics, reviewed in the present article, the wave functions are defined on the plane \omega \cd x=0, where ω\omega is an arbitrary four-vector with ω2=0\omega^2=0. The standard non-covariant approach is recovered as a particular case for ω=(1,0,0,1)\omega = (1,0,0,-1). Using the light-front plane is of crucial importance, while the explicit covariance gives strong advantages emphasized through all the review. The properties of the relativistic few-body wave functions are discussed in detail and are illustrated by examples in a solvable model. The three-dimensional graph technique for the calculation of amplitudes in the covariant light-front perturbation theory is presented. The structure of the electromagnetic amplitudes is studied. We investigate the ambiguities which arise in any approximate light-front calculations, and which lead to a non-physical dependence of the electromagnetic amplitude on the orientation of the light-front plane. The elastic and transition form factors free from these ambiguities are found for spin 0, 1/2 and 1 systems. The formalism is applied to the calculation of the relativistic wave functions of two-nucleon systems (deuteron, scattering state), with particular attention to the role of their new components in the deuteron elastic and electrodisintegration form factors and to their connection with meson exchange currents. Straigthforward applications to the pion and nucleon form factors and the ρπ\rho-\pi transition are also made.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 162 pages, 42 figures, to be published in Physics Reports (next issues

    Rare exclusive semileptonic b -> s transitions in the Standard Model

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    We study long-distance effects in rare exclusive semileptonic decays B -> (K, K*) (l+ l-, nu bar{nu}) and analyze dilepton spectra and asymmetries within the framework of the Standard Model. The form factors, describing the meson transition amplitudes of the effective Hamiltonian are calculated within the lattice-constrained dispersion quark model: the form factors are given by dispersion representations through the wave functions of the initial and final mesons, and these wave functions are chosen such that the B -> K* transition form factors agree with the lattice results at large q**2. We calculate branching ratios of semileptonic B -> K, K* transition modes and study the sensitivity of observables to the long-distance contributions. The shape of the forward-backward asymmetry and the longitudinal lepton polarization asymmetry are found to be independent of the long-distance effects and mainly determined by the values of the Wilson coefficients in the Standard Model.Comment: revtex, 17 pp., 5 figures with epsfig.st

    Nucleon electroweak form factors in a meson-cloud model

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    The meson-cloud model of the nucleon consisting of a system of three valence quarks surrounded by a meson cloud is applied to study the electroweak structure of the proton and neutron. The electroweak nucleon form factors are calculated within a light-front approach, by obtaining an overall good description of the experimental data. Charge densities as a function of the transverse distance with respect to the direction of the three-momentum transfer are also discussed.Comment: Prepared for Proceedings of NSTAR2007, Workshop on the physics of excited nucleons, Bonn (Germany), 5-8 September 200

    Terminate Lung Cancer (TLC) Study—A Mixed-Methods Population Approach to Increase Lung Cancer Screening Awareness and Low-Dose Computed Tomography in Eastern Kentucky

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    For low dose CT lung cancer screening to be effective in curbing disease mortality, efforts are needed to overcome barriers to awareness and facilitate uptake of the current evidence-based screening guidelines. A sequential mixed-methods approach was employed to design a screening campaign utilizing messages developed from community focus groups, followed by implementation of the outreach campaign intervention in two high-risk Kentucky regions. This study reports on rates of awareness and screening in intervention regions, as compared to a control region