9 research outputs found

    A Brief Review of the Content of Super-exploitation of Workers in Dependent Peripheral Economies

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    This paper uses the Marxist theory of dependence, which identifies the super-exploitation of workers as an essential characteristic of the dependent condition, a fact that is marked by the intensification of the transfer of wealth produced in the periphery and accumulated in the countries of the center. It intends to demonstrate how capital accumulation leads to the formation of an industrial reserve army and how this contributes to the forms of super-exploitation of labor and to its strengthening in dependent countries, particularly those of Latin America

    Dialética do desenvolvimento periférico: dependência, superexploração da força de trabalho e política econômica Dialectics of peripheral development: dependence, superexploitation of labor force and economic policy

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    Este trabalho procura discutir as possibilidades de desenvolvimento na periferia da economia mundial, enfatizando dois aspectos. Em primeiro lugar, observa-se que as políticas econômicas neoliberais e a reestruturação produtiva foram formas encontradas pelo capital para responder à sua própria crise dos anos 1970, e que essas formas aprofundaram a condição de dependência das economias periféricas dentro da lógica mundial de acumulação capitalista. Em segundo lugar, constata-se que a única maneira de desenvolvimento capitalista na periferia, tendo em vista o aprofundamento da dependência, é a superexploração da força de trabalho. Por fim, argumenta-se que as alternativas para a periferia passam pela redução dessa superexploração da força de trabalho e/ou da luta contra a própria exploração capitalista da força de trabalho como forma de extração de excedente.<br>This paper aims to discuss the possibilities of development in the periphery of the world economy emphasizing two points. Firstly, there is that the neoliberal economic policies and productive restructuring were forms found by capital to respond to its own crisis of 70's, and that these forms deepened the condition of dependency of peripheral economies within the logic of global capitalist accumulation. Secondly, it appears that the only way of capitalist development in the periphery, with a view to deepening dependence, is the superexploitation of labor force. Finally, it is argued that the alternatives to the periphery are the reduction of superexploitation of labor force and/or the fight against the capitalist exploitation of the labor force as a form of extraction of surplus