4,196 research outputs found

    Approximations in Fusion and Breakup reactions induced by Radioactive Beams

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    Some commonly used approximations for complete fusion and breakup transmission coefficients in collisions of weakly bound projectiles at near barrier energies are assessed. We show that they strongly depend on the adopted classical trajectory and can be significantly improved with proper treatment of the incident and emergent currents in the WKB approximation.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Jet Deflection via Cross winds: Laboratory Astrophysical Studies

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    We present new data from High Energy Density (HED) laboratory experiments designed to explore the interaction of a heavy hypersonic radiative jet with a cross wind. The jets are generated with the MAGPIE pulsed power machine where converging conical plasma flows are produced from a cylindrically symmetric array of inclined wires. Radiative hypersonic jets emerge from the convergence point. The cross wind is generated by ablation of a plastic foil via soft-X-rays from the plasma convergence region. Our experiments show that the jets are deflected by the action of the cross wind with the angle of deflection dependent on the proximity of the foil. Shocks within the jet beam are apparent in the data. Analysis of the data shows that the interaction of the jet and cross wind is collisional and therefore in the hydro-dynamic regime. MHD plasma code simulations of the experiments are able to recover the deflection behaviour seen in the experiments. We consider the astrophysical relevance of these experiments applying published models of jet deflection developed for AGN and YSOs. Fitting the observed jet deflections to quadratic trajectories predicted by these models allows us to recover a set of plasma parameters consistent with the data. We also present results of 3-D numerical simulations of jet deflection using a new astrophysical Adaptive Mesh Refinement code. These simulations show highly structured shocks occurring within the beam similar to what was observed in the experimentsComment: Submitted to ApJ. For a version with figures go to http://web.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/labastro/CW/Jet-Wind-Frank.pd

    Semiclassical treatment of fusion processes in collisions of weakly bound nuclei

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    We describe a semiclassical treatment of nuclear fusion reactions involving weakly bound nuclei. In this treatment, the complete fusion probabilities are approximated by products of two factors: a tunneling probability and the probability that the system is in its ground state at the strong absorption radius. We investigate the validity of the method in a schematic two-channel application, where the channels in the continuum are represented by a single resonant state. Comparisons with full coupled-channels calculations are performed. The agreement between semiclassical and quantal calculations isquite good, suggesting that the procedure may be extended to more sophisticated discretizations of the continuum.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Large Scale Flows from Orion-South

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    Multiple optical outflows are known to exist in the vicinity of the active star formation region called Orion-South (Orion-S). We have mapped the velocity of low ionization features in the brightest part of the Orion Nebula, including Orion-S, and imaged the entire nebula with the Hubble Space Telescope. These new data, combined with recent high resolution radio maps of outflows from the Orion-S region, allow us to trace the origin of the optical outflows. It is confirmed that HH 625 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the CO outflow from 136-359 in Orion-S while it is likely that HH 507 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the SiO outflow from the nearby source 135-356. It is likely that redshifted lobes are deflected within the photon dominated region behind the optical nebula. This leads to a possible identification of a new large shock to the southwest from Orion-S as being driven by the redshifted CO outflow arising from 137-408. The distant object HH 400 is seen to have two even further components and these all are probably linked to either HH 203, HH 204, or HH 528. Distant shocks on the west side of the nebula may be related to HH 269. The sources of multiple bright blueshifted Herbig-Haro objects (HH 202, HH 203, HH 204, HH 269, HH 528) remain unidentified, in spite of earlier claimed identifications. Some of this lack of identification may arise from the fact that deflection in radial velocity can also produce a change in direction in the plane of the sky. The best way to resolve this open question is through improved tangential velocities of low ionization features arising where the outflows first break out into the ionized nebula.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. Some figures are shown at reduced resolution. A full-resolution version is available at http://ifront.org/wiki/Orion_South_Outflows_Pape

    Interplay of static and dynamic effects in 6He+ 238U Fusion

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    We investigate the influence of the neutron halo and the breakup channel in 6He + 238U fusion at near-barrier energies. To include static effects of the 2n-halo in 6He nuclei, we use a single-folding potential obtained from an appropriate nucleon-238U interaction and a realistic 6He density. Dynamical effects arising from the breakup process are then included through coupled-channel calculations. These calculations suggest that static effects dominate the cross section at energies above the Coulomb barrier, while the sub-barrier fusion cross section appears to be determined by coupling to the breakup channel. This last conclusion is uncertain due to the procedure employed to measure the fusion cross-section.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Evolución de la ley (AG/CU) en monedas árabes durante los siglos VIII al X D.C mediante SEM-EDX y TXRF

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    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio analítico, mediante fluorescencia de ra yos X por reflexión total (TXRF) y microscopía electrónica de barrido con aná lisis de energía dispersiva de rayos X (SEM-EDX). de un amplio grupo de mo nedas islámicas (532 piezas), con el fin de establecer una correlación entre la ley de la moneda islámica en España y los acontecimientos históricos más relevan tes tícurridos durante los siglos VIII al X d.C. Los resultados analíticos obteni dos han permitido establecer el proceso de devaluación en la riqueza de la alea- ción Ag/Cu. en este período. Las tendencias observadas se correlacionan con el déficit de plata sufrido por el estado Omeya de Córdoba. Por otro lado, la com binación de las técnicas de TXRF y SEM-EDX ha permitido caracterizar de forma concluyente la tecnología de la producción, así como la evolución histórica su frida por este tipo de materiales

    Trapped Protostellar Winds and their Breakout

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    Observations show that high-velocity jets stem from deeply embedded young stars, which may still be experiencing infall from their parent cloud cores. Yet theory predicts that, early in this buildup, any outgoing wind is trapped by incoming material of low angular momentum. As collapse continues and brings in more rapidly rotating gas, the wind can eventually break out. Here we model this transition by following the motion of the shocked shell created by impact of the wind and a rotating, collapsing envelope. We first demonstrate, both analytically and numerically, that our previous, quasi-static solutions are dynamically unstable. Our present, fully time-dependent calculations include cases both where the wind is driven back by infall to the stellar surface, and where it erupts as a true outflow. For the latter, we find that the time of breakout is sim 50,000 yr for wind speeds of 200 km/s. The reason for the delay is that the shocked material, including the swept-up infall, must be able to climb out of the star's gravitational potential well. We explore the critical wind speed necessary for breakout as a function of the mass transport rates in the wind and infall, as well as the cloud rotation rate Omega0 and time since the start of infall. Breakout does occur for realistic parameter choices. The actual breakout times would change if we relaxed the assumption of perfect mixing between the wind and infall material. Our expanding shells do not exhibit the collimation of observed jets, but continue to expand laterally. To halt this expansion, the density in the envelope must fall off less steeply than in our model.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap

    On the relationship between sloppiness and identifiability

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    25 páginas, 11 figuras, 2 tablasDynamic models of biochemical networks are often formulated as sets of non-linear ordinary differential equations, whose states are the concentrations or abundances of the network components. They typically have a large number of kinetic parameters, which must be determined by calibrating the model with experimental data. In recent years it has been suggested that dynamic systems biology models are universally sloppy, meaning that the values of some parameters can be perturbed by several orders of magnitude without causing significant changes in the model output. This observation has prompted calls for focusing on model predictions rather than on parameters. In this work we examine the concept of sloppiness, investigating its links with the long-established notions of structural and practical identifiability. By analysing a set of case studies we show that sloppiness is not equivalent to lack of identifiability, and that sloppy models can be identifiable. Thus, using sloppiness to draw conclusions about the possibility of estimating parameter values can be misleading. Instead, structural and practical identifiability analyses are better tools for assessing the confidence in parameter estimates. Furthermore, we show that, when designing new experiments to decrease parametric uncertainty, designs that optimize practical identifiability criteria are more informative than those that minimize sloppinessThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 686282 (“CANPATHPRO”) and from the Spanish government (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the projects “SYNBIOFACTORY” (grant number DPI2014-55276-C5-2-R), and “IMPROWINE” (grant number AGL2015-67504-C3-2-R)N