680 research outputs found

    Direction of movement of late paleozoic glaciers in Angola (Western Africa)

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    A identificação de um pavimento de clastos intercalado entre dois diamictitos da "Série de Lutôe", Angola, constitue evidência de origem glacial dessas rochas. A orientação de estrias sobre os clastos, a disposição espacial destes no pavimento, e a orientação de clastos de diamictitos indicam que as geleiras neopaleozóicas deslocaram-se de SE-NW nesta parte da Bacia do Congo.Identification of a boulder pavement intercalated between two diamictites of the "Lutôe Series" in Angola points out for a glacial origin for these rocks. Measurement of striae on clasts, their disposition in the pavement and the fabric of diamictites indicate movement of Late Paleozoic (Gondwana) glaciers towards NW in this part of the Congo Basin

    Paleoecologia dos bivalves neopaleozóicos da bacia do Paraná, Brasil

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    Periods Of Weed Interference In Maize Crops Cultivated In The First And Second Cycles

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    The interference of weeds in maize production may be reflected in grain yield losses that vary as a function of the density, stage and degree of aggressiveness of the species present. In the agricultural ecosystem, crops and weeds demand light, water, nutrients and space, which are frequently not available in sufficient quantities, leading to competition. The aim of this work was to determine the period of interference of weed plants, in particular of naked crabgrass (Digitaria nuda) on maize crop in the first and second harvest. The treatments were defined as increasing periods of coexistence and increasing control of weed community (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days), two more controls, a control including one with weed control until the end of the culture cycle and another with coexistence until the harvest. For each period, were evaluated the stand of maize plants, length of ear, number of grains per row, number of rows per ear, cob, 100-grain weight, and grain productivity. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance using the F test, with average treatments compared using Tukey's test at 5% probability. Crop productivity was evaluated by means of regressions, the critical periods of interference were estimated. The critical timing of weed removal was 25 days for both harvests. The critical weed free period was 54 and 27 days for the first and second harvest respectively. For the conditions of the first and second harvest, the critical period of weed control was of 29 and 2 days respectively.3752867287

    peouenosfrutos 17 pós-colheita Conservação de Morangos com utilização de Óleos Essenciais

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    Nos últimos anos, a cultura do morango tem vindo a assumir uma maior importância devido ao seu potencial de exportação e à elevada procura que se verifica, mas a sua curta vida útil dificulta a sua comercialização


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    A Tuberculose (TB) doença é causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tendo as vias aéreas como principal via de transmissão, apresentando-se sob as formas clínicas pulmonar e extrapulmonar. A via de infecção tuberculosa é quase sempre inalatória. A doença acomete principalmente pessoas na faixa etária entre 20 e 49 anos. A incidência no gênero masculino normalmente é superior à do gênero feminino e, a forma pulmonar é a forma clínica da doença que mais acomete a população. O padrão para o diagnóstico da TB é a baciloscopia e cultura com a identificação da espécie. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, o esquema básico de quimioprofilaxia para adultos e adolescentes é realizado por um período de seis meses, composto pelos seguintes medicamentos: Rifampicina (R), Isoniazida (H), Pirazinamida (Z) e Etambutol (E). De acordo com Ministério de Saúde, existem duas medidas preventivas eficazes contra a tuberculose: a vacinação e a quimioprofilaxia. A vacinação com a BCG é a medida mais comum para prevenção da TB é indicada para crianças de 0 a 4 anos de idade e a proteção imunitária pode manter-se por 10 a 15 anos. O Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose é responsável pela redução das fontes de infecção, diagnóstico, tratamento e pela distribuição dos medicamentos que são fornecidos gratuitamente a todos os doentes registrados e acompanhados nas Unidades de Saúde, levando à consequente redução da incidência, prevalência e mortalidade causada pela TB.Palavras-chave: Tuberculose. M. tuberculosis. Diagnóstico. Tratamento

    Energy relaxation of an excited electron gas in quantum wires: many-body electron LO-phonon coupling

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    We theoretically study energy relaxation via LO-phonon emission in an excited one-dimensional electron gas confined in a GaAs quantum wire structure. We find that the inclusion of phonon renormalization effects in the theory extends the LO-phonon dominated loss regime down to substantially lower temperatures. We show that a simple plasmon-pole approximation works well for this problem, and discuss implications of our results for low temperature electron heating experiments in quantum wires.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng


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    The study aimed to identify the effect of a neuromuscular resistance training protocol (NRTP) on the performance of 5-km distance runners. This study included 18 male runners (age=29.3±3.2 years, fat percentage=11.3±2.6%, body height=1.77±.04 m, body mass=73.4±4.4 kg, time in 5 km=20.6±2.4 min, training years=4.3±0.7 years). First, volunteers were anthropometrically evaluated, and they performed one-repetition maximum (1RM) 45o leg press (LP) strength test. Second, they performed an incremental protocol in the 45o LP to acquire the electromyographic threshold. Third, they completed a 5-km time trial run (5 km basal). In the fourth session, they performed NRTP in LP. And fifth, the 5-km time trial run was performed at 30 min, 48 h, 96 h, and 144 h post the NRTP intervention. A significant decrease (p≤.05) was observed when baseline values were compared with post 30 min and post 48 h (p=.02 and p=.04, respectively). However, there were significant positive differences in performance (p=.04 for time) when baseline values and post 144 h were analyzed. Therefore, it is concluded that the NRTP can be used by 5-km distance runners to improve their performance with a break of one week between the intervention and test