18 research outputs found

    Pratos e mais pratos: louças domésticas, divisÔes culturais e limites sociais no Rio de Janeiro, século XIX

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    Reply to ten comments on a paper published in the last issue of this journal. The discussion follows along six main lines: History museums, identity, ideology and the category of nation; the need of material collections and their modalities: patrimonial, operational, virtual; theater versus laboratory; visitors and their ambiguities; Public History: the museum and the academy.Resposta aos comentĂĄrios de dez especialistas que contribuĂ­ram no debate de texto publicado no Ășltimo nĂșmero desta revista. A discussĂŁo orientou-se segundo seis tĂłpicos principais: museus histĂłricos, identidade, ideologia e a categoria de nação; a necessidade de acervos materiais e suas modalidades: acervo patrimonial, operacional, virtual; teatro versus laboratĂłrio; o pĂșblico e suas ambigĂŒidades; HistĂłria PĂșblica: o museu e a Academia

    Harnessing clinical psychiatric data with an electronic assessment tool (OPCRIT+):the utility of symptom dimensions

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    Progress in personalised psychiatry is dependent on researchers having access to systematic and accurately acquired symptom data across clinical diagnoses. We have developed a structured psychiatric assessment tool, OPCRIT+, that is being introduced into the electronic medical records system of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust which can help to achieve this. In this report we examine the utility of the symptom data being collected with the tool. Cross-sectional mental state data from a mixed-diagnostic cohort of 876 inpatients was subjected to a principal components analysis (PCA). Six components, explaining 46% of the variance in recorded symptoms, were extracted. The components represented dimensions of mania, depression, positive symptoms, anxiety, negative symptoms and disorganization. As indicated by component scores, different clinical diagnoses demonstrated distinct symptom profiles characterized by wide-ranging levels of severity. When comparing the predictive value of symptoms against diagnosis for a variety of clinical outcome measures (e.g. 'Overactive, aggressive behaviour'), symptoms proved superior in five instances (R(2) range: 0.06-0.28) whereas diagnosis was best just once (R(2):0.25). This report demonstrates that symptom data being routinely gathered in an NHS trust, when documented on the appropriate tool, have considerable potential for onward use in a variety of clinical and research applications via representation as dimensions of psychopathology

    Diagnosis only (D), symptoms only (S) and models containing both sets of predictors (D+S) and their associations with various clinical outcome measures.

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    <p>Columns 2–4 report Nagelkerke’s Pseudo R<sup>2</sup> (<sup>a</sup>adjusted R<sup>2</sup> where linear regression is used) for each model and overall model significance (*significant at the <0.05 level, **significant at the <0.01 level, ***significant at the <0.001 level). Column 5 details the best fitting model based on the likelihood ratio test (p<0.05) or the non-significance of other models in the comparison<sup>b</sup>. Column 6 details, in descending order of significance, predictors in the best model with a p-value of <0.1. M = Mania, D = Depression, P = Positive symptoms, A = Anxiety, N = Negative symptoms, Di = Disorganization, FXX = ICD10 diagnostic category.</p

    ChĂĄ e simpatia: uma estratĂ©gia de gĂȘnero no Rio de Janeiro oitocentista

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    Inicialmente, a A. traça um quadro do chĂĄ e do ritual do chĂĄ na Inglaterra, foco da Revolução Industrial, e chama a atenção para seus significados como um instrumento de liberação feminina. A seguir, mobilizando especialmente material arqueolĂłgico suplementado por fontes literĂĄrias, ela dirige sua anĂĄlise para a periferia do caRitalismo e esboça a introdução do chĂĄ no Brasil. O ritual do chĂĄ, claramente sob autoridade feminina, no entanto apresenta uma peculiaridade singular nas classes mĂ©dias do Rio de Janeiro oitocentista: Ă© servido num espaço masculino por excelĂȘncia, a sala de jantar. Tal ambigĂŒidade Ă© estudada juntamente com outros rituais mais recentes (que esvaziaram a etiqueta original do chĂĄ enquanto rito de passagem!, do ponto de vista das estratĂ©gias de gĂȘnero