40 research outputs found

    The Economic Case for Landscape Restoration in Latin America

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    Degraded lands鈥攍ands that have lost some degree of their natural productivity through human activity鈥攁ccount for over 20 percent of forest and agricultural lands in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some 300 million hectares of the region's forests are considered degraded, and about 350 million hectares are now classified as deforested. The agriculture and forestry sectors are growing and exerting great pressure on natural areas. With the region expected to play an increasingly important role in global food security, this pressure will continue to ratchet up. In addition, land degradation is a major driver in greenhouse gas emissions in the region. Forest and landscape restoration can offer a solution to these increasing pressures

    Gobernanza forestal en el territorio Twi Waupasa, Costa Caribe Norte de Nicaragua

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    The study was conducted in order to analyze forest governance in Twi Waupasa territory, Puerto Cabezas Municipality, Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Focal groups and individual interviews were established which allowed identifying a set of constraints and problems that disrupt forest governance; Internal conflicts between neighboring communities, poor distribution of economic benefits, land invasions by settlers, weakening of traditional structures by political parties, and inexperience in Community Forest Management are situations that hinder governance. To this end, a forestEl estudio se realiz贸 con el n de analizar la gobernanza forestal en el territorio Twi Waupasa, Municipio de Puerto Cabezas, Regi贸n Aut贸noma de la Costa Caribe Norte de Nicaragua. Se establecieron grupos focales y entrevistas individuales lo cual permiti贸 identificar un conjunto de limitantes y problemas que interrumpen la gobernanza forestal; los conflictos internos entre comunidades vecinas, la mala distribuci贸n de los beneficios econ贸micos, la invasi贸n de tierra por colonos, el debilitamiento de las estructuras tradicionales por partidos pol铆ticos y la inexperiencia en el Manejo Forestal Comunitario, son situaciones que entorpecen la gobernanza. Para ello se ofrece un modelo de gobernanza forestal construido desde la perspectiva de los actores locales

    Gobernanza forestal en el territorio Twi Waupasa, Costa Caribe Norte de Nicaragua

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    El estudio se realiz贸 con el n de analizar la gobernanza forestal en el territorio Twi Waupasa, Municipio de Puerto Cabezas, Regi贸n Aut贸noma de la Costa Caribe Norte de Nicaragua. Se establecieron grupos focales y entrevistas individuales lo cual permiti贸 identificar un conjunto de limitantes y problemas que interrumpen la gobernanza forestal; los conflictos internos entre comunidades vecinas, la mala distribuci贸n de los beneficios econ贸micos, la invasi贸n de tierra por colonos, el debilitamiento de las estructuras tradicionales por partidos pol铆ticos y la inexperiencia en el Manejo Forestal Comunitario, son situaciones que entorpecen la gobernanza. Para ello se ofrece un modelo de gobernanza forestal construido desde la perspectiva de los actores locales.AbstractThe study was conducted in order to analyze forest governance in Twi Waupasa territory, Puerto Cabezas Municipality, Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Focal groups and individual interviews were established which allowed identifying a set of constraints and problems that disrupt forest governance; Internal conflicts between neighboring communities, poor distribution of economic benefits, land invasions by settlers, weakening of traditional structures by political parties, and inexperience in Community Forest Management are situations that hinder governance. To this end, a forest governance model built from the perspective of local actors is offered.

    Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America: Relevant Actors and Policies

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    This paper analyzes the role of particular social and economic actors in the forest sector, and the impact of existing policies in the region. The aim is to visualize the options that are available to improve forest policies and practices that will in turn generate income and ensure sustainability with the active participation of the actors. Information presented in the document, as well as the conclusions on possible strategic lines of action with the participation of affected actors provide a good basis for discussion and will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Bank's investment projects in this area


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    Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America: Relevant Actors and Policies

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    This paper analyzes the role of particular social and economic actors in the forest sector, and the impact of existing policies in the region. The aim is to visualize the options that are available to improve forest policies and practices that will in turn generate income and ensure sustainability with the active participation of the actors. Information presented in the document, as well as the conclusions on possible strategic lines of action with the participation of affected actors provide a good basis for discussion and will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Bank's investment projects in this area.Environmental economics, Sustainability, Afro Descendents & Indigenous Peoples, Environmental Policy, Forests & forestry, Quintana Roo (M茅xico), forest practices, forestry, enviroment, policy impact, forest management, indigenous population

    Consideraciones econ贸micas en el manejo de bosques tropicales

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    Bib. Presentado tambi茅n en: Seminario Taller sobre Experiencias Silviculturales y de Manejo de Bosques en Am茅rica Tropical. Lima (Per煤). 3-21 Ago 1987. (634.95098063 E96 1987

    Las plantaciones de teca en Am?rica Latina

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