89 research outputs found

    Dolor posoperatorio en craneotomía

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    In the postoperative period, 47% to 75% of the patients report some degree of pain. This study aimed to evaluate pain in the pre and postoperative period of patients submitted to craniotomy. This prospective research was carried out at the neurosurgery unit of a large Brazilian hospital. For a quantitative evaluation of pain, the verbal numeric 0 - 10 rating scale was used. Forty patients with a mean age of 36 years were evaluated. In the preoperative period, 34 (85%) patients indicated headache as the main cause of pain. In the postoperative period, 37 (93%) patients complained of pain while three (7%) reported absence of pain. Pain peaks were observed on the 2nd postoperative day, when 12 (32%) of the patients reported severe pain and 10 (27%) moderate pain. Absence of severe pain occurred after the 8th postoperative day. It was concluded that protocols of analgesia in craniotomy are needed, such as training nurses to better evaluate and handle pain.En el periodo postoperatorio, entre el 47% y el 75% de los pacientes relatan algún grado de dolor. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar el dolor en el pre y postoperatorio de pacientes sometidos a craneotomía. Este estudio prospectivo fue realizado en la unidad de neurocirugía del Hospital São Paulo, Brasil. Para una evaluación cuantitativa del dolor se utilizó la escala numérica verbal graduada de 0 a 10. Fueron evaluados 40 pacientes con edad mediana de 36 años. En el preoperatorio 34 (85%) pacientes, reportaran cefalea como la principal causa del dolor. En el postoperatorio, 37 (93%) pacientes se quejaron de dolor, mientras 3 (7%) pacientes indicaron ausencia de dolor. El pico de dolor fue observado en el segundo día postoperatorio, cuando 12 (32%) pacientes reportaron dolor grave y 10 (27%) moderado. La ausencia de dolor grave ocurrió después del 8º día postoperatorio. Se concluyó que son necesarios protocolos de analgesia en craneotomía, tales como el entrenamiento de enfermeros para mejor evaluar y manejar el dolor.No pós-operatório, 47 a 75% dos pacientes relatam algum grau de dor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dor no pré e pós-operatório de pacientes submetidos a craniotomia. Estudo prospectivo, realizado na unidade de neurocirurgia do Hospital São Paulo. Para avaliação quantitativa de dor, foi utilizada a escala numérica verbal, graduada de 0 a 10. Foram avaliados 40 pacientes, com idade mediana de 36 anos. No pré-operatório, 34 (85%) pacientes relataram cefaléia como a principal causa de dor. No pós-operatório, 37 (93%) pacientes queixaram-se de dor e 3 (7%) pacientes referiram ausência de dor. O pico da dor foi observado no 2º pós-operatório, quando 16 (40%) dos pacientes referiram dor intensa e 11 (28%) queixaram-se de dor moderada. Ausência de dor intensa ocorreu após 6º pós-operatório. Concluí-se que há necessidade de protocolos de analgesia em craniotomia, como treinamento para os enfermeiros para melhor avaliação e manejo da dor.Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Young women's decisions to accept chlamydia screening: influences of stigma and doctor-patient interactions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An understanding of the factors that encourage young women to accept, and discourage them from accepting, STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing is needed to underpin opportunistic screening programs for the STI <it>Chlamydia trachomatis </it>(opportunistic screening involves healthcare professionals offering chlamydia tests to people while they are attending health services for reasons that are usually unrelated to their sexual health). We conducted a qualitative study to identify and explore: how young women would feel about being offered opportunistic tests for chlamydia?; how young women would like to be offered screening, and who they wanted to be offered screening by?; and what factors would influence young women's partner notification preferences for chlamydia (who they would notify in the event of a positive diagnosis of chlamydia, how they would want to do this).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semi-structured interviews with 35 young women between eighteen and twenty nine years of age. The study was conducted in the Dublin and Galway regions of the Republic of Ireland. Young adults were recruited from General Practice (GP) practices, Third Level College health services, Family Planning clinics and specialist STI treatment services.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Respondents were worried that their identities would become stigmatised if they accepted screening. Younger respondents and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds had the greatest stigma-related concerns. Most respondents indicated that they would accept screening if it was offered to them, however; accepting screening was seen as a correct, responsible action to engage in. Respondents wanted to be offered screening by younger female healthcare professionals. Respondents were willing to inform their current partners about positive chlamydia diagnoses, but were more ambivalent about informing their previous partners.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>If an effort is not put into reducing young women's stigma-related concerns the population coverage of Chlamydia screening might be reduced.</p

    Homemade oral supplement: a proposal for the nutritional recovery of children and adolescents with cancer

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of homemade oral supplements on the nutritional recovery of patients with mild or severe malnutrition or at nutritional risk. Methods Eight recipes of homemade oral supplements containing 30% to 35% of the total energy expenditure were proposed. The patients with severe malnutrition (group B) received the oral supplement for 2 weeks and the others for 4 weeks (group A). Oral supplementation with homemade supplements was compared with oral supplementation with store-bought supplements, investigated earlier with a protocol with the same design. Results Homemade oral supplements contain much lower amounts of certain micronutrients but are five times cheaper than store-bought supplements. In group A, 88% of the patients taking homemade oral supplements and 84% of the patients taking store-bought supplements responded positively to supplementation. In group B, 22% of the patients taking homemade oral supplements and 25% of the patients taking store-bought supplements recovered. The difference was not significant. The impact of store-bought supplementation on the triceps skinfold thicknesses and arm circumferences of the patients in group A was greater than that obtained with homemade supplements. In group B, the effect on triceps skinfold thickness was not significant (p=0.16). Patients taking homemade or store-bought oral supplements presented similar protein and energy intakes and improvements in nutritional status. Only the body composition of patients in group A taking store-bought oral supplements was better. Conclusion The results obtained by this study suggest that the therapeutic use of homemade oral supplements is an alternative capable of promoting the nutritional recovery of cancer patients, especially those who cannot afford store-bought supplements.Objetivo Avaliar o impacto do suplemento oral artesanal na recuperação do estado nutricional de pacientes com desnutrição leve, grave e com risco nutricional. Métodos Propuseram-se oito receitas de suplementos visando ofertar entre 30,0% e 35,0% do gasto energético total. Os pacientes com desnutrição grave (grupo B) receberam o suplemento oral por duas semanas, e os demais pacientes (grupo A), por quatro semanas. Para a comparação dos resultados obtidos com o emprego do suplemento oral artesanal, foram utilizados dados referentes a um protocolo anterior, com o mesmo desenho, entretanto, com a utilização de suplemento oral industrializado. Resultados O suplemento oral artesanal fica muito aquém no que diz respeito a alguns micronutrientes, entretanto é cinco vezes mais barato do que a preparação com o suplemento oral industrializado. Os pacientes do grupo A com suplemento oral artesanal apresentaram 88,0% de resposta positiva na semana de avaliação, enquanto os com suplemento oral industrializado tiveram 84,0%. No grupo B, foram recuperados 22,0% dos pacientes com suplemento oral artesanal e 25,0% do grupo com suplemento oral industrializado, não apresentando, portanto, diferença significante. Comparando o impacto do industrializado com o do artesanal na prega cutânea tricipital e circunferência do braço, verificou-se que o suplemento oral industrializado no grupo A apresentou melhores resultados que o suplemento oral artesanal, e no grupo B, esse efeito observado na prega cutânea não foi significante (p=0,16). Os consumos de energia e de proteína, assim como a evolução nutricional, foram semelhantes entre suplemento oral industrializado e suplemento oral artesanal. Apenas a composição corpórea no grupo A com suplemento oral industrializado apresentou melhores resultados. Conclusão Os resultados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que o emprego da terapia com suplemento artesanal seja uma opção capaz de auxiliar na recuperação nutricional de pacientes oncológicos e uma opção para populações financeiramente desfavorecidas.Hospital Samaritano de São PauloInstituto Adriana GarófoloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Pediatria Instituto de Oncologia PediátricaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de Pediatria Instituto de Oncologia PediátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL
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