1,544 research outputs found

    Report 46: Factors driving extensive spatial and temporal fluctuations in COVID-19 fatality rates in Brazilian hospitals.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Gamma variant spread rapidly across Brazil, causing substantial infection and death waves. We use individual-level patient records following hospitalisation with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to document the extensive shocks in hospital fatality rates that followed Gamma's spread across 14 state capitals, and in which more than half of hospitalised patients died over sustained time periods. We show that extensive fluctuations in COVID-19 in-hospital fatality rates also existed prior to Gamma's detection, and were largely transient after Gamma's detection, subsiding with hospital demand. Using a Bayesian fatality rate model, we find that the geographic and temporal fluctuations in Brazil's COVID-19 in-hospital fatality rates are primarily associated with geographic inequities and shortages in healthcare capacity. We project that approximately half of Brazil's COVID-19 deaths in hospitals could have been avoided without pre-pandemic geographic inequities and without pandemic healthcare pressure. Our results suggest that investments in healthcare resources, healthcare optimization, and pandemic preparedness are critical to minimize population wide mortality and morbidity caused by highly transmissible and deadly pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, especially in low- and middle-income countries. NOTE: The following manuscript has appeared as 'Report 46 - Factors driving extensive spatial and temporal fluctuations in COVID-19 fatality rates in Brazilian hospitals' at https://spiral.imperial.ac.uk:8443/handle/10044/1/91875 . ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: COVID-19 in-hospital fatality rates fluctuate dramatically in Brazil, and these fluctuations are primarily associated with geographic inequities and shortages in healthcare capacity

    Scientific production on workplace bullying/harassment in dissertations and theses in the Brazilian scenario

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze scientific production about workplace bullying and harassment in dissertations and theses in Brazil, with emphasis on the year of publication; educational institution; area of knowledge; professional and academic background of the authors; keywords used; and concept map organization. METHOD Bibliometric study with a quantitative approach with a sample consisting of 57 papers, 5 theses and 52 dissertations, published between 2002 and 2012. RESULTS It was found that 2012 was the year with the highest number of publications in this topic area. The region that stood out was the Southeast. The institution with the highest number of publications was the Federal University of Santa Catarina. There was a predominance of dissertations and most publications were produced by researchers focused on a multidisciplinary perspective. CONCLUSION Expanding the views regarding bullying in order to disseminate scientific production was proposed, promoting further advancement of debates and raising pertinent questions

    Mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos no estado de Mato Grosso, 1986 a 2006

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução temporal da mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo com delineamento ecológico de séries temporais realizado no estado do Mato Grosso, de 1986 a 2006. Foram utilizados dados sobre doenças dos aparelhos respiratório e circulatório obtidos do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Modelos de regressão linear simples foram ajustados para avaliar a tendência das taxas específicas de mortalidade por grupos específicos de idade (60 a 69, 70 a 79 e 80 ou mais anos) e sexo. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento na proporção de óbitos por doenças respiratórias e diminuição por doenças cardiovasculares. Na comparação de taxas entre os sexos, as mulheres apresentaram taxas 15% menores para as causas cardiovasculares e taxas similares ao sexo masculino para as causas respiratórias. Foi observada taxa elevada de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos. Em idosos com idade >; 80 anos o aumento anual médio na taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias foi de 1,99 óbitos e de 3,43 por doenças do aparelho circulatório. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de Mato Grosso apresenta elevada taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares em idosos, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos.OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución temporal de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiorrespiratorias en ancianos. MÉTODOS: Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con delineamiento ecológico de series temporales realizado en el Estado de Mato Grosso, Centro-Oeste de Brasil, de 1986 a 2006. Se utilizaron datos sobre enfermedades de los aparatos respiratorio y circulatorio obtenidos del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad del Ministerio de la Salud. Modelos de regresión lineal simple fueron ajustados para evaluar la tendencia de las tasas específicas de mortalidad por grupos específicos de edad (60 a 69, 70 a 70 y 80 o más años) y sexo. RESULTADOS: Hubo aumento en la proporción de óbitos por enfermedades respiratorias y disminución por enfermedades cardiovasculares. En la comparación de tasas entre los sexos, las mujeres presentaron tasas 15% menores para las causas cardiovasculares y tasas similares al sexo masculino para las causas respiratorias Se observó tasa elevada de mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares, con importante tendencia de incremento entre los grupos más longevos. En ancianos con edad ³80 años o aumento anual promedio en la tasa de mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias fue de 1,99 óbitos y de 3,43 por enfermedades del aparato circulatorio. CONCLUSIONES: El Estado de Mato Grosso presenta elevada tasa de mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares en ancianos, con importante tendencia de incremento entre los grupos más longevos.OBJECTIVE: To describe time trends of mortality due to cardiorespiratory diseases in elderly people. METHODS: Epidemiological descriptive study with an ecological time series approach conducted in the state of Mato Grosso, Central-West Brazil, between 1986 and 2006. Data were obtained from the Brazilian Ministry of Health Mortality Database. Linear regression models were adjusted to analyze trends in mortality rates by age groups (60 to 69; 70 to 79; and 80 or more) and gender. RESULTS: There was an increase in proportion of deaths due to respiratory diseases and a decrease in proportion of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. As for gender, cardiovascular rates were 15% lower in women than men and respiratory rates were similar in both men and women. High mortality rates for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases were observed with increasing trends among the oldest-old groups. The annual average increase for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in those aged 80 years and older was 1.99 and 3.43 deaths, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The state of Mato Grosso shows high mortality rates due to cardiorespiratory disease among elderly people with increasing trends among the oldest-old groups
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