21 research outputs found

    Decelerating Spread of West Nile Virus by Percolation in a Heterogeneous Urban Landscape

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    Vector-borne diseases are emerging and re-emerging in urban environments throughout the world, presenting an increasing challenge to human health and a major obstacle to development. Currently, more than half of the global population is concentrated in urban environments, which are highly heterogeneous in the extent, degree, and distribution of environmental modifications. Because the prevalence of vector-borne pathogens is so closely coupled to the ecologies of vector and host species, this heterogeneity has the potential to significantly alter the dynamical systems through which pathogens propagate, and also thereby affect the epidemiological patterns of disease at multiple spatial scales. One such pattern is the speed of spread. Whereas standard models hold that pathogens spread as waves with constant or increasing speed, we hypothesized that heterogeneity in urban environments would cause decelerating travelling waves in incipient epidemics. To test this hypothesis, we analysed data on the spread of West Nile virus (WNV) in New York City (NYC), the 1999 epicentre of the North American pandemic, during annual epizootics from 2000–2008. These data show evidence of deceleration in all years studied, consistent with our hypothesis. To further explain these patterns, we developed a spatial model for vector-borne disease transmission in a heterogeneous environment. An emergent property of this model is that deceleration occurs only in the vicinity of a critical point. Geostatistical analysis suggests that NYC may be on the edge of this criticality. Together, these analyses provide the first evidence for the endogenous generation of decelerating travelling waves in an emerging infectious disease. Since the reported deceleration results from the heterogeneity of the environment through which the pathogen percolates, our findings suggest that targeting control at key sites could efficiently prevent pathogen spread to remote susceptible areas or even halt epidemics

    Plasma Nesfatin-1 Is Not Affected by Long-Term Food Restriction and Does Not Predict Rematuration among Iteroparous Female Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The metabolic peptide hormone nesfatin-1 has been linked to the reproductive axis in fishes. The purpose of this study was to determine how energy availability after spawning affects plasma levels of nesfatin-1, the metabolic peptide hormone ghrelin, and sex steroid hormones in rematuring female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). To limit reproductive maturation, a group of female trout was food-restricted after spawning and compared with a control group that was fed a standard broodstock ration. The experiment was conducted twice, once using two-year-old trout (second-time spawners) and once using three-year-old trout (third-time spawners). During monthly sampling, blood was collected from all fish, and a subset of fish from each treatment was sacrificed for pituitaries. Pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone-beta (fsh-β) mRNA expression was analyzed with q-RT-PCR; plasma hormone levels were quantified by radioimmunoassay (17β-estradiol and ghrelin) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (11-keto-testosterone and nesfatin-1). Although plasma nesfatin-1 levels increased significantly in the months immediately after spawning within both feeding treatments, plasma nesfatin-1 did not differ significantly between the two treatments at any point. Similarly, plasma ghrelin levels did not differ significantly between the two treatments at any point. Food restriction arrested ovarian development by 15–20 weeks after spawning, shown by significantly lower plasma E2 levels among restricted-ration fish. Pituitary fsh-β mRNA levels were higher among control-ration fish than restricted-ration fish starting at 20 weeks, but did not differ significantly between treatment groups until 30 weeks after spawning. Within both treatment groups, plasma 11-KT was elevated immediately after spawning and rapidly decreased to and persisted at low levels; starting between 20 and 25 weeks after spawning, plasma 11-KT was higher among control-ration fish than restricted-ration fish. The results from these experiments do not provide support for plasma nesfatin-1 as a signal for the initiation of reproductive development in rematuring female rainbow trout

    Brood‐stock management and early hatchery rearing of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus))

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    Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus)) is a stenothermic cold‐water fish, which has been cultured in Northern Europe and North America since the 1980s. The industry has remained relatively small with an annual production between 6000 and 10 000 tonnes, and is still challenged by an unreliable offspring production. This review focuses on offspring production in Arctic charr aquaculture including holding conditions for brood‐stock, fertilisation and egg rearing until hatch. Brood‐stock requires low temperatures during summer (<12°C) with the optimum still unknown. The temperature maximum for egg incubation lies between 6 and 8°C. The composition of an optimal brood‐stock diet is debated regarding fatty acids. A demand for a freshwater‐based diet rich in omega‐6 fatty acids is indicated, but results remain inconclusive. Extensive knowledge has been gained on the timing of spawning and its manipulation through photoperiod, temperature and hormone treatments; spawning can be induced by short‐day photoperiod; and temperature drops to 5°C. Eggs are fertilised dry in ovarian fluid. Egg quality is highly variable and positively related to egg size and energy density. Contrary, little information is available on sperm quality and its impact on egg survival. There may also be profound differences between Arctic charr of stationary or anadromous origin regarding requirements for holding conditions of brood‐stock and their diet. However, these differences have received little attention, and direct comparative studies are in demand

    Craniotomy for Aneurysm

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