27 research outputs found

    Bianchi type IX asymptotical behaviours with a massive scalar field: chaos strikes back

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    We use numerical integrations to study the asymptotical behaviour of a homogeneous but anisotropic Bianchi type IX model in General Relativity with a massive scalar field. As it is well known, for a Brans-Dicke theory, the asymptotical behaviour of the metric functions is ruled only by the Brans-Dicke coupling constant with respect to the value -3/2. In this paper we examine if such a condition still exists with a massive scalar field. We also show that, contrary to what occurs for a massless scalar field, the singularity oscillatory approach may exist in presence of a massive scalar field having a positive energy density.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures (low resolution

    The Similarity Hypothesis in General Relativity

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    Self-similar models are important in general relativity and other fundamental theories. In this paper we shall discuss the ``similarity hypothesis'', which asserts that under a variety of physical circumstances solutions of these theories will naturally evolve to a self-similar form. We will find there is good evidence for this in the context of both spatially homogenous and inhomogeneous cosmological models, although in some cases the self-similar model is only an intermediate attractor. There are also a wide variety of situations, including critical pheneomena, in which spherically symmetric models tend towards self-similarity. However, this does not happen in all cases and it is it is important to understand the prerequisites for the conjecture.Comment: to be submitted to Gen. Rel. Gra

    Conditions for spontaneous homogenization of the Universe

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    The present-day Universe appears to be homogeneous on very large scales. Yet when the casual structure of the early Universe is considered, it becomes apparent that the early Universe must have been highly inhomogeneous. The current paradigm attempts to answer this problem by postulating the inflation mechanism However, inflation in order to start requires a homogeneous patch of at least the horizon size. This paper examines if dynamical processes of the early Universe could lead to homogenization. In the past similar studies seem to imply that the set of initial conditions that leads to homogenization is of measure zero. This essay proves contrary: a set of initial conditions for spontaneous homogenization of cosmological models can form a set of non-zero measure.Comment: 7 pages. Fifth Award in the 2010 Gravity Research Foundation essay competitio

    Bianchi Type V Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models in Presence of Decaying Vacuum Energy

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    Bianchi type V viscous fluid cosmological model for barotropic fluid distribution with varying cosmological term Λ\Lambda is investigated. We have examined a cosmological scenario proposing a variation law for Hubble parameter HH in the background of homogeneous, anisotropic Bianchi type V space-time. The model isotropizes asymptotically and the presence of shear viscosity accelerates the isotropization. The model describes a unified expansion history of the universe indicating initial decelerating expansion and late time accelerating phase. Cosmological consequences of the model are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of a self-gravitating neutron source

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    We examine the dynamics of a self--gravitating magnetized neutron gas as a source of a Bianchi I spacetime described by the Kasner metric. The set of Einstein-Maxwell field equations can be expressed as a dynamical system in a 4-dimensional phase space. Numerical solutions of this system reveal the emergence of a point--like singularity as the final evolution state for a large class of physically motivated initial conditions. Besides the theoretical interest of studying this source in a fully general relativistic context, the resulting idealized model could be helpful in understanding the collapse of local volume elements of a neutron gas in the critical conditions that would prevail in the center of a compact object.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, JHEP style, published versio

    Light propagation in statistically homogeneous and isotropic universes with general matter content

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    We derive the relationship of the redshift and the angular diameter distance to the average expansion rate for universes which are statistically homogeneous and isotropic and where the distribution evolves slowly, but which have otherwise arbitrary geometry and matter content. The relevant average expansion rate is selected by the observable redshift and the assumed symmetry properties of the spacetime. We show why light deflection and shear remain small. We write down the evolution equations for the average expansion rate and discuss the validity of the dust approximation.Comment: 42 pages, no figures. v2: Corrected one detail about the angular diameter distance and two typos. No change in result