1,209 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Leptogenesis

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    We study leptogenesis in the supersymmetric standard model plus the seesaw. We identify important qualitative differences that characterize supersymmetric leptogenesis with respect to the non-supersymmetric case. The lepton number asymmetries in fermions and scalars do not equilibrate, and are related via a non-vanishing gaugino chemical potential. Due to the presence of new anomalous symmetries, electroweak sphalerons couple to winos and higgsinos, and QCD sphalerons couple to gluinos, thus modifying the corresponding chemical equilibrium conditions. A new constraint on particles chemical potentials corresponding to an exactly conserved RR-charge, that also involves the number density asymmetry of the heavy sneutrinos, appears. These new ingredients determine the 3×43\times 4 matrices that mix up the density asymmetries of the lepton flavours and of the heavy sneutrinos. We explain why in all temperature ranges the particle thermodynamic system is characterized by the same number of independent quantities. Numerical differences with respect to usual treatment remain at the O(1){\cal O}(1) level.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures. Typos corrected, one reference added. Version published in JCA

    On fast CP violating interactions in leptogenesis

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    We show that when the relevant CP violating interactions in leptogenesis are fast, the different matter density asymmetries are determined at each instant by a balance condition between the amount of asymmetry being created and destroyed. This fact allows to understand in a simple way many features of leptogenesis in the strong washout regime. In particular, we find some non-trivial effects of flavour changing interactions that conserve lepton number, which are specially relevant in models for leptogenesis that rely heavily on flavour effects.Comment: V2: To match published version in JCAP. Minor changes, including one figure, with respect to V1. 17 pages, 4 figure

    Virtual Effects of Split SUSY in Higgs Productions at Linear Colliders

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    In split supersymmetry the gauginos and higgsinos are the only supersymmetric particles possibly accessible at foreseeable colliders like the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC). In order to account for the cosmic dark matter measured by WMAP, these gauginos and higgsinos are stringently constrained and could be explored at the colliders through their direct productions and/or virtual effects in some processes. The clean environment and high luminosity of the ILC render the virtual effects of percent level meaningful in unraveling the new physics effects. In this work we assume split supersymmetry and calculate the virtual effects of the WMAP-allowed gauginos and higgsinos in Higgs productions e+e- -> Z h and e+e- -> \nu_e \bar_\nu_e h through WW fusion at the ILC. We find that the production cross section of e+e- -> Zh can be altered by a few percent in some part of the WMAP-allowed parameter space, while the correction to the WW-fusion process e+e- -> \nu_e \bar_\nu_e h is below 1%. Such virtual effects are correlated with the cross sections of chargino pair productions and can offer complementary information in probing split supersymmetry at the colliders.Comment: more discussions added (7 pages, 10 figs

    Satellite galaxies in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation with sterile neutrino dark matter

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    The sterile neutrino is a viable dark matter candidate that can be produced in the early Universe via non-equilibrium processes, and would therefore possess a highly non-thermal spectrum of primordial velocities. In this paper we analyse the process of structure formation with this class of dark matter particles. To this end we construct primordial dark matter power spectra as a function of the lepton asymmetry, L6, that is present in the primordial plasma and leads to resonant sterile neutrino production. We compare these power spectra with those of thermally produced dark matter particles and show that resonantly produced sterile neutrinos are much colder than their thermal relic counterparts. We also demonstrate that the shape of these power spectra is not determined by the free-streaming scale alone. We then use the power spectra as an input for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation in order to predict the number of luminous satellite galaxies in a Milky Way-like halo. By assuming that the mass of the Milky Way halo must be no more than 2 × 1012 M⊙ (the adopted upper bound based on current astronomical observations) we are able to constrain the value of L6 for Ms ≤ 8 keV. We also show that the range of L6 that is in best agreement with the 3.5 keV line (if produced by decays of 7 keV sterile neutrino) requires that the Milky Way halo has a mass no smaller than 1.5 × 1012 M⊙. Finally, we compare the power spectra obtained by direct integration of the Boltzmann equations for a non-resonantly produced sterile neutrino with the fitting formula of Viel et al. and find that the latter significantly underestimates the power amplitude on scales relevant to satellite galaxies

    Large Mixing Induced by the Strong Coupling with a Single Bulk Neutrinos

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    Neutrino is a good probe of extra dimensions. Large mixing and the apparent lack of very complicated oscillation patterns may be an indication of large couplings between the brane and a single bulk neutrino. A simple and realistic five-dimensional model of this kind is discussed. It requires a sterile in addition to three active neutrinos on the brane, all coupled strongly to one common bulk neutrino, but not directly among themselves. Mindful that sterile neutrinos are disfavored in the atmospheric and solar data, we demand induced mixing to occur among the active neutrinos, but not between the active and the sterile. The size RR of the extra dimension is arbitrary in this model, otherwise it contains six parameters which can be used to fit the three neutrino masses and the three mixing angles. However, in the model those six parameters must be suitably ordered, so a successful fit is not guaranteed. It turns out that not only the data can be fitted, but as a result of the ordering, a natural connection between the smallness of the reactor angle θ13\theta_{13} and the smallness of the mass-gap ratio ΔMsolar2/ΔMatmospheric2\Delta M^2_{solar}/\Delta M^2_{atmospheric} can be derived.Comment: Misprints above eq. (22) corrected. To appear in PR

    Minimal SUSY SO(10) model and predictions for neutrino mixings and leptonic CP violation

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    We discuss a minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) model where B-L symmetry is broken by a {\bf 126} dimensional Higgs multiplet which also contributes to fermion masses in conjunction with a {\bf 10} dimensional superfield. This minimal Higgs choice provides a partial unification of neutrino flavor structure with that of quarks and has been shown to predict all three neutrino mixing angles and the solar mass splitting in agreement with observations, provided one uses the type II seesaw formula for neutrino masses. In this paper we generalize this analysis to include arbitrary CP phases in couplings and vevs. We find that (i) the predictions for neutrino mixings are similar with Ue30.18U_{e3}\simeq 0.18 as before and other parameters in a somewhat bigger range and (ii) that to first order in the quark mixing parameter λ\lambda (the Cabibbo angle), the leptonic mixing matrix is CP conserving. We also find that in the absence of any higher dimensional contributions to fermion masses, the CKM phase is different from that of the standard model implying that there must be new contributions to quark CP violation from the supersymmetry breaking sector. Inclusion of higher dimensional terms however allows the standard model CKM phase to be maintained.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Effects of new physics in neutrino oscillations in matter

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    A new flavor changing electron neutrino interaction with matter would always dominate the nu_e oscillation probability at sufficiently high neutrino energies. Being suppressed by theta_{13}, the energy scale at which the new effect starts to be relevant may be within the reach of realistic experiments, where the peculiar dependence of the signal with energy could give rise to a clear signature in the nu_e --> nu_tau channel. The latter could be observed by means of a coarse large magnetized detector by exploiting tau --> mu decays. We discuss the possibility of identifying or constraining such effects with a high energy neutrino factory. We also comment on the model independent limits on them.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Studies of Prototype CsI(Tl) Crystal Scintillators for Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments

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    Crystal scintillators provide potential merits for the pursuit of low-energy low-background experiments. A CsI(Tl) scintillating crystal detector is being constructed to study low-energy neutrino physics at a nuclear reactor, while projects are underway to adopt this technique for dark matter searches. The choice of the geometrical parameters of the crystal modules, as well as the optimization of the read-out scheme, are the results of an R&D program. Crystals with 40 cm in length were developed. The detector requirements and the achieved performance of the prototypes are presented. Future prospects for this technique are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figure

    Renormalization Group Running of Lepton Mixing Parameters in See-Saw Models with S4S_4 Flavor Symmetry

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    We study the renormalization group running of the tri-bimaximal mixing predicted by the two typical S4S_4 flavor models at leading order. Although the textures of the mass matrices are completely different, the evolution of neutrino mass and mixing parameters is found to display approximately the same pattern. For both normal hierarchy and inverted hierarchy spectrum, the quantum corrections to both atmospheric and reactor neutrino mixing angles are so small that they can be neglected. The evolution of the solar mixing angle θ12\theta_{12} depends on tanβ\tan\beta and neutrino mass spectrum, the deviation from its tri-bimaximal value could be large. Taking into account the renormalization group running effect, the neutrino spectrum is constrained by experimental data on θ12\theta_{12} in addition to the self-consistency conditions of the models, and the inverted hierarchy spectrum is disfavored for large tanβ\tan\beta. The evolution of light-neutrino masses is approximately described by a common scaling factor.Comment: 23 pages, 6figure