7 research outputs found

    Large-scale collective motion of RFGC galaxies

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    We processed the data about radial velocities and HI linewidths for 1678 flat edge-on spirals from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue. We obtained the parameters of the multipole components of large-scale velocity field of collective non-Hubble galaxy motion as well as the parameters of the generalized Tully-Fisher relationship in the "HI line width - linear diameter" version. All the calculations were performed independently in the framework of three models, where the multipole decomposition of the galaxy velocity field was limited to a dipole, quadrupole and octopole terms respectively. We showed that both the quadrupole and the octopole components are statistically significant. On the basis of the compiled list of peculiar velocities of 1623 galaxies we obtained the estimations of cosmological parameters Omega_m and sigma_8. This estimation is obtained in both graphical form and as a constraint of the value S_8=sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^0.35 = 0.91 +/- 0.05.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    The 6dF galaxy survey: cosmological constraints from the velocity power spectrum

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    We present scale-dependent measurements of the normalized growth rate of structure fσ8(k, z = 0) using only the peculiar motions of galaxies. We use data from the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey velocity sample together with a newly compiled sample of low-redshift (z 300 h−1 Mpc, which represents one of the largest scale growth rate measurement to date. We find no evidence for a scale-dependence in the growth rate, or any statistically significant variation from the growth rate as predicted by the Planck cosmology. Bringing all the scales together, we determine the normalized growth rate at z = 0 to ∼15 per cent in a manner independent of galaxy bias and in excellent agreement with the constraint from the measurements of redshift-space distortions from 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey. We pay particular attention to systematic errors. We point out that the intrinsic scatter present in Fundamental Plane and Tully–Fisher relations is only Gaussian in logarithmic distance units; wrongly assuming it is Gaussian in linear (velocity) units can bias cosmological constraints. We also analytically marginalize over zero-point errors in distance indicators, validate the accuracy of all our constraints using numerical simulations, and demonstrate how to combine different (correlated) velocity surveys using a matrix ‘hyperparameter’ analysis. Current and forthcoming peculiar velocity surveys will allow us to understand in detail the growth of structure in the low-redshift universe, providing strong constraints on the nature of dark energy

    The 6dF galaxy survey: fundamental plane data

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    We report the 6dFGS Fundamental Plane (6dFGSv) catalogue that is used to estimate distances and peculiar velocities for nearly 9000 early-type galaxies in the local (z < 0.055) universe. Velocity dispersions are derived by cross-correlation from 6dF V-band spectra with typical S/N of 12.9 Å−1 for a sample of 11 315 galaxies; the median velocity dispersion is 163 km s−1 and the median measurement error is 12.9 per cent. The photometric Fundamental Plane (FP) parameters (effective radii and surface brightnesses) are determined from the JHK 2MASS images for 11 102 galaxies. Comparison of the independent J- and K-band measurements implies that the average uncertainty in XFP, the combined photometric parameter that enters the FP, is 0.013 dex (3 per cent) for each band. Visual classification of morphologies was used to select a sample of nearly 9000 early-type galaxies that form 6dFGSv. This catalogue has been used to study the effects of stellar populations on galaxy scaling relations, to investigate the variation of the FP with environment and galaxy morphology, to explore trends in stellar populations through, along and across the FP, and to map and analyse the local peculiar velocity field

    HI in Local Group analogs: what does it tell us about galaxy formation?

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    We present the results of our HI survey of six loose groups of galaxies analogous to the Local Group. The survey was conducted using the Parkes telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array to produce a census of all the gas-rich galaxies and potential analogs to the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) within these groups down to M(HI)<10^7 M(sun) as a test of models of galaxy formation. We present the HI mass function and halo mass function for these analogous groups and compare them with the Local Group and other environments. We also demonstrate that our non-detection of HVC analogs in these groups implies that they must have low HI masses and be clustered tightly around galaxies, including around our own Milky Way, and are not distributed throughout the Local Group.Comment: 5 pages, To appear in ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe