61 research outputs found

    Impact of QED corrections to Higgs decay into four leptons at the LHC

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    At the LHC a precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass (if discovered), at the level of 0.1-1%, will be possible through the channel g g --> H --> 4l for a wide range of Higgs mass values. To match such an accuracy, the systematic effects induced by QED corrections need to be investigated. In the present study the calculation of O(alpha) and higher order QED corrections is illustrated as well as their impact on the Higgs mass determination, once realistic event selection criteria for charged leptons and photons are considered.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Presented at HEP2005 July 21st-27th, 2005, Lisboa, Portugal and at RADCOR 2005, Shonan Village, October 2nd-7th, 2005, Japa

    Photon pair production at flavour factories with per mille accuracy

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    We present a high-precision QED calculation, with 0.1% theoretical accuracy, of two photon production in e+ee^+ e^- annihilation, as required by more and more accurate luminosity monitoring at flavour factories. The accuracy of the approach, which is based on the matching of exact next-to-leading order corrections with a QED Parton Shower algorithm, is demonstrated through a detailed analysis of the impact of the various sources of radiative corrections to the experimentally relevant observables. The calculation is implemented in the latest version of the event generator BabaYaga, available for precision simulations of photon pair production at e+ee^+ e^- colliders of moderately high energies.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Precision electroweak calculation of the production of a high transverse-momentum lepton pair at hadron colliders

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    We present a detailed study of the production of a high transverse-momentum lepton pair at hadron colliders, which includes the exact O(alpha) electroweak corrections properly matched with leading logarithmic effects due to multiple photon emission, as required by the experiments at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC. Numerical results for the relevant observables of single Z-boson production at hadron colliders are presented. The impact of the radiative corrections is discussed in detail. The presence in the proton of a photon density is considered and the effects of the photon-induced partonic subprocesses are analyzed. The calculation has been implemented in the new version of the event generator HORACE, which is available for precision simulations of the neutral and charged current Drell-Yan processes.Comment: October 2007, 22p

    Higher-order QED corrections to W-boson mass determination at hadron colliders

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    The impact of higher-order final-state photonic corrections on the precise determination of the W-boson mass at the Tevatron and LHC colliders is evaluated. In the presence of realistic selection criteria, the shift in the W mass from a fit to the transverse mass distribution is found to be about 10 MeV in the WμνW \to \mu \nu channel and almost negligible in the WeνW \to e \nu channel. The calculation, which is implemented in a Monte Carlo event generator for data analysis, can contribute to reduce the uncertainty associated to the W mass measurement at future hadron collider experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, RevTe

    One-loop corrections to the Drell--Yan process in SANC (II). The neutral current case

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    Radiative corrections to the neutral current Drell--Yan-like processes are considered. Complete one-loop electroweak corrections are calculated within the SANC system. Theoretical uncertainties are discussed. Numerical results are presented for typical conditions of LHC experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    NNLO massive corrections to Bhabha scattering and theoretical precision of BabaYaga@NLO

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    We provide an exact calculation of next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) massive corrections to Bhabha scattering in QED, relevant for precision luminosity monitoring at meson factories. Using realistic reference event selections, exact numerical results for leptonic and hadronic corrections are given and compared with the corresponding approximate predictions of the event generator BabaYaga@NLO. It is shown that the NNLO massive corrections are necessary for luminosity measurements with per mille precision. At the same time they are found to be well accounted for in the generator at an accuracy level below the one per mille. An update of the total theoretical precision of BabaYaga@NLO is presented and possible directions for a further error reduction are sketched.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, contrib. to proceedings of International Workshop on e+e- collisions: from Phi to Psi, PHIPSI11, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 19-22, 201

    Multiple photon corrections to the neutral-current Drell-Yan process

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    Precision studies of single W and Z production processes at hadron colliders require progress in the calculation of electroweak radiative corrections. To this end, higher-order QED corrections to the neutral-current Drell-Yan process, due to multiple photon radiation in Z leptonic decays, are calculated. Particular attention is paid to the effects induced by such corrections on the experimental observables which are relevant for high-precision measurements of the W-boson mass at the Tevatron Run II and the LHC. The calculation is implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator HORACE, which is available for data analysis.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, JHEP3 styl

    Evaluation of the Theoretical Uncertainties in the Z to ll Cross Sections at the LHC

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    We study the sources of systematic errors in the measurement of the Z to ll cross-sections at the LHC. We consider the systematic errors in both the total cross-section and acceptance for anticipated experimental cuts. We include the best available analysis of QCD effects at NNLO in assessing the effect of higher order corrections and PDF and scale uncertainties on the theoretical acceptance. In addition, we evaluate the error due to missing NLO electroweak corrections and propose which MC generators and computational schemes should be implemented to best simulate the events.Comment: 23 pages, 52 eps figures, LaTeX with JHEP3.cls, epsfig. Added a reference, acknowledgment, and a few clarifying comments. 4/29: Changes in references, minor rewordings and misprint corrections, and one new table (Table 4) comparing CTEQ and MRST PDFs in the NNLO calculation. Version 6 adds email addresses and corrects one referenc

    EW and mixed QCD-EW effects in the W boson mass determination

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    We present some selected results from Ref. [1] where we performed a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the QED, electroweak and mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to the determination of the W boson mass at hadron colliders

    Mini-review on Monte Carlo programs for Bhabha scattering

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    We review the status of Monte Carlo generators presently used for simulations of the large-angle Bhabha process at electron-positron colliders of moderately high energy (flavour factories), operating at centre-of-mass energies between about 1 GeV and 10 GeV. It is shown how the theoretical accuracy reached by present Bhabha programs for physics at flavour factories is at the level of 0.1% and, therefore, comparable with that reached about a decade ago for luminosity monitoring through small-angle Bhabha scattering at LEP.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the 9th DESY workshop on "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory", Sondershausen, April 200