17 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Anisotropy due to Fluctuations in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    It is shown that the observed anisotropy of magnetization at high magnetic fields in RbMnBr3 , a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet on a distorted stacked triangular lattice, is due to quantum and thermal fluctuations. These fluctuations are taken into account in the framework of linear spin-wave theory in the region of strong magnetic fields. In this region the divergent one-dimensional integrals are cut off by magnetic field and the bare easy-plane anisotropy. Logarithmical dependence on the cutoff leads to the "enhancement" of the anisotropy in magnetization. Comparison between magnetization data and our theory with parameters obtained from neutron scattering experiments has been done.Comment: 15 pages + 5 postscript figures available upon request, RevTex

    Low-resolution small-angle scattering using neutron focusing optics

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    Experiments at low values of scattering vector require tight collimation in the primary beam, as well as the ability to make measurements with good spatial resolution on the detector. Because neutron sources are not as intense as X-ray sources, large source and sample areas are used, and long instruments are necessary for adequate resolution. Increased count rates may be obtained using collimated beams which converge to a point on the detector. Further increases may be obtained with converging guides in the form of a focusing lens to increase the effective flux. Narrow guides enable the spectrometer dimensions to collapse for the same resolution. The critical angle of the fibers forming the focusing lens dominates the resolution, and such an instrument is useful only for low resolution measurements. However the greatly reduced length is only valuable if there is a high resolution detector to match the dimensions of the guide

    Interactions between microemulsion droplets decorated with hydrophobically modified polymers: A small-angle neutron scattering study

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    The shape and interactions between model microemulsion droplets (R = 8.2 nm, polydispersity 20%) either decorated with hydrophilic-hydrophobic diblock (PEO-m: C12H25-(EO)n, MPEO = 5.2 kg/mol), or with telechelic triblock copolymers (PEO-2m: C12H25-(EO)2n-C12H25 , MPEO = 10.4 kg/mol) have been studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). The results as a function of droplet and copolymer concentration have been compared to the reference case of the bare microemulsion. Using Porod representations, the average bare droplet size was found to be independent of microemulsion concentration in the range studied here, up to some 13%v. Upon addition of copolymer (from r=0 to 30 hydrophobic stickers per droplet), the average droplet radius was unaffected. The interactions between bare and decorated droplets have been analyzed using the structure factor S(q), at first in a model-free way based on its low-q limit S(q→0). This analysis provides clear evidence on the concentration-dependent repulsive or attractive nature of the contributions to the pair droplet-droplet pair potential of the copolymers. Model pair potentials describing the steric repulsions and attractions by copolymer bridging are used to describe the low-q behavior of the structure factor based on an integral equation approach, giving a quantitative estimate of the range and amplitude of the potentials. Moreover, they provide an explanation for the observed transient clustering in terms of a shallow minimum of the total potential