913 research outputs found

    The distillable entanglement of multiple copies of Bell states

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    It is impossible to discriminate four Bell states through local operations and classical communication (LOCC), if only one copy is provided. To complete this task, two copies will suffice and be necessary. When nn copies are provided, we show that the distillable entanglement is exactly n2n-2.Comment: An argument in the original paper is replaced by a procedure of strict proo

    Optimally Conclusive Discrimination of Non-orthogonal Entangled States Locally

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    We consider one copy of a quantum system prepared with equal prior probability in one of two non-orthogonal entangled states of multipartite distributed among separated parties. We demonstrate that these two states can be optimally distinguished in the sense of conclusive discrimination by local operations and classical communications(LOCC) alone. And this proves strictly the conjecture that Virmani et.al. [8] confirmed numerically and analytically. Generally, the optimal protocol requires local POVM operations which are explicitly constructed. The result manifests that the distinguishable information is obtained only and completely at the last operation and all prior ones give no information about that state.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, revtex. few typos correcte

    Optimal Conclusive Discrimination of Two Non-orthogonal Pure Product Multipartite States Locally

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    We consider one copy of a quantum system prepared in one of two non-orthogonal pure product states of multipartite distributed among separated parties. We show that there exist protocols which obtain optimal probability in the sense of conclusive discrimination by means of local operations and classical communications(LOCC) as good as by global operations. Also, we show a protocol which minimezes the average number of local operations. Our result implies that two product pure multipartite states might not have the non-local property though more than two can have.Comment: revtex, 3 pages, no figur

    Mixture of multiple copies of maximally entangled states is quasi-pure

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    Employing the general BXOR operation and local state discrimination, the mixed state of the form \rho^{(k)}_{d}=\frac{1}{d^{2}}\sum_{m,n=0}^{d-1}(|\phi_{mn}><\phi_{mn}|)^{\otim es k} is proved to be quasi-pure, where {ϕmn>}\{|\phi_{mn}>\} is the canonical set of mutually orthogonal maximally entangled states in d×dd\times d. Therefore irreversibility does not occur in the process of distillation for this family of states. Also, the distillable entanglement is calculated explicitly.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. The paper is subtantially revised and the general proof is give

    Role of CD8+ cells in the progression of murine adriamycin nephropathy

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    Role of CD8+ cells in the progression of murine adriamycin nephropathy.BackgroundMany studies have shown that interstitial inflammation in human and experimental renal disease is characterized by T-cell infiltration, but published data on the involvement of inflammatory cell subsets in progressive tubulointerstitial lesions are often conflicting. A previous study suggested a role for cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the damaging effect of CD4+ T-cell depletion in murine adriamycin (ADR) nephropathy, a model of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), and tubulointerstitial inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of CD8+ cells in this model.MethodsMale BALB/c mice were treated with five intraperitoneal injections of anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody (mAb), beginning from five days after ADR treatment, when overt proteinuria was established. Seven mice in each of groups A (ADR + mAb), B (ADR only), and C (saline treated, age matched) were sacrificed at week 6. Changes in renal function and histopathological features were assessed. Tubulointerstitial inflammation and glomerular inflammation were examined immunohistochemically.ResultsmAb treatment reduced CD8+ cell levels to <2% of normal in spleen. Proteinuria in group A was no different from that in group B at week 6, but was markedly higher than in group C. Creatinine clearance was significantly ameliorated by anti-CD8 treatment (71.8 ± 4.9 μL/min vs. 29.2 ± 2.8 in group B and 81.9 ± 3.7 in group C). Morphometric analysis showed less FSGS in group A compared with group B (6.5 ± 1.9 vs. 13.0 ± 2.8, P < 0.001), as well as less tubular atrophy (indicated by increased ratio of tubule cell height to tubular diameter, 0.25 ± 0.24 in group A vs. 0.04 ± 0.02 in group B, P < 0.05). CD8 depletion also reduced interstitial expansion (6.3 ± 2.2% vs. 16.4 ± 3.1 in group B, P < 0.001) and fibrosis (P < 0.01). Macrophage infiltration in tubulointerstitium was less in group A than in group B (P = 0.052). The number of interstitial CD4+ cells appeared to increase after anti-CD8 treatment, but was not statistically different between groups A and B.ConclusionAnti-CD8 treatment protects against renal functional and structural injury in this murine model of chronic proteinuric renal disease

    Paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates inhibit growth of human non-small cell lung cancer cells in vitro

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    Aim: To evaluate the effects of paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates on the growth of cultured non-small cell lung cancer cells. Methods: RT-PCR was performed to detect mRNA for the subtypes of the human somatostatin receptor (SSTR) using specific primers. MTT-based cytotoxicity assay was used to evaluate the cell viability after treatment with paclitaxel and the conjugates. Cell cycle perturbations were determined using a Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter. Results: Non-small cell lung cancer A549 and Calu-6 cells expressed mRNA for SSTR2 and SSTR5. Paclitaxel and the conjugates effectively inhibited the growth of A549 and Calu-6 cells in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. In SSTR-negative fibroblasts, the conjugates were less cytotoxic than paclitaxel. The conjugates and paclitaxel could induce the increase of G2/M phase ratio in A549 cells. Conclusion: The paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates can be used as selective-targeted chemotherapeutic agents for treating non-small cell lung cancer.Цель: оценить эффект конъюгатов паклитаксела-октреотида на рост культивированных клеток немелкоклеточного рака легкого человека. Методы: для определения мРНК подтипов рецептора соматостатина человека (SSTR) применяли ОT-ПЦР. Анализ цитотоксичности в МТТ-тесте применяли для оценки выживаемости клеток после их инкубации с паклитакселом и конъюгатами. Нарушения клеточного цикла определяли с применением FACS — клеточного сортера. Результаты: установлено, что клеточные линии немелкоклеточного рака легкого A549 и Calu-6 экспрессируют SSTR2 и SSTR5 мРНК. Отмечено эффективное дозо- и времязависимое угнетение роста клеток A549 и Calu-6 паклитакселом и конъюгатами. Для SSTR-негативных фибробластов конъюгаты менее цитотоксичны, чем паклитаксел. Конъюгаты и паклитаксел могут индуцировать повышение соотношения фаз G2 /M в клетках A549. Выводы: конъюгаты паклитаксел-октреотида могут быть использованы как селективные химиотерапевтические агенты для воздействия на немелкоклеточный рак легкого

    A note on the geometric phase in adiabatic approximation

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    The adiabatic theorem shows that the instantaneous eigenstate is a good approximation of the exact solution for a quantum system in adiabatic evolution. One may therefore expect that the geometric phase calculated by using the eigenstate should be also a good approximation of exact geometric phase. However, we find that the former phase may differ appreciably from the latter if the evolution time is large enough.Comment: 11 pages, no figure, modified and Journal-ref adde

    Greenwashing in environmental, social and governance disclosures

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    The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data provided in firms’ sustainability reports is often unaudited. If ESG information disclosed by firms is not reliable, a firm’s greenwashing behavior can be a barrier to integrating ESG factors into investment decisions. In this paper, we study mechanisms to lessen firms’ greenwashing behavior in ESG dimensions holistically. Firstly, we identify “greenwashers” as firms which seem very transparent and reveal large quantities of ESG data but perform poorly in ESG aspects. By creating peer-relative greenwashing scores for a cross-country dataset comprised by 1925 large-cap firms, we measure the extent to which large-cap firms engage in greenwashing. We find evidence that greenwashing behavior in ESG dimensions can be deterred by scrutiny from (a) independent directors, (b) institutional investors, (c) influential public interests via a less corrupted country system, and (d) being cross-listed. Our results suggest that the two firm-level governance factors are most effective at attenuating firms’ misleading disclosure relating to ESG dimensions

    Demonstration of large ionization coefficient ratio in AlAs0.56Sb0.44 lattice matched to InP

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    The electron and hole avalanche multiplication characteristics have been measured in bulk AlAs0.56Sb0.44 p-i-n and n-i-p homojunction diodes, lattice matched to InP, with nominal avalanche region thicknesses of ~0.6 μm, 1.0 μm and 1.5 μm. From these and data from two much thinner devices, the bulk electron and hole impact ionization coefficients (α and β respectively), have been determined over an electric-field range from 220-1250 kV/cm for α and from 360-1250 kV/cm for β for the first time. The α/β ratio is found to vary from 1000 to 2 over this field range, making it the first report of a wide band-gap III-V semiconductor with ionization coefficient ratios similar to or larger than that observed in silicon