870 research outputs found

    A burst with double radio spectrum observed up to 212 GHz

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    We study a solar flare that occurred on September 10, 2002, in active region NOAA 10105 starting around 14:52 UT and lasting approximately 5 minutes in the radio range. The event was classified as M2.9 in X-rays and 1N in H\alpha. Solar Submillimeter Telescope observations, in addition to microwave data give us a good spectral coverage between 1.415 and 212 GHz. We combine these data with ultraviolet images, hard and soft X-rays observations and full-disk magnetograms. Images obtained from Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imaging data are used to identify the locations of X-ray sources at different energies and to determine the X-ray spectrum, while ultra violet images allow us to characterize the coronal flaring region. The magnetic field evolution of the active region is analyzed using Michelson Doppler Imager magnetograms. The burst is detected at all available radio-frequencies. X-ray images (between 12 keV and 300 keV) reveal two compact sources and 212 GHz data, used to estimate the radio source position, show a single compact source displaced by 25" from one of the hard X-ray footpoints. We model the radio spectra using two homogeneous sources, and combine this analysis with that of hard X-rays to understand the dynamics of the particles. Relativistic particles, observed at radio wavelengths above 50 GHz, have an electron index evolving with the typical soft-hard-soft behaviour.Comment: Submitted to Solar Physics, 20 pages, 8 fugure

    On Bernoulli Decompositions for Random Variables, Concentration Bounds, and Spectral Localization

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    As was noted already by A. N. Kolmogorov, any random variable has a Bernoulli component. This observation provides a tool for the extension of results which are known for Bernoulli random variables to arbitrary distributions. Two applications are provided here: i. an anti-concentration bound for a class of functions of independent random variables, where probabilistic bounds are extracted from combinatorial results, and ii. a proof, based on the Bernoulli case, of spectral localization for random Schroedinger operators with arbitrary probability distributions for the single site coupling constants. For a general random variable, the Bernoulli component may be defined so that its conditional variance is uniformly positive. The natural maximization problem is an optimal transport question which is also addressed here

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the order-disorder phase transition in solid NaNO2_2

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of solid NaNO2_2 using pair potentials with the rigid-ion model. The crystal potential surface is calculated by using an \emph{a priori} method which integrates the \emph{ab initio} calculations with the Gordon-Kim electron gas theory. This approach is carefully examined by using different population analysis methods and comparing the intermolecular interactions resulting from this approach with those from the \emph{ab initio} Hartree-Fock calculations. Our numerics shows that the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in solid NaNO2_2 is triggered by rotation of the nitrite ions around the crystallographical c axis, in agreement with recent X-ray experiments [Gohda \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{63}, 14101 (2000)]. The crystal-field effects on the nitrite ion are also addressed. Remarkable internal charge-transfer effect is found.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 11 figure

    Heavy Quark Photoproduction in Ultra-peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Heavy quarks are copiously produced in ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions. In the strong electromagnetic fields, c c-bar and b b-bar are produced by photonuclear and two-photon interactions; hadroproduction can occur in grazing interactions. We present the total cross sections, quark transverse momentum and rapidity distributions, as well as the Q Q-bar invariant mass spectra from the three production channels. We consider AA and pA collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and Large Hadron Collider. We discuss techniques for separating the three processes and describe how the AA to pA production ratios might be measured accurately enough to study nuclear shadowing.Comment: Minor changes to satisfy referees and typo fixes; 52 pages including 17 figure

    BD()B \to D^{(*)} Form Factors from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules

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    We derive new QCD sum rules for BDB\to D and BDB\to D^* form factors. The underlying correlation functions are expanded near the light-cone in terms of BB-meson distribution amplitudes defined in HQET, whereas the cc-quark mass is kept finite. The leading-order contributions of two- and three-particle distribution amplitudes are taken into account. From the resulting light-cone sum rules we calculate all B\to \Dst form factors in the region of small momentum transfer (maximal recoil). In the infinite heavy-quark mass limit the sum rules reduce to a single expression for the Isgur-Wise function. We compare our predictions with the form factors extracted from experimental B\to \Dst l \nu_l decay rates fitted to dispersive parameterizations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; one reference, one figure and several comments added; version to appear in European Physical Journal

    Two-photon final states in peripheral heavy ion collisions

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    We discuss processes leading to two photon final states in peripheral heavy ion collisions at RHIC. Due to the large photon luminosity we show that the continuum subprocess γγγγ\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma can be observed with a large number of events. We study this reaction when it is intermediated by a resonance made of quarks or gluons and discuss its interplay with the continuum process, verifying that in several cases the resonant process ovewhelms the continuum one. It is also investigated the possibility of observing a scalar resonance (the σ\sigma meson) in this process. Assuming for the σ\sigma the mass and total decay width values recently reported by the E791 Collaboration we show that RHIC may detect this particle in its two photon decay mode if its partial photonic decay width is of the order of the ones discussed in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Minimum mass of galaxies from BEC or scalar field dark matter

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    Many problems of cold dark matter models such as the cusp problem and the missing satellite problem can be alleviated, if galactic halo dark matter particles are ultra-light scalar particles and in Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), thanks to a characteristic length scale of the particles. We show that this finite length scale of the dark matter can also explain the recently observed common central mass of the Milky Way satellites (107M\sim 10^7 M_\odot) independent of their luminosity, if the mass of the dark matter particle is about 1022eV10^{-22} eV.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted in JCA

    Strongly correlated quantum dots in weak confinement potentials and magnetic fields

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    We explore a strongly correlated quantum dot in the presence of a weak confinement potential and a weak magnetic field. Our exact diagonalization studies show that the groundstate property of such a quantum dot is rather sensitive to the magnetic field and the strength of the confinement potential. We have determined rich phase diagrams of these quantum dots. Some experimental consequences of the obtained phase diagrams are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, new and updated figure

    The torsion cosmology in Kaluza-Klein theory

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    We have studied the torsion cosmology model in Kaluza-Klein theory. We considered two simple models in which the torsion vectors are Aμ=(α,0,0,0)A_{\mu}=(\alpha,0,0,0) and Aμ=a(t)2(0,β,β,β)A_{\mu}=a(t)^2(0,\beta,\beta,\beta), respectively. For the first model, the accelerating expansion of the Universe can be not explained without dark energy which is similar to that in the standard cosmology. But for the second model, we find that without dark energy the effect of torsion can give rise to the accelerating expansion of the universe and the alleviation of the well-known age problem of the three old objects for appropriated value of the model parameter β\beta. These outstanding features of the second torsion cosmology model have been supported by the Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) data.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Long Overall Survival After Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Patients

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of dendritic cell vaccination in metastatic uveal melanoma. Design: Interventional case series. Methods: We analyzed 14 patients with metastatic uveal melanoma treated with dendritic cell vaccination. Patients with metastatic uveal melanoma received at least 3 vaccinations with autologous dendritic cells, professional antigen-presenting cells loaded with melanoma antigens gp100 and tyrosinase. The main outcome measures were safety, immunologic response, and overall survival. Results: Tumor-specific immune responses were induced with dendritic cell vaccination in 4 (29%) of14 patients. Dendritic cell-vaccinated patients showed a median overall survival with metastatic disease of 19.2months, relatively long compared with that reported in the literature. No severe treatment-related toxicities (common toxicity criteria grade 3 or 4) were observed. Conclusions: Dendritic cell vaccination is feasible and safe in metastatic uveal melanoma. Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy is potent to enhance the host's antitumor immunity against uveal melanoma in approximately one third of patients. Compared with other prospective studies with similar inclusion criteria, dendritic cell vaccination may be associated with longer than average overall survival in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma