800 research outputs found

    On axially symmetrical solitons in Abelian-Higgs models

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    A numerical search for bosonic superconducting static vortex rings in a U(1)A×U(1)WU(1)_{A}\times U(1)_{W} model is presented. The fate of these rings without current, is to shrink due to their tension until extinction. The superconductivity of the loop does not seem to prevent shrinking. Current quenching takes place before stabilization.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Physica

    Polarized Dirac fermions in de Sitter spacetime

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    The tetrad gauge invariant theory of the free Dirac field in two special moving charts of the de Sitter spacetime is investigated pointing out the operators that commute with the Dirac one. These are the generators of the symmetry transformations corresponding to isometries that give rise to conserved quantities according to the Noether theorem. With their help the plane wave spinor solutions of the Dirac equation with given momentum and helicity are derived and the final form of the quantum Dirac field is established. It is shown that the canonical quantization leads to a correct physical interpretation of the massive or massless fermion quantum fields.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX w AMS sym

    Abelian Higgs Hair for Electrically Charged Dilaton Black Holes

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    It is argued that an electronically charged dilaton black hole can support a long range field of a Nielsen-Olesen string. Combining both numerical and perturbative techniques we examine the properties of an Abelian-Higgs vortex in the presence of the black hole under consideration. Allowing the black hole to approach extremality we found that all fields of the vortex are expelled from the extreme black hole. In the thin string limit we obtained the metric of a conical electrically charged dilaton black hole. The effect of the vortex can be measured from infinity justifying its characterization as black hole hair.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, Revtex, to appear in Phys.Rev.D1

    An orientifold of adS_5xT^11 with D7-branes, the associated alpha'^2- corrections and their role in the dual N=1 Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory

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    We study the N=1 Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory on a stack of N physical and M fractional D3-branes in the background of an orientifolded conifold. The gravity dual is a type IIB orientifold of adS_5xT^11 (with certain background fluxes turned on) containing an O7-plane and 8 D7-branes. In the conformal case (M=0), we argue that the alpha'^2-corrections localized on the 8 D7-branes and the O7-plane should give vanishing contributions to the supergravity equations of motion for the bulk fields. In the cascading case (M not equal to 0), we argue that the alpha'^2-terms give rise to corrections which in the dual Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory can be interpreted as corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the matter fields.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX; v2: references added; v3: minor change

    Gauge fixing and the Hamiltonian for cylindrical spacetimes

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    We introduce a complete gauge fixing for cylindrical spacetimes in vacuo that, in principle, do not contain the axis of symmetry. By cylindrically symmetric we understand spacetimes that possess two commuting spacelike Killing vectors, one of them rotational and the other one translational. The result of our gauge fixing is a constraint-free model whose phase space has four field-like degrees of freedom and that depends on three constant parameters. Two of these constants determine the global angular momentum and the linear momentum in the axis direction, while the third parameter is related with the behavior of the metric around the axis. We derive the explicit expression of the metric in terms of the physical degrees of freedom, calculate the reduced equations of motion and obtain the Hamiltonian that generates the reduced dynamics. We also find upper and lower bounds for this reduced Hamiltonian that provides the energy per unit length contained in the system. In addition, we show that the reduced formalism constructed is well defined and consistent at least when the linear momentum in the axis direction vanishes. Furthermore, in that case we prove that there exists an infinite number of solutions in which all physical fields are constant both in the surroundings of the axis and at sufficiently large distances from it. If the global angular momentum is different from zero, the isometry group of these solutions is generally not orthogonally transitive. Such solutions generalize the metric of a spinning cosmic string in the region where no closed timelike curves are present.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Orbital resonances in discs around braneworld Kerr black holes

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    Rotating black holes in the brany universe of the Randall-Sundrum type are described by the Kerr geometry with a tidal charge b representing the interaction of the brany black hole and the bulk spacetime. For b<0 rotating black holes with dimensionless spin a>1 are allowed. We investigate the role of the tidal charge b in the orbital resonance model of QPOs in black hole systems. The orbital Keplerian, the radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies of the equatorial, quasicircular geodetical motion are given and their radial profiles are discussed. The resonant conditions are given in three astrophysically relevant situations: for direct (parametric) resonances, for the relativistic precession model, and for some trapped oscillations of the warped discs, with resonant combinational frequencies. It is shown, how b could influence matching of the observational data indicating the 3:2 frequency ratio observed in GRS 1915+105 microquasar with prediction of the orbital resonance model; limits on allowed range of the black hole parameters a and b are established. The "magic" dimensionless black hole spin enabling presence of strong resonant phenomena at the radius where \nu_K:\nu_{\theta}:\nu_r=3:2:1 is determined in dependence on b. Such strong resonances could be relevant even in sources with highly scattered resonant frequencies, as those expected in Sgr A*. The specific values of a and b are given also for existence of specific radius where \nu_K:\nu_{\theta}:\nu_r=s:t:u with 5>=s>t>u being small natural numbers. It is shown that for some ratios such situation is impossible in the field of black holes. We can conclude that analysing the microquasars high-frequency QPOs in the framework of orbital resonance models, we can put relevant limits on the tidal charge of brany Kerr black holes.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures, to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Wavy Strings: Black or Bright?

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    Recent developments in string theory have brought forth a considerable interest in time-dependent hair on extended objects. This novel new hair is typically characterized by a wave profile along the horizon and angular momentum quantum numbers l,ml,m in the transverse space. In this work, we present an extensive treatment of such oscillating black objects, focusing on their geometric properties. We first give a theorem of purely geometric nature, stating that such wavy hair cannot be detected by any scalar invariant built out of the curvature and/or matter fields. However, we show that the tidal forces detected by an infalling observer diverge at the `horizon' of a black string superposed with a vibration in any mode with l≄1l \ge 1. The same argument applied to longitudinal (l=0l=0) waves detects only finite tidal forces. We also provide an example with a manifestly smooth metric, proving that at least a certain class of these longitudinal waves have regular horizons.Comment: 45 pages, latex, no figure
