1,003 research outputs found

    Lepton Number Violation in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories

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    We argue that the nature of the global conservation laws in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories is determined by the basic vacuum configuration in the model rather than its Lagrangian. It is shown that the suppression of baryon number violation in a general (R-parity violating) superpotential can naturally appear in some extended SU(N) SUSY GUTs which, among other degenerate symmetry-breaking vacua, have a missing VEV vacuum configuration giving a solution to the doublet-triplet splitting problem. We construct SU(7) and SU(8) GUTs where the effective lepton number violating couplings immediately evolve, while the baryon number non-conserving ones are safely projected out as the GUT symmetry breaks down to that of the MSSM. However at the next stage, when SUSY breaks, the radiative corrections shift the missing VEV components to some nonzero values of order M_{SUSY}, thereby inducing the ordinary Higgs doublet mass, on the one hand, and tiny baryon number violation, on the other. So, a missing VEV solution to the gauge hierarchy problem leads at the same time to a similar hierarchy of baryon vs lepton number violation.Comment: 15 page LaTeX fil

    Electrical and Mechanical Properties of new Recyclable Power Cable Insulation Materials based upon Polyethylene Blends

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    Chemically crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) has been used as electrical insulation for power cables since the 1970s due to its favourable combination of electrical and mechanical properties. However, as the electrical engineering community has become increasingly aware of the life cycle environmental impacts, XLPE has come under scrutiny for its lack of recyclability and the high process energies used in its manufacture. Although technologies are being developed to facilitate the re-use of XLPE at the end of its initial service life, the use of this material is inferior to fully recyclable and low process energy alternatives. In this investigation, we concentrated on the use of binary blends of linear and branched polyethylene (LPE / BPE) as potential replacement materials for XLPE, since such systems have the potential to combine comparable mechanical properties and enhanced breakdown strength with good recyclability. We compare the thin film AC ramp breakdown behaviour of blends as a function of temperature up to 97 oC. These consist of the same BPE in virgin and crosslinked states and in a blend with 20wt% LPE. These data are augmented with dynamic mechanical analysis. In concert, these data indicate that with appropriate morphological control the blended thermoplastic material exhibits superior properties to XLPE under conventional operating conditions and may even be suitable for higher temperature operation than XLPE. The paper will discuss the importance of polymer blending and blend physical properties in the context of the process requirements and the implications for cable manufacture and on cable electrical and environmental performance in comparison with XLPE

    Meningococcal core and accessory phasomes vary by clonal complex

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    Neisseria meningitidis is a Gram-negative human commensal pathogen, with extensive phenotypic plasticity afforded by phase-variable (PV) gene expression. Phase variation is a stochastic switch in gene expression from an ON to an OFF state, mediated by localized hypermutation of simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Circulating N. meningitidis clones vary in propensity to cause disease, with some clonal complexes (ccs) classified as hypervirulent and others as carriage-associated. We examined the PV gene repertoires, or phasome, of these lineages in order to determine whether phase variation contributes to disease propensity. We analysed 3328 genomes representative of nine circulating meningococcal ccs with PhasomeIt, a tool that identifies PV genes by the presence of SSRs and homologous gene clusters. The presence, absence and functions of all identified PV gene clusters were confirmed by annotation or blast searches within the Neisseria PubMLST database. While no significant differences were detected in the number of PV genes or the core, conserved phasome content between hypervirulent and carriage lineages, individual ccs exhibited major variations in PV gene numbers. Phylogenetic clusters produced by phasome or core genome analyses were similar, indicating co-evolution of PV genes with the core genome. While conservation of PV clusters is high, with 76 % present in all meningococcal isolates, maintenance of an SSR is variable, ranging from conserved in all isolates to present only in a single cc, indicating differing evolutionary trajectories for each lineage. Diverse functional groups of PV genes were present across the meningococcal lineages; however, the majority directly or indirectly influence bacterial surface antigens and could impact on future vaccine development. Finally, we observe that meningococci have open pan phasomes, indicating ongoing evolution of PV gene content and a significant potential for adaptive changes in this clinically relevant genus

    Single shot, temporally and spatially resolved measurements of fast electron dynamics using a chirped optical probe

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    A new approach to rear surface optical probing is presented that permits multiple, time-resolved 2D measurements to be made during a single, ultra-intense ( > 1018 W cm−2) laser-plasma interaction. The diagnostic is capable of resolving rapid changes in target reflectivity which can be used to infer valuable information on fast electron transport and plasma formation at the target rear surface. Initial results from the Astra-Gemini laser are presented, with rapid radial sheath expansion together with detailed filamentary features being observed to evolve during single shots

    N-Heterocyclic Carbene-mediated microfluidic oxidative electrosynthesis of amides from aldehydes

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    A flow process for N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC)-mediated anodic oxidative amidation of aldehydes is described, employing an undivided microfluidic electrolysis cell to oxidize Breslow intermediates. After electrochemical oxidation, the reaction of the intermediate N-acylated thiazolium cation with primary amines is completed by passage through a heating cell to achieve high conversion in a single pass. The flow mixing regimen circumvented the issue of competing imine formation between the aldehyde and amine substrates, which otherwise prevented formation of the desired product. High yields (71–99%), productivities (up to 2.6 g h–1), and current efficiencies (65–91%) were realized for 19 amides

    Prediction of intramammary infection status across the dry period from lifetime cow records

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    The dry period is very important for mammary gland health, with the aim not only to cure existing intramammary infections (IMI) but also to prevent new IMI. Although it is known that the dry period is an important time for optimizing udder health, the probability that individual cows will succumb to a new IMI or, if infected, will fail to cure an IMI is not well established. The aim of this study was to investigate whether lifetime cow data, available through routine on-farm milk recording, could be used to predict changes in IMI status across the dry period for individual cows that were (1) deemed high somatic cell count (SCC; >199,000 cells/mL) or (2) low SCC (<200,000 cells/mL) at the last test day before drying off. Milk recording data collected between September 1994 and July 2014 from 114 herds in the United Kingdom were used. Two 2-level random effects models were built and both cure and new IMI were used as outcome variables in separate models. Cows with a smaller proportion of test days with a high SCC in the lactation before drying off, a smaller proportion of test days recording a high SCC in the lactation before the current lactation, of lower parity, producing less milk before drying off, of lower days in milk at drying off, and of lower SCC just before drying off were more likely to cure across the dry period. Dry period length had no effect on the likelihood of cure. Individual cows with a smaller proportion of test days recording a high SCC in the lactation before the current, of lower parity, of lower milk production at drying off, and fewer days in milk at drying off were less likely to develop a new IMI. Dry period length was found to have no effect on the probability of new IMI. Model predictions showed that a high level of discrimination was possible between cows with a high and low risk of both cures and new infections across the dry period

    Thermoplastic cable insulation comprising a blend of isotactic polypropylene and a propylene-ethylene copolymer

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    There is much interest in the development of replacement materials for crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) that are both recyclable (i.e. thermoplastic) and capable of high temperature operation. Thermally, polypropylene is the ideal choice, although its stiffness and low electrical breakdown strength make for a challenging materials design problem. We report here on the compositional optimization of a propylene homopolymer/propylene-ethylene copolymer blend in terms of its dynamic mechanical properties and thin film electrical breakdown strength. The extrusion of a trial mini-cable using the optimized blend is also discussed, which is shown to exhibit a significantly improved electrical performance, as gauged by its DC breakdown strength, than an XLPE-insulated reference

    Associations between dairy cow inter-service interval and probability of conception

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    Recent research has indicated that the interval between inseminations in modern dairy cattle is often longer than the commonly accepted cycle length of 18–24 days. This study analysed 257,396 inseminations in 75,745 cows from 312 herds in England and Wales. The interval between subsequent inseminations in the same cow in the same lactation (inter-service interval, ISI) were calculated and inseminations categorised as successful or unsuccessful depending on whether there was a corresponding calving event. Conception risk was calculated for each individual ISI between 16 and 28 days. A random effects logistic regression model was fitted to the data with pregnancy as the outcome variable and ISI (in days) included in the model as a categorical variable. The modal ISI was 22 days and the peak conception risk was 44% for ISIs of 21 days rising from 27% at 16 days. The logistic regression model revealed significant associations of conception risk with ISI as well as 305 day milk yield, insemination number, parity and days in milk. Predicted conception risk was lower for ISIs of 16, 17 and 18 days and higher for ISIs of 20, 21 and 22 days compared to 25 day ISIs. A mixture model was specified to identify clusters in insemination frequency and conception risk for ISIs between 3 and 50 days. A “high conception risk, high insemination frequency” cluster was identified between 19 and 26 days which indicated that this time period was the true latent distribution for ISI with optimal reproductive outcome. These findings suggest that the period of increased numbers of inseminations around 22 days identified in existing work coincides with the period of increased probability of conception and therefore likely represents true return estrus events

    DNA hybridization catalysts and catalyst circuits

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    Practically all of life's molecular processes, from chemical synthesis to replication, involve enzymes that carry out their functions through the catalysis of metastable fuels into waste products. Catalytic control of reaction rates will prove to be as useful and ubiquitous in DNA nanotechnology as it is in biology. Here we present experimental results on the control of the decay rates of a metastable DNA "fuel". We show that the fuel complex can be induced to decay with a rate about 1600 times faster than it would decay spontaneously. The original DNA hybridization catalyst [15] achieved a maximal speed-up of roughly 30. The fuel complex discussed here can therefore serve as the basic ingredient for an improved DNA hybridization catalyst. As an example application for DNA hybridization catalysts, we propose a method for implementing arbitrary digital logic circuits

    U(2)-like Flavor Symmetries and Approximate Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing

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    Models involving a U(2) flavor symmetry, or any of a number of its non-Abelian discrete subgroups, can explain the observed hierarchy of charged fermion masses and CKM angles. It is known that a large neutrino mixing angle connecting second and third generation fields may arise via the seesaw mechanism in these models, without a fine tuning of parameters. Here we show that it is possible to obtain approximate bimaximal mixing in a class of models with U(2)-like Yukawa textures. We find a minimal form for Dirac and Majorana neutrino mass matrices that leads to two large mixing angles, and show that our result can quantitatively explain atmospheric neutrino oscillations while accommodating the favored, large angle MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem. We demonstrate that these textures can arise in models by presenting a number of explicit examples.Comment: 20 pages RevTex4, 2 figure
