456 research outputs found

    Rape and respectability: ideas about sexual violence and social class

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    Women on low incomes are disproportionately represented among sexual violence survivors, yet feminist research on this topic has paid very little attention to social class. This article blends recent research on class, gender and sexuality with what we know about sexual violence. It is argued that there is a need to engage with classed distinctions between women in terms of contexts for and experiences of sexual violence, and to look at interactions between pejorative constructions of working-class sexualities and how complainants and defendants are perceived and treated. The classed division between the sexual and the feminine, drawn via the notion of respectability, is applied to these issues. This piece is intended to catalyse further research and debate, and raises a number of questions for future work on sexual violence and social class

    Momentum distribution of a trapped Fermi gas with large scattering length

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    Using a scattering length parametrization of the BCS-BEC crossover as well as the local density approximation for the density profile, we calculate the momentum distribution of a harmonically trapped atomic Fermi gas at zero temperature. Various interaction regimes are considered, including the BCS phase, the unitarity limit and the molecular regime. We show that the relevant parameter which characterizes the crossover is given by the dimensionless combination N1/6a/ahoN^{1/6}a/a_{ho}, where NN is the number of atoms, aa is the scattering length and ahoa_{ho} is the oscillator length. The width of the momentum distribution is shown to depend in a crucial way on the value and sign of this parameter. Our predictions can be relevant for experiments on ultracold atomic Fermi gases near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Added reference

    Critical number of atoms for attractive Bose-Einstein condensates with cylindrically symmetrical traps

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    We calculated, within the Gross-Pitaevskii formalism, the critical number of atoms for Bose-Einstein condensates with two-body attractive interactions in cylindrical traps with different frequency ratios. In particular, by using the trap geometries considered by the JILA group [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4211 (2001)], we show that the theoretical maximum critical numbers are given approximately by Nc=0.55(l0/a)N_c = 0.55 ({l_0}/{|a|}). Our results also show that, by exchanging the frequencies ωz\omega_z and ωρ\omega_\rho, the geometry with ωρ<ωz\omega_\rho < \omega_z favors the condensation of larger number of particles. We also simulate the time evolution of the condensate when changing the ground state from a=0a=0 to a<0a<0 using a 200ms ramp. A conjecture on higher order nonlinear effects is also added in our analysis with an experimental proposal to determine its signal and strength.Comment: (4 pages, 2 figures) To appear in Physical Review

    Scheme for the preparation of the multi-particle entanglement in cavity QED

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    Here we present a quantum electrodynamics (QED) model involving a large-detuned single-mode cavity field and nn identical two-level atoms. One of its applications for the preparation of the multi-particle states is analyzed. In addition to the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state, the W class states can also be generated in this scheme. The further analysis for the experiment of the model of n=2n=2 case is also presented by considering the possible three-atom collision.Comment: 5 Pages, 1 Figure. Minor change

    Dynamics of evaporative cooling in magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen

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    We study the evaporative cooling of magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen on the basis of the kinetic theory of a Bose gas. The dynamics of trapped atoms is described by the coupled differential equations, considering both the evaporation and dipolar spin relaxation processes. The numerical time-evolution calculations quantitatively agree with the recent experiment of Bose-Einstein condensation with atomic hydrogen. It is demonstrated that the balance between evaporative cooling and heating due to dipolar relaxation limits the number of condensates to 9x10^8 and the corresponding condensate fraction to a small value of 4% as observed experimentally.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, 3 eps figures, Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Simple method for excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    An appropriate, time-dependent modification of the trapping potential may be sufficient to create effectively collective excitations in a cold atom Bose-Einstein condensate. The proposed method is complementary to earlier suggestions and should allow the creation of both dark solitons and vortices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamic formalism for contracting Lorenz flows

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    We study the expansion properties of the contracting Lorenz flow introduced by Rovella via thermodynamic formalism. Specifically, we prove the existence of an equilibrium state for the natural potential ϕ^t(x,y,z):=tlogJ(x,y,z)cu\hat\phi_t(x,y, z):=-t\log J_{(x, y, z)}^{cu} for the contracting Lorenz flow and for tt in an interval containing [0,1][0,1]. We also analyse the Lyapunov spectrum of the flow in terms of the pressure

    Dynamics of quantum quenching for BCS-BEC systems in the shallow BEC regime

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    The problem of coupled Fermi-Bose mixtures of an ultracold gas near a narrow Feshbach resonance is approached through the time-dependent and complex Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) theory. The dynamical system is constructed using Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gor'kov (GLAG) path integral methods with the single mode approximation for the composite Bosons, and the equilibrium states are obtained in the BEC regime for adiabatic variations of the Feshbach detuning along the stationary solutions of the dynamical system. Investigations into the rich superfluid dynamics of this system in the shallow BEC regime yields the onset of multiple interference patterns in the dynamics as the system is quenched from the deep-BEC regime. This results in a partial collapse and revival of the coherent matter wave field of the BEC, whose temporal profile is reported.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to European Journal of Physics Plu

    Robust exponential decay of correlations for singular-flows

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    We construct open sets of Ck (k bigger or equal to 2) vector fields with singularities that have robust exponential decay of correlations with respect to the unique physical measure. In particular we prove that the geometric Lorenz attractor has exponential decay of correlations with respect to the unique physical measure.Comment: Final version accepted for publication with added corrections (not in official published version) after O. Butterley pointed out to the authors that the last estimate in the argument in Subsection 4.2.3 of the previous version is not enough to guarantee the uniform non-integrability condition claimed. We have modified the argument and present it here in the same Subsection. 3 figures, 34 page