2,352 research outputs found

    Mesoscale convective vortex formation in a weakly sheared moist neutral environment

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    J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 1443-1466The article of record as published may be located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAS3898.

    Characterization of Horse Use in Therapeutic Horseback Riding Programs in the United States: A Pilot Survey

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    With increasing public scrutiny on animal welfare, it behooves those involved in the equine industry to revisit best management practices to ensure these support healthy horses. There is little published research on how horses are used in the equine industry, particularly in therapeutic horseback riding (THR) programs. Although there is a large amount of information on the benefits of THR programs to the participants, there is little published information available about the horses. Therefore, the objective of this survey was to gather data regarding horse use and care in Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.)–affiliated THR programs in the United States to help establish a foundation for a standard of care. A 20-question survey sent to 659 PATH Intl.–affiliated THR programs returned a 40% response rate. Demographics demonstrated that the median number of horses in each program was 10; geldings outnumbered mares; most horses were between 16 and 20 years of age; and Quarter Horse or stock-type breeds predominated. Median session length was 8 weeks and median lesson length was 45 minutes. Horses were typically ridden by clients 4 days/week and 2 hours/day. Most horses were donated to the programs, participated for approximately 7 years, and left because of aging. Limb lameness and back soreness were the top health issues noted, with only a small percentage of colic and ulcers reported. More horses received nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a lameness issue, chiropractic adjustment, and massage than any other supplemental care or complementary therapy. Based on data gathered in this survey, THR horses were not worked excessively. Horses were ridden less than PATH Intl.’s maximum recommendation of 6 hours/day and 6 days/week and less than those used in university programs. Horses in THR programs also appeared to have fewer reported health issues as compared with data in other national reports

    Shiga toxin/verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli infections: practical clinical perspectives

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    ABSTRACT Escherichia coli strains that produce Shiga toxins/verotoxins are rare, but important, causes of human disease. They are responsible for a spectrum of illnesses that range from the asymptomatic to the life-threatening hemolytic-uremic syndrome; diseases caused by E. coli belonging to serotype O157:H7 are exceptionally severe. Each illness has a fairly predictable trajectory, and good clinical practice at one phase can be inappropriate at other phases. Early recognition, rapid and definitive microbiology, and strategic selection of tests increase the likelihood of good outcomes. The best management of these infections consists of avoiding antibiotics, antimotility agents, and narcotics and implementing aggressive intravenous volume expansion, especially in the early phases of illness. </jats:p

    The application of rhetorical structure theory to interactive news program generation from digital archives

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    Rhetorical structure theory (RST) provides a model of textual function based upon rhetoric. Initially developed as a model of text coherence, RST has been used extensively in text generation research, and has more recently been proposed as a basis for multimedia presentation generation. This paper investigates the use of RST for generating video presentations having a rhetorical form, using models of the rhetorical roles of video components, together with rules for selecting components for presentation on the basis of their rhetorical functions. An RST model can provide a predefined link structure providing viewers with options for obtaining and dynamically modifying rhetorically coherent video presentations from video archives and databases. The use of an RST analysis for interactive presentation generation may provide a more powerful rhetorical device than conventional linear video presentation. Conversely, making alternative RST analyses of the same video data available to users can have the effect of encouraging closer and more independent viewer analysis of the material, and discourage taking any particular rhetorical presentation at face value

    The Photodissociation of 8B^8B and the Solar Neutrino Problem

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    The extraction of the photodissociation cross sections of 8B^8B from Coulomb dissociation experiments is investigated. A careful study is done on the contributions of the E1, E2 and M1 multipolarities to the breakup. A comparison with the data of a recent experiment is performed. It is shown that the extraction of the radiative capture cross sections 7Be(p, γ)8B^7Be(p,\ \gamma)^8B which are relevant for the solar neutrino problem is not affected appreciably by Coulomb reacceleration. A non-perturbative model is used for the purpose. Emphasis is put on the perspectives for future experiments which are planned at the University of Notre Dame, RIKEN (Japan), and GSI (Germany). An analysis of the total yields of ``photon-point" processes in inelastic electron scattering is also done.Comment: 23 pages, plain Latex. 12 figures available upon request

    Finite temperature scaling theory for the collapse of Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We show how to apply the scaling theory in an inhomogeneous system like harmonically trapped Bose condensate at finite temperatures. We calculate the temperature dependence of the critical number of particles by a scaling theory within the Hartree-Fock approximation and find that there is a dramatic increase in the critical number of particles as the condensation point is approached.Comment: Published online [6 pages, 3 figures

    Quantifying the benefits of wetland restoration under projected sea level rise

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    The capacity of vegetated coastal habitats to mitigate erosion and build elevation in response to sea-level rise (SLR) has led to growing interest in their application as Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for shoreline protection. However, a significant uncertainty in the performance of NBS is how these features will respond to future rates of SLR. In this study, we applied the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) to a fringing shoreline wetland complex that is directly adjacent to the primary runway of a regional airport in coastal North Carolina, US. The SLAMM model was run at high spatial resolution (1 m cell size) to investigate the effects of projected SLR by 2100 on the wetland communities and to estimate the potential benefits of a proposed NBS project involving the use of dredged sediment to increase wetland surface elevation. Modeling future habitat extent under three SLR scenarios (i.e., intermediate, intermediate-high, and high) with no land modification reveals a consistent pattern of salt marsh expanding into fresh marsh, salt marsh transitioning to higher elevations, and substantially larger overall extents of intertidal and subtidal habitats within the project footprint at relatively high rates of SLR. Simulations that include the NBS indicate changes in the composition of wetland types over time compared with the no-action scenario. Model results help to better understand the long-term behavior of fringing coastal wetlands and the efficacy of their use as part of coastal resilience strategies

    Mesoscale cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific Ocean during TPARC

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    Three cases of mesoscale marine cyclogenesis over the subtropics of the Western Pacific Ocean are investigated. Each case occurred during the THORPEX Pacific Asia Regional Campaign and Tropical Cyclone Structure (TCS-08) field phases in 2008. Each cyclone developed from remnants of disturbances that earlier showed potential for tropical cyclogenesis within the tropics. Two of the cyclones produced gale-force surface winds, and one, designated as a tropical cyclone, resulted in a significant coastal storm over eastern Japan. Development was initiated by a burst of organized mesoscale convection that consolidated and intensified the surface cyclonic circulation over a period of 12-24 h. Upper-tropospheric potential vorticity anomalies modulated the vertical wind shear that, in turn, influenced the periods of cyclone intensification and weakening. Weak baroclinicity associated with vertical shear was also deemed important in organizing mesoscale ascent and the convection outbreaks. The remnant tropical disturbances contributed exceptional water vapour content to higher latitudes that led to strong diabatic heating, and the tropical remnants contributed vorticity that was the seed of the development in the subtropics. Predictability of these events more than three days in advance appears to be minimal

    Mean-field analysis of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The dynamics of collapsing and exploding trapped Bose-Einstein condensat es caused by a sudden switch of interactions from repulsive to attractive a re studied by numerically integrating the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with atomic loss for an axially symmetric trap. We investigate the decay rate of condensates and the phenomena of bursts and jets of atoms, and compare our results with those of the experiments performed by E. A. Donley {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 412}, 295 (2001)]. Our study suggests that the condensate decay and the burst production is due to local intermittent implosions in the condensate, and that atomic clouds of bursts and jets are coherent. We also predict nonlinear pattern formation caused by the density instability of attractive condensates.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, axi-symmetric results are adde

    Instability of a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive Interaction

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    We study the stability of a Bose-Einstein condensate of harmonically trapped atoms with negative scattering length, specifically lithium 7. Our method is to solve the time-dependent nonlinear Schrodinger equation numerically. For an isolated condensate, with no gain or loss, we find that the system is stable (apart from quantum tunneling) if the particle number N is less than a critical number N_c. For N > N_c, the system collapses to high-density clumps in a region near the center of the trap. The time for the onset of collapse is on the order of 1 trap period. Within numerical uncertainty, the results are consistent with the formation of a "black hole" of infinite density fluctuations, as predicted by Ueda and Huang. We obtain numerically N_c approximately 1251. We then include gain-loss mechanisms, i.e., the gain of atoms from a surrounding "thermal cloud", and the loss due to two- and three-body collisions. The number N now oscillates in a steady state, with a period of about 145 trap periods. We obtain N_c approximately 1260 as the maximum value in the oscillations.Comment: Email correspondence to [email protected] ; 18 pages and 9 EPS figures, using REVTeX and BoxedEPS macro
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