18,683 research outputs found

    Electronic properties of correlated metals in the vicinity of a charge order transition: optical spectroscopy of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (MM = NH4_4, Rb, Tl)

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    The infrared spectra of the quasi-two-dimensional organic conductors α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2MMHg(SCN)4_4 (MM = NH4_4, Rb, Tl) were measured in the range from 50 to 7000 \cm down to low temperatures in order to explore the influence of electronic correlations in quarter-filled metals. The interpretation of electronic spectra was confirmed by measurements of pressure dependant reflectance of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 at T=300 K. The signatures of charge order fluctuations become more pronounced when going from the NH4_4 salt to Rb and further to Tl compounds. On reducing the temperature, the metallic character of the optical response in the NH4_4 and Rb salts increases, and the effective mass diminishes. For the Tl compound, clear signatures of charge order are found albeit the metallic properties still dominate. From the temperature dependence of the electronic scattering rate the crossover temperature is estimated below which the coherent charge-carriers response sets in. The observations are in excellent agreement with recent theoretical predictions for a quarter-filled metallic system close to charge order

    The D0 same-charge dimuon asymmetry and possibile new CP violation sources in the BsBˉsB_s-\bar{B}_s system

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    Recently, the D0 collaboration reported a large CP violation in the same-sign dimuon charge asymmetry which has the 3.2σ3.2 \sigma deviation from the value estimated in the Standard Model. In this paper, several new physics models are considered: the MSSM, two Higgs doublet model, the recent dodeca model, and a new ZZ' model. Generally, it is hard to achieve such a large CP violation consistently with other experimental constraints. We find that a scheme with extra non-anomalous U(1)' gauge symmetry is barely consistent. In general, the extra ZZ' gauge boson induces the flavor changing neutral current interactions at tree level, which is the basic reason allowing a large new physics CP violation. To preserve the U(1)' symmetry at high energy, SU(2)L_L singlet exotic heavy quarks of mass above 1 TeV and the Standard Model gauge singlet scalars are introduced.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Anisotropic sub-Doppler laser cooling in dysprosium magneto-optical traps

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    Magneto-optical traps (MOTs) of Er and Dy have recently been shown to exhibit population-wide sub-Doppler cooling due to their near degeneracy of excited and ground state Lande g factors. We discuss here an additional, unusual intra-MOT sub-Doppler cooling mechanism that appears when the total Dy MOT cooling laser intensity and magnetic quadrupole gradient increase beyond critical values. Specifically, anisotropically sub-Doppler-cooled cores appear, and their orientation with respect to the quadrupole axis flips at a critical ratio of the MOT laser intensity along the quadrupole axis versus that in the plane of symmetry. This phenomenon can be traced to a loss of the velocity-selective resonance at zero velocity in the cooling force along directions in which the atomic polarization is oriented by the quadrupole field. We present data characterizing this anisotropic laser cooling phenomenon and discuss a qualitative model for its origin based on the extraordinarily large Dy magnetic moment and Dy's near degenerate g factors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Automated verification of shape, size and bag properties.

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    In recent years, separation logic has emerged as a contender for formal reasoning of heap-manipulating imperative programs. Recent works have focused on specialised provers that are mostly based on fixed sets of predicates. To improve expressivity, we have proposed a prover that can automatically handle user-defined predicates. These shape predicates allow programmers to describe a wide range of data structures with their associated size properties. In the current work, we shall enhance this prover by providing support for a new type of constraints, namely bag (multi-set) constraints. With this extension, we can capture the reachable nodes (or values) inside a heap predicate as a bag constraint. Consequently, we are able to prove properties about the actual values stored inside a data structure

    Metallic characteristics in superlattices composed of insulators, NdMnO3/SrMnO3/LaMnO3

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    We report on the electronic properties of superlattices composed of three different antiferromagnetic insulators, NdMnO3/SrMnO3/LaMnO3 grown on SrTiO3 substrates. Photoemission spectra obtained by tuning the x-ray energy at the Mn 2p -> 3d edge show a Fermi cut-off, indicating metallic behavior mainly originating from Mn e_g electrons. Furthermore, the density of states near the Fermi energy and the magnetization obey a similar temperature dependence, suggesting a correlation between the spin and charge degrees of freedom at the interfaces of these oxides

    Charge ordering in theta-(BEDT-TTF)_2 X materials

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    We investigate theoretically charge ordered states on the anisotropic triangular lattice characteristic of the theta-(BEDT-TTF)_2 X materials. Using exact diagonalization studies, we establish that the charge order (CO) pattern corresponds to a ``horizontal'' stripe structure, with ...1100... CO along the two directions with larger electron hopping (p-directions), and ...1010... CO along the third direction (c-direction). The CO is accompanied by co-operative bond dimerizations along all three directions in the highest spin state. In the lowest spin state bonds along the p-directions are tetramerized. Our theory explains the occurence of a charge-induced high temperature transition as well as a spin gap transition at lower temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, uses jpsj2.cl