825 research outputs found

    Characterising exo-ringsystems around fast-rotating stars using the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect

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    Planetary rings produce a distinct shape distortion in transit lightcurves. However, to accurately model such lightcurves the observations need to cover the entire transit, especially ingress and egress, as well as an out-of-transit baseline. Such observations can be challenging for long period planets, where the transits may last for over a day. Planetary rings will also impact the shape of absorption lines in the stellar spectrum, as the planet and rings cover different parts of the rotating star (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect). These line-profile distortions depend on the size, structure, opacity, obliquity and sky projected angle of the ring system. For slow rotating stars, this mainly impacts the amplitude of the induced velocity shift, however, for fast rotating stars the large velocity gradient across the star allows the line distortion to be resolved, enabling direct determination of the ring parameters. We demonstrate that by modeling these distortions we can recover ring system parameters (sky-projected angle, obliquity and size) using only a small part of the transit. Substructure in the rings, e.g. gaps, can be recovered if the width of the features (δW\delta W) relative to the size of the star is similar to the intrinsic velocity resolution (set by the width of the local stellar profile, γ\gamma) relative to the stellar rotation velocity (vv sinii, i.e. δW/Rv\delta W / R_* \gtrsim vsinii/γ\gamma). This opens up a new way to study the ring systems around planets with long orbital periods, where observations of the full transit, covering the ingress and egress, are not always feasible.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Selective darkening of degenerate transitions for implementing quantum controlled-NOT gates

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the selective darkening method for implementing quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates. This method, which we recently proposed and demonstrated, consists of driving two transversely-coupled quantum bits (qubits) with a driving field that is resonant with one of the two qubits. For specific relative amplitudes and phases of the driving field felt by the two qubits, one of the two transitions in the degenerate pair is darkened, or in other words, becomes forbidden by effective selection rules. At these driving conditions, the evolution of the two-qubit state realizes a CNOT gate. The gate speed is found to be limited only by the coupling energy J, which is the fundamental speed limit for any entangling gate. Numerical simulations show that at gate speeds corresponding to 0.48J and 0.07J, the gate fidelity is 99% and 99.99%, respectively, and increases further for lower gate speeds. In addition, the effect of higher-lying energy levels and weak anharmonicity is studied, as well as the scalability of the method to systems of multiple qubits. We conclude that in all these respects this method is competitive with existing schemes for creating entanglement, with the added advantages of being applicable for qubits operating at fixed frequencies (either by design or for exploitation of coherence sweet-spots) and having the simplicity of microwave-only operation.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Low-crosstalk bifurcation detectors for coupled flux qubits

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    We present experimental results on the crosstalk between two AC-operated dispersive bifurcation detectors, implemented in a circuit for high-fidelity readout of two strongly coupled flux qubits. Both phase-dependent and phase-independent contributions to the crosstalk are analyzed. For proper tuning of the phase the measured crosstalk is 0.1 % and the correlation between the measurement outcomes is less than 0.05 %. These results show that bifurcative readout provides a reliable and generic approach for multi-partite correlation experiments.Comment: Copyright 2010 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?apl/96/12350

    Doelmatigheidswinst van minder hypotheekrenteaftrek

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    We bespreken enkele welvaartsdividenden van het versoberen van de subsidie op de eigen woning. Deze dividenden doen zich in de eerste plaats voor op de woningmarkt. Daarnaast kan zich een welvaartsdividend voordoen op de arbeidsmarkt. De omvang van dit tweede dividend is evenwel sterk afhankelijk van de elasticiteit van het aanbod van woningen

    Dom Stabiliteitspact

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    Aanvankelijk vervulde het Stabiliteitspact een nuttige functie: duidelijke regels waarborgden de monetaire integratie. Door de vergrijzing en de conjuncturele verslechtering is het Pact aan herziening toe. Meer ruimte voor stabilisatiebeleid en het mede beschouwen van de pensioensituatie zijn belangrijker dan strikte naleving van het Pact omwille van geloofwaardigheid

    Risk of criminal victimisation in outpatients with common mental health disorders

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    Crime victimisation is a serious problem in psychiatric patients. However, research has focused on patients with severe mental illness and few studies exist that address victimisation in other outpatient groups, such as patients with depression. Due to large differences in methodology of the studies that address crime victimisation, a comparison of prevalence between psychiatric diagnostic groups is hard to make. Objectives of this study were to determine and compare one-year prevalence of violent and non-violent criminal victimisation among outpatients from different diagnostic psychiatric groups and to examine prevalence differences with the general population.Criminal victimisation prevalence was measured in 300 outpatients living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with outpatients with depressive disorder (n = 102), substance use disorder (SUD, n = 106) and severe mental illness (SMI, n = 92) using a National Crime Victimisation Survey, and compared with a matched general population sample (n = 10865).Of all outpatients, 61% reported experiencing some kind of victimisation over the past year; 33% reported violent victimisation (3.5 times more than the general population) and 36% reported property crimes (1.2 times more than the general population). Outpatients with depression (67%) and SUD (76%) were victimised more often than SMI outpatients (39%). Younger age and hostile behaviour were associated with violent victimisation, while being male and living alone were associated with non-violent victimisation. Moreover, SUD was associated with both violent and non-violent victimisation.Outpatients with depression, SUD, and SMI are at increased risk of victimisation compared to the general population. Furthermore, our results indicate that victimisation of violent and non-violent crimes is more common in outpatients with depression and SUD than in outpatients with SMI living independently in the community

    The Changing Face of α Centauri B: Probing plage and stellar activity in K-dwarfs

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    A detailed knowledge of stellar activity is crucial for understanding stellar dynamos, as well as pushing exoplanet radial-velocity detection limits towards Earth analogue confirmation. We directly compare archival HARPS spectra taken at the minimum in α\alpha Cen B's activity cycle to a high-activity state when clear rotational modulation of logRHK\log{R'_{HK}} is visible. Relative to the inactive spectra, we find a large number of narrow pseudo-emission features in the active spectra with strengths that are rotationally modulated. These features most likely originate from plage, spots, or a combination of both. They also display radial velocity variations of \sim300 m s1^{-1} - consistent with an active region rotating across the stellar surface. Furthermore, we see evidence that some of the lines originating from the `active immaculate' photosphere appear broader relative to the `inactive immaculate' case. This may be due to enhanced contributions of e.g. magnetic bright points to these lines, which then causes additional line broadening. More detailed analysis may enable measurements of plage and spot coverage using single spectra in the future.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) Letter