70 research outputs found
Efficacy Evaluation of Foliar Fungicide Products on Diseases of Field Corn in Nebraska, 2012
A foliar fungicide efficacy trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. DeKalb corn hybrid DKC 64-83, rating of âgoodâ (6 out of 9) for gray leaf spot (GLS), âvery goodâ (4 out of 9) for common rust (CR), and âgoodâ (5 out of 9) for southern rust (SR), was planted on 26 Apr in 30-in. rows at a target population of 30,600 plants/A. The trial area was disked with soybean as the previous yearâs crop. Five foliar fungicide treatments and a nontreated control were replicated six times in a randomized complete block design. . . . The AUDPC calculations indicated that the fungicide treatments containing Headline 2.09 EC, in general, reduced GLS, CR, SR severity compared to other treatments. 500-count kernel weights ranged from 6.52 oz for the non-treated control to 6.63 oz for Headline 2.09 EC, 9 fl /oz A. There were no significant differences among treatments for 500-count kernel weights. Grain moisture at harvest ranged from 14.9% to 15.1%. Regalia Maxx, 8 fl oz/A, was the lowest yielding treatment at 271.3 bu/A while the nontreated control, Headline 2.09 EC, 6 fl oz/A, and Headline EC 2.09 EC, 6 fl oz + Regalia Maxx, 4 fl oz were the highest yielding treatments at 276.2 bu/A. There were no significant differences in yield among all treatments
Efficacy Evaluation of Foliar Fungicide Products on Diseases of Field Corn in Nebraska, 2012
A foliar fungicide efficacy trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. DeKalb corn hybrid DKC 64-83, rating of âgoodâ (6 out of 9) for gray leaf spot (GLS), âvery goodâ (4 out of 9) for common rust (CR), and âgoodâ (5 out of 9) for southern rust (SR), was planted on 26 Apr in 30-in. rows at a target population of 30,600 plants/A. The trial area was disked with soybean as the previous yearâs crop. Five foliar fungicide treatments and a nontreated control were replicated six times in a randomized complete block design. . . . The AUDPC calculations indicated that the fungicide treatments containing Headline 2.09 EC, in general, reduced GLS, CR, SR severity compared to other treatments. 500-count kernel weights ranged from 6.52 oz for the non-treated control to 6.63 oz for Headline 2.09 EC, 9 fl /oz A. There were no significant differences among treatments for 500-count kernel weights. Grain moisture at harvest ranged from 14.9% to 15.1%. Regalia Maxx, 8 fl oz/A, was the lowest yielding treatment at 271.3 bu/A while the nontreated control, Headline 2.09 EC, 6 fl oz/A, and Headline EC 2.09 EC, 6 fl oz + Regalia Maxx, 4 fl oz were the highest yielding treatments at 276.2 bu/A. There were no significant differences in yield among all treatments
Future developments of the photovoltaic technologies in Germany and their consequences in the power network stability, the system security and the demand of chemical long-term storage
Paper presented to the 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015.The Energy Transition in Germany fosters significant changes not only on the requirements for transmission networks but mainly in the conditions of the electricity distribution grids as well. These grids must not only distribute electricity to the consumer anymore. They must also be able to handle and transport more and more decentralized electricity generated in photovoltaic systems. The planned expansion of the photovoltaic systems until 2050 (when there is the target to supply 80% of the German electricity with renewable energy sources) is a key driver for the expansion of the networks and storage technologies, as this energy will be predominantly connected to the distribution network. By the end of 2013, 35GW of electricity generated from solar technologies (corresponding to 100%) were connected to the electricity distribution network. As part of the energy transition the construction of additional facilities will increase significantly. That means that the capacity of the distribution network will not be enough anymore to transport the surplus electricity generated from renewable energies. For this reason, storage technologies must be purposefully used to optimize the network operation. By using chemical long-term storage (power to gas) it could be possible to achieve a significant load removal and with it, a reduction in the net expansion demand [1, 2].cf201
UnterstĂŒtzungsszenarien fĂŒr einen verteilten AutorenprozeĂ
Aus den Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung eines multimedialen Lemsystems zur Lagerlogistik werden Anforderungen an eine verbesserte UnterstĂŒtzung aller Phasen des Autorenprozesses abgehoben. Um die Wiederverwendbarkeit der genutzten Informationseinheiten und die notwendige Verwaltung und VerfĂŒgbarkeit groĂer Mengen von Informationseinheiten zu ermöglichen, wird das Konzept eines Ressourcenpools und Ressourcenmanagementsystems entwickelt, das geeignet ist, verteilt arbeitende Autorenteams zu unterstĂŒtzen
UnterstĂŒtzungsszenarien fĂŒr einen verteilten AutorenprozeĂ
Aus den Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung eines multimedialen Lemsystems zur Lagerlogistik werden Anforderungen an eine verbesserte UnterstĂŒtzung aller Phasen des Autorenprozesses abgehoben. Um die Wiederverwendbarkeit der genutzten Informationseinheiten und die notwendige Verwaltung und VerfĂŒgbarkeit groĂer Mengen von Informationseinheiten zu ermöglichen, wird das Konzept eines Ressourcenpools und Ressourcenmanagementsystems entwickelt, das geeignet ist, verteilt arbeitende Autorenteams zu unterstĂŒtzen
Product Comparison of Foliar Fungicide Efficacy on Diseases of Field Corn in Nebraska, 2013
A foliar fungicide efficacy trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. Corn hybrid NK âN68Bâ, rating of âfairâ (7 out of 9) for gray leaf spot (GLS), not rated for common rust (CR), and âexcellentâ (2 out of 9) for southern rust (SR), was planted on 15 May in 30-in. rows at a target population of 31,763 plants/A. The trial area was disked with corn as the previous yearâs crop. Eight treatments and a non-treated control were replicated six times in a randomized complete block design. Each plot was four rows (10 ft) wide by 40 ft in length. . . . There were significant differences among treatments for SR AUDPC as the nontreated control had a statistically larger SR AUDPC compared to all treatments. Stay green percentages ranged from 50.7 % to 56.9%. Percent lodging ranged from 0.8% to 6.7%. Grain moisture at harvest ranged from 16.8% to 17.0%. There were no significant differences among treatments for stay green, lodging, or grain moisture. The non-treated control had a yield of 200.8 bu/A. Yields for fungicide treatments ranged from 197.1 bu/A for Quilt Xcel 2.2 SE, 10.5 fl oz/A, to 212.2 bu/A for Aproach 2.08 SC, 5.6 fl oz/A, + Alto 0.83 SL, 5.6 fl oz/A. There were significant differences among treatments for yield
Evaluation of Foliar Fungicide Application Timing on Efficacy of Field Corn at SCAL in Central Nebraska, 2011
A foliar fungicide efficacy timing trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. DeKalb corn hybrid DKC 62-54, rating of âgoodâ (6 out of 9) for gray leaf spot (GLS) and âexcellentâ (2 out of 9) for common rust (CR), was planted on 5 May in 30 in. rows with a target population of 32,000 plants/A. The trial area had soybean as the previous yearâs crop. On 9 May before plant emergence, a herbicide program of Roundup (1 pt/A), Verdict (16 fl oz/A) and Atrazine (1 lb/A) was applied to the trial site. Nine treatments and a non-treated control were replicated six times in a randomized complete block design. Each plot was four rows (10 ft) wide by 40 ft in length. . . . Treatments with a R1 application timing typically had a higher percentage of stay green compared with the V5 application timing treatments. There were no significant differences among treatments for 500-count kernel weights. There were statistical differences in grain moisture as moisture percentages at harvest ranged from 14.9% to 15.3% with the nontreated control exhibiting the lowest moisture level. There were no statistical differences between treatments for yield. Evito T, 5 fl oz/A at V5 was the highest yielding treatment with 243.4 bu/A
Evaluation of Application Timing of Foliar Fungicides on Efficacy of Field Corn at ARDC in Eastern Nebraska, 2011
A foliar fungicide efficacy timing trial was conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead, NE. Pioneer corn hybrid P0832XR was planted on 10 May in 30 in. rows with a target population of 30,000 plants/A. The trial area was disked in the early spring with corn as the previous yearâs crop. A herbicide program of Lexar (3 pts/A) + Roundup PowerMax (22 fl oz/A) +AMS was applied to the trial. Nine treatments and a non-treated control were replicated five times in a randomized complete block design. Each plot was four rows (10 ft) wide by 30 ft in length. Foliar fungicides were applied with a pressurized CO2 backpack sprayer with a 10 ft spray boom. . . . Among all treatments, Headline AMP, 5 fl oz/A at V5 followed by Headline AMP, 10 fl oz/A at VT/R1 had the highest stay green percentage (22.6%). There were no significant differences among treatments for 500-count kernel weights. There were statistical differences in grain moisture as moisture percentage ranged from 14.0% to 15.1%. There were no statistical differences in yield among all treatments. Stratego YLD, 2 fl oz/A at V5 and Quilt Xcel, 10.5 fl oz/A at VT/R1 were the highest yielding treatments with 198.9 bu/A
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