16,064 research outputs found

    Justification of the symmetric damping model of the dynamical Casimir effect in a cavity with a semiconductor mirror

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    A "microscopic" justification of the "symmetric damping" model of a quantum oscillator with time-dependent frequency and time-dependent damping is given. This model is used to predict results of experiments on simulating the dynamical Casimir effect in a cavity with a photo-excited semiconductor mirror. It is shown that the most general bilinear time-dependent coupling of a selected oscillator (field mode) to a bath of harmonic oscillators results in two equal friction coefficients for the both quadratures, provided all the coupling coefficients are proportional to a single arbitrary function of time whose duration is much shorter than the periods of all oscillators. The choice of coupling in the rotating wave approximation form leads to the "mimimum noise" model of the quantum damped oscillator, introduced earlier in a pure phenomenological way.Comment: 9 pages, typos corrected, corresponds to the published version, except for the reference styl

    Atomic Parity Nonconservation and Nuclear Anapole Moments

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    Anapole moments are parity-odd, time-reversal-even moments of the E1 projection of the electromagnetic current. Although it was recognized, soon after the discovery of parity violation in the weak interaction, that elementary particles and composite systems like nuclei must have anapole moments, it proved difficult to isolate this weak radiative correction. The first successful measurement, an extraction of the nuclear anapole moment of 133Cs from the hyperfine dependence of the atomic parity violation, was obtained only recently. An important anapole moment bound in Tl also exists. We discuss these measurements and their significance as tests of the hadronic weak interaction, focusing on the mechanisms that operate within the nucleus to generate the anapole moment. The atomic results place new constraints on weak meson-nucleon couplings, ones we compare to existing bounds from a variety of p-p and nuclear tests of parity nonconservation.Comment: 35 pages; 8 figures; late

    Quantum Sine(h)-Gordon Model and Classical Integrable Equations

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    We study a family of classical solutions of modified sinh-Gordon equation, $\partial_z\partial_{{\bar z}} \eta-\re^{2\eta}+p(z)\,p({\bar z})\ \re^{-2\eta}=0with with p(z)=z^{2\alpha}-s^{2\alpha}.Weshowthatcertainconnectioncoefficientsforsolutionsoftheassociatedlinearproblemcoincidewiththe. We show that certain connection coefficients for solutions of the associated linear problem coincide with the Q−functionofthequantumsine−Gordon-function of the quantum sine-Gordon (\alpha>0)orsinh−Gordon or sinh-Gordon (\alpha<-1)$ models.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    Solid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite

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    his research utilised Queen Mary's MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1. We are grateful to E. Maddrell for discussions and to CSC for support

    Hadronic Parity Violation: a New View through the Looking Glass

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    Studies of the strangeness changing hadronic weak interaction have produced a number of puzzles that have so far evaded a complete explanation within the Standard Model. Their origin may lie either in dynamics peculiar to weak interactions involving strange quarks or in more general aspects of the interplay between strong and weak interactions. In principle, studies of the strangeness conserving hadronic weak interaction using parity violating hadronic and nuclear observables provide a complementary window on this question. However, progress in this direction has been hampered by the lack of a suitable theoretical framework for interpreting hadronic parity violation measurements in a model-independent way. Recent work involving effective field theory ideas has led to the formulation of such a framework while motivating the development of a number of new hadronic parity violation experiments in few-body systems. In this article, we review these recent developments and discuss the prospects and opportunities for further experimental and theoretical progress.Comment: Manuscript submitted to Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Scienc

    Qubit portrait of the photon-number tomogram and separability of two-mode light states

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    In view of the photon-number tomograms of two-mode light states, using the qubit-portrait method for studying the probability distributions with infinite outputs, the separability and entanglement detection of the states are studied. Examples of entangled Gaussian state and Schr\"{o}dinger cat state are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, TeX file, to appear in Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Femtosecond nonlinear ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons

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    Fundamental interactions induced by lattice vibrations on ultrafast time scales become increasingly important for modern nanoscience and technology. Experimental access to the physical properties of acoustic phonons in the THz frequency range and over the entire Brillouin zone is crucial for understanding electric and thermal transport in solids and their compounds. Here, we report on the generation and nonlinear propagation of giant (1 percent) acoustic strain pulses in hybrid gold/cobalt bilayer structures probed with ultrafast surface plasmon interferometry. This new technique allows for unambiguous characterization of arbitrary ultrafast acoustic transients. The giant acoustic pulses experience substantial nonlinear reshaping already after a propagation distance of 100 nm in a crystalline gold layer. Excellent agreement with the Korteveg-de Vries model points to future quantitative nonlinear femtosecond THz-ultrasonics at the nano-scale in metals at room temperature

    Isolation and characterization of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii from calves and piglets.

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    The goal of our study was to isolate and characterize Faecalibacterium prausnitzii from fecal samples of healthy calves and piglets, in order to develop a novel probiotic for livestock animals. We identified 203 isolates of Faecalibacterium sp., which were clustered in 40 genetically distinct groups. One representative isolate from each cluster was selected for further characterization. The concentrations of the short chain fatty acids (SCFA) acetate, butyrate, propionate and isobutyrate in the culture media were measured by gas chromatography. We observed reduction in the concentration of acetate followed by concomitant increase in the concentration of butyrate, suggesting that the isolates were consuming acetate present in the media and producing butyrate. Butyrate production correlated positively with bacterial growth. Since butyrate has many benefits to the colonic epithelial cells, the selection of strains that produce higher amounts of butyrate is extremely important for the development of this potential probiotic. The effect of pH and concentration of bile salts on bacterial growth was also evaluated in order to mimic the conditions encountered by F. prausnitzii in vivo. The optimal pH for growth ranged between 5.5 and 6.7, while most isolates were inhibited by of the lowest concentration of bile salts tested (0.1%). Antimicrobial resistance profile showed that most isolates of Faecalibacterium sp. were resistant against ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. More than 50% of the isolates were resistant to tetracycline, amikacin, cefepime and cefoxitin. A total of 19 different combinations of multidrug resistance were observed among the isolates. Our results provide new insights into the cultural and physiological characteristics of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii illustrating large variability in short chain fatty acid production, in vitro growth, sensitivity to bile salts, and antibiotic resistance and suggesting that future probiotic candidates should be carefully studied before elected for in vivo studies

    Transmutations and spectral parameter power series in eigenvalue problems

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    We give an overview of recent developments in Sturm-Liouville theory concerning operators of transmutation (transformation) and spectral parameter power series (SPPS). The possibility to write down the dispersion (characteristic) equations corresponding to a variety of spectral problems related to Sturm-Liouville equations in an analytic form is an attractive feature of the SPPS method. It is based on a computation of certain systems of recursive integrals. Considered as families of functions these systems are complete in the L2L_{2}-space and result to be the images of the nonnegative integer powers of the independent variable under the action of a corresponding transmutation operator. This recently revealed property of the Delsarte transmutations opens the way to apply the transmutation operator even when its integral kernel is unknown and gives the possibility to obtain further interesting properties concerning the Darboux transformed Schr\"{o}dinger operators. We introduce the systems of recursive integrals and the SPPS approach, explain some of its applications to spectral problems with numerical illustrations, give the definition and basic properties of transmutation operators, introduce a parametrized family of transmutation operators, study their mapping properties and construct the transmutation operators for Darboux transformed Schr\"{o}dinger operators.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1111.444
