444 research outputs found

    Thermal conductivity of amorphous polymers and its dependence on molecular weight

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    Thermal conductivity is an important transport property governing the performance of polymers in non-isothermal conditions. Nevertheless, its dependence on molecular weight M has not been the subject of as much attention as other properties of polymeric materials. We determine the thermal conductivity of polystyrene and polyisobutylene for a wide range of molecular weight by measuring the density, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity. Using coarse-graining and reverse mapping methods, we were able to produce molecular melts to study the thermal conductivity of polystyrene using molecular dynamics simulations over a similar range of molecular weight. We find satisfactory agreement between the experimental and simulation results. However, all of our results show that thermal conductivity depends only slightly on molecular weight up the entanglement limit and it is independent thereafter. Our results put into question the few previous experimental studies on this topic by showing that the previously accepted proportionality to M\sqrt{M} does not hold. Our findings could have significant implications for the understanding of complex phenomena such as anisotropic thermal conductivity in polymers subjected to flow.Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF MTCIATTP 750985

    Automatic Object Segmentation from Calibrated Images

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically obtaining the object/background segmentation of a rigid 3D object observed in a set of images that have been calibrated for camera pose and intrinsics. Such segmentations can be used to obtain a shape representation of a potentially texture-less object by computing a visual hull. We propose an automatic approach where the object to be segmented is identified by the pose of the cameras instead of user input such as 2D bounding rectangles or brush-strokes. The key behind our method is a pairwise MRF framework that combines (a) foreground/background appearance models, (b) epipolar constraints and (c) weak stereo correspondence into a single segmentation cost function that can be efficiently solved by Graph-cuts. The segmentation thus obtained is further improved using silhouette coherency and then used to update the foreground/background appearance models which are fed into the next Graph-cut computation. These two steps are iterated until segmentation convergences. Our method can automatically provide a 3D surface representation even in texture-less scenes where MVS methods might fail. Furthermore, it confers improved performance in images where the object is not readily separable from the background in colour space, an area that previous segmentation approaches have found challenging

    Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts

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    We propose an algorithm for automatically obtaining a segmentation of a rigid object in a sequence of images that are calibrated for camera pose and intrinsic parameters. Until recently, the best segmentation results have been obtained by interactive methods that require manual labelling of image regions. Our method requires no user input but instead relies on the camera fixating on the object of interest during the sequence. We begin by learning a model of the object’s colour, from the image pixels around the fixation points. We then extract image edges and combine these with the object colour information in a volumetric binary MRF model. The globally optimal segmentation of 3D space is obtained by a graph-cut optimisation. From this segmentation an improved colour model is extracted and the whole process is iterated until convergence. Our first finding is that the fixation constraint, which requires that the object of interest is more or less central in the image, is enough to determine what to segment and initialise an automatic segmentation process. Second, we find that by performing a single segmentation in 3D, we implicitly exploit a 3D rigidity constraint, expressed as silhouette coherency, which significantly improves silhouette quality over independent 2D segmentations. We demonstrate the validity of our approach by providing segmentation results on real sequences

    Obesity and iron deficiency anemia as risk factors for asymptomatic bacteriur

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    Background: Few studies examined the risk factors of asymptomatic bacteriuria, showing contradictory results. Our study aimed to examine the association between different clinical and laboratory parameters and asymptomatic bacteriuria in internal medicine patients. Materials and methods: 330 consecutive hospitalized subjects, asymptomatic for urinary tract infections (UTIs), underwent to microscopic examination of urine specimens. 100 subjects were positive for microscopic bacteriuria and were recruited into the study. At the quantitative urine culture 31 subjects of study population were positive while 69 subjects were negative for bacteriuria. Results: The analysis of clinical characteristics showed that the two groups of subjects (positive and negative urine culture for bacteriuria) were significant different (p b 0.05) about obesity (76.7% vs 42% respectively), metabolic syndrome (80.6% vs 44,9%), cholelithiasis (35.5% vs 13,2%) and iron deficiency anemia (80.6% vs 53,6%). The univariate analysis showed that only obesity, cholelithiasis and iron deficiency anemia were positively associated with positive urine culture for bacteriuria (Odds Ratios [OR] = 3.79, p = 0.0003; OR = 2,65, p =0.0091; OR = 2.63, p = 0.0097; respectively). However, the multivariate analysis by logistic regression showed that only obesity and iron deficiency anemia, independently associated with positive urine culture for bacteriuria (OR = 3.9695, p = 0.0075; OR = 3.1569, p = 0.03420 respectively). Conclusions: This study shows that obesity and iron deficiency anemia are independent risk factors for asymptomatic bacteriuria

    NIRS Measurements with Elite Speed Skaters: Comparison Between the Ice Rink and the Laboratory

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    Wearable, wireless near-infrared (NIR) spectrometers were used to compare changes in on-ice short-track skating race simulations over 1,500 m with a 3-min cycle ergometry test at constant power output (400 W). The subjects were six male elite short-track speed skaters. Both protocols elicited a rapid desaturation (∆TSI%) in the muscle during early stages (initial 20 s); however, asymmetry between right and left legs was seen in ΔTSI% for the skating protocol, but not for cycling. Individual differences between skaters were present in both protocols. Notably, one individual who showed a relatively small TSI% change (-10.7%, group mean = -26.1%) showed a similarly small change during the cycling protocol (-5.8%, group mean = -14.3%). We conclude that NIRS-detected leg asymmetry is due to the specific demands of short-track speed skating. However, heterogeneity between individuals is not specific to the mode of exercise. Whether this is a result of genuine differences in physiology or a reflection of differences in the optical properties of the leg remains to be determined

    Effect of interval compared to continuous exercise training on physiological responses in patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Current evidence suggests that interval (IET) and continuous exercise training (CET) produce comparable benefits in exercise capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness and symptoms in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the effects of these modalities have only been reviewed in patients with COPD. . This meta-analysis compares the effectiveness of IET versus CET on exercise capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness and exertional symptoms in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs). Methods: PubMed, CINHAL, Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Nursing and Allied health were searched for randomised controlled trials from inception to September 2020. Eligible studies included the comparison between IET and CET, reporting measures of exercise capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness and symptoms in individuals with CRDs. Results: Thirteen randomised control trials (530 patients with CRDs) with fair to good quality on the PEDro scale were included. Eleven studies involved n=446 patients with COPD, one involved n=24 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and one n=60 lung transplantation candidates (LT). IET resulted in greater improvements in peak work rate (2.40 W, 95% CI: 0.83 to 3.97 W; p=0.003) and lower exercise-induced dyspnoea (–0.47, 95% CI: -0.86 to 0.09; p=0.02) compared to CET, however these improvements did not exceed the minimal importance difference for these outcomes. No significant differencesin peak oxygen uptake, heart rate, minute ventilation, lactate threshold and leg discomfort were found between the interventions. Conclusions: IET is superior to CET in improving exercise capacity and exercise-induced dyspnoea sensations in patients with CRDs, however the extent of the clinical benefit is not considered clinically meaningful

    Simulation Analysis of Air Flow and Turbulence Statistics in a Rib Grit Roughened Duct

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    The implementation of variable artificial roughness patterns on a surface is an effective technique to enhance the rate of heat transfer to fluid flow in the ducts of solar air heaters. Different geometries of roughness elements investigated have demonstrated the pivotal role that vortices and associated turbulence have on the heat transfer characteristics of solar air heater ducts by increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient. In this paper we investigate the two-dimensional, turbulent, unsteady flow around rectangular ribs of variable aspect ratios by directly solving the transient Navier-Stokes and continuity equations using the finite elements method. Flow characteristics and several aspects of turbulent flow are presented and discussed including velocity components and statistics of turbulence. The results reveal the impact that different rib lengths have on the computed mean quantities and turbulence statistics of the flow. The computed turbulence parameters show a clear tendency to diminish downstream with increasing rib length. Furthermore, the applied numerical method is capable of capturing small-scale flow structures resulting from the direct solution of Navier-Stokes and continuity equations

    Energetic Particle Observations and Propagation in the Three-Dimensional Heliosphere During the 2006 December Events

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    We report observations of solar energetic particles obtained by the HI-SCALE and COSPIN/LET instruments onboard Ulysses during the period of isolated but intense solar activity in 2006 December, in the declining phase of the solar activity cycle. We present measurements of particle intensities and also discuss observations of particle anisotropies and composition in selected energy ranges. Active Region 10930 produced a series of major solar flares with the strongest one (X9.0) recorded on December 5 after it rotated into view on the solar east limb. Located over the South Pole of the Sun, at >72°S heliographic latitude and 2.8 AU radial distance, Ulysses provided unique measurements for assessing the nature of particle propagation to high latitudes under near-minimum solar activity conditions, in a relatively undisturbed heliosphere. The observations seem to exclude the possibility that magnetic field lines originating at low latitudes reached Ulysses, suggesting either that the energetic particles observed as large solar energetic particle (SEP) events over the South Pole of the Sun in 2006 December were released when propagating coronal waves reached high-latitude field lines connected to Ulysses, or underwent perpendicular diffusion. We also discuss comparisons with energetic particle data acquired by the STEREO and Advanced Composition Explorer in the ecliptic plane near 1 AU during this period
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