9 research outputs found

    Abundances in Stars from the Red Giant Branch Tip to the Near the Main Sequence in M71: I. Sample Selection, Observing Strategy and Stellar Parameters

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    We present the sample for an abundance analysis of 25 members of M71 with luminosities ranging from the red giant branch tip to the upper main sequence. The spectra are of high dispersion and of high precision. We describe the observing strategy and determine the stellar parameters for the sample stars using both broad band colors and fits of Hα\alpha profiles. The derived stellar parameters agree with those from the Yale2^2 stellar evolutionary tracks to within 50 -- 100K for a fixed log g, which is within the level of the uncertainties.Comment: Minor changes to conform to version accepted for publication, with several new figures (Paper 1 of a pair

    Visibilities and bolometric corrections for stellar oscillation modes observed by Kepler

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    Kepler produces a large amount of data used for asteroseismological analyses, particularly of solar-like stars and red giants. The mode amplitudes observed in the Kepler spectral band have to be converted into bolometric amplitudes to be compared to models. We give a simple bolometric correction for the amplitudes of radial modes observed with Kepler, as well as the relative visibilities of non-radial modes. We numerically compute the bolometric correction c_{K-bol} and mode visibilities for different effective temperatures Teff within the range 4000-7500 K, using a similar approach to a recent one from the literature (Michel et al. 2009, A&A 495, 979). We derive a law for the correction to bolometric values: c_{K-bol} = 1 + a_1 (Teff-To) + a_2 (Teff-To)^2, with To = 5934 K, a_1 = 1.349e-4 K^{-1}, and a_2 = -3.120e-9 K^{-2} or, alternatively, as the power law c_{K-bol} = (Teff/To)^alpha with alpha = 0.80. We give tabulated values for the mode visibilities based on limb-darkening (LD), computed from ATLAS9 model atmospheres for Teff in [4000,7500] K, log g in [2.5,4.5], and [M/H] in [-1.0,+1.0]. We show that using LD profiles already integrated over the spectral band provides quick and good approximations for visibilities. We point out the limits of these classical visibility estimations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, minor language edition. Published in A&

    A Consistency Test of Spectroscopic Gravities for Late-Type Stars

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    Chemical analyses of late-type stars are usually carried out following the classical recipe: LTE line formation and homogeneous, plane-parallel, flux-constant, and LTE model atmospheres. We review different results in the literature that have suggested significant inconsistencies in the spectroscopic analyses, pointing out the difficulties in deriving independent estimates of the stellar fundamental parameters and hence,detecting systematic errors. The trigonometric parallaxes measured by the HIPPARCOS mission provide accurate appraisals of the stellar surface gravity for nearby stars, which are used here to check the gravities obtained from the photospheric iron ionization balance. We find an approximate agreement for stars in the metallicity range -1 <= [Fe/H] <= 0, but the comparison shows that the differences between the spectroscopic and trigonometric gravities decrease towards lower metallicities for more metal-deficient dwarfs (-2.5 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0), which casts a shadow upon the abundance analyses for extreme metal-poor stars that make use of the ionization equilibrium to constrain the gravity. The comparison with the strong-line gravities derived by Edvardsson (1988) and Fuhrmann (1998a) confirms that this method provides systematically larger gravities than the ionization balance. The strong-line gravities get closer to the physical ones for the stars analyzed by Fuhrmann, but they are even further away than the iron ionization gravities for the stars of lower gravities in Edvardsson's sample. The confrontation of the deviations of the iron ionization gravities in metal-poor stars reported here with departures from the excitation balance found in the literature, show that they are likely to be induced by the same physical mechanism(s).Comment: AAS LaTeX v4.0, 35 pages, 10 PostScript files; to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Physical Orbit for Lambda Virginis and a Test of Stellar Evolution Models

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    Lambda Virginis (LamVir) is a well-known double-lined spectroscopic Am binary with the interesting property that both stars are very similar in abundance but one is sharp-lined and the other is broad-lined. We present combined interferometric and spectroscopic studies of LamVir. The small scale of the LamVir orbit (~20 mas) is well resolved by the Infrared Optical Telescope Array (IOTA), allowing us to determine its elements as well as the physical properties of the components to high accuracy. The masses of the two stars are determined to be 1.897 Msun and 1.721 Msun, with 0.7% and 1.5% errors respectively, and the two stars are found to have the same temperature of 8280 +/- 200 K. The accurately determined properties of LamVir allow comparisons between observations and current stellar evolution models, and reasonable matches are found. The best-fit stellar model gives LamVir a subsolar metallicity of Z=0.0097, and an age of 935 Myr. The orbital and physical parameters of LamVir also allow us to study its tidal evolution time scales and status. Although currently atomic diffusion is considered to be the most plausible cause of the Am phenomenon, the issue is still being actively debated in the literature. With the present study of the properties and evolutionary status of LamVir, this system is an ideal candidate for further detailed abundance analyses that might shed more light on the source of the chemical anomalies in these A stars.Comment: 43 Pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap