3,364 research outputs found

    Perpetual emulation threshold of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians

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    We describe a technique to emulate a two-level \PT-symmetric spin Hamiltonian, replete with gain and loss, using only the unitary dynamics of a larger quantum system. This we achieve by embedding the two-level system in question in a subspace of a four-level Hamiltonian. Using an \textit{amplitude recycling} scheme that couples the levels exterior to the \PT-symmetric subspace, we show that it is possible to emulate the desired behaviour of the \PT-symmetric Hamiltonian without depleting the exterior, reservoir levels. We are thus able to extend the emulation time indefinitely, despite the non-unitary \PT dynamics. We propose a realistic experimental implementation using dynamically decoupled magnetic sublevels of ultracold atoms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Peak Yield, Yield and Persistency Traits in Murciano-Granadina Goats Using Multi-Traits Models

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    This paper studies parameters of a lactation curve such as peak yield (PY) and persistency (P), which do not conform to the usual selection criteria in the Murciano-Granadina (MG) breed, but are considered to be an alternative to benefit animal welfare without reducing production. Using 315,663 production records (of 122,883 animals) over a period of 24 years (1990–2014), genetic parameters were estimated with uni-, bi- and multivariate analysis using multiple trait derivative free restricted maximum likelihood (MTDFREML). The heritability (h2)/repeatability (re) of PY, yield (Y) and P was estimated as 0.13/0.19, 0.16/0.25 and 0.08/0.09 with the uni-trait and h2 of bi- and multi-traits analysis ranging from 0.16 to 0.17 of Y, while that of PY and Y remained constant. Genetic correlations were high between PY–Y (0.94 ± 0.011) but low between PY–P (–0.16 ± 0.054 to –0.17 ± 0.054) and between Y–P (–0.06 ± 0.058 to –0.05 ± 0.058). Estimates of h2/re were low to intermediate. The selection for Y–PY or both can be implemented given the genetic correlation between these traits. PY–P and Y–P showed low to negligible correlation values indicating that if these traits are implemented in the early stages of evaluation, they would not be to the detriment of PY–Y. The combination of estimated breeding values (EBVs) for all traits would be a good criterion for selection

    Differential antifungal activity of human and cryptococcal melanins with structural discrepancies

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.Melanin is a pigment found in all biological kingdoms, and plays a key role in protection against ultraviolet radiation, oxidizing agents, and ionizing radiation damage. Melanin exerts an antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, and parasites. We demonstrated an antifungal activity of synthetic and human melanin against Candida sp. The members of the Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii species complexes are capsulated yeasts, which cause cryptococcosis. For both species melanin is an important virulence factor. To evaluate if cryptococcal and human melanins have antifungal activity against Cryptococcus species they both were assayed for their antifungal properties and physico-chemical characters. Melanin extracts from human hair and different strains of C. neoformans (n = 4) and C. gattii (n = 4) were investigated. The following minimum inhibitory concentrations were found for different melanins against C. neoformans and C. gattii were (average/range): 13.7/(7.8-15.6) and 19.5/(15.6-31.2) ÎŒg/mL, respectively, for human melanin; 273.4/(125- > 500) and 367.2/(125.5- > 500) ÎŒg/mL for C. neoformans melanin and 125/(62.5-250) and 156.2/(62-250) ÎŒg/mL for C. gattii melanin. Using Scanning Electron Microscopy we observed that human melanin showed a compact conformation and cryptococcal melanins exposed an amorphous conformation. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) showed some differences in the signals related to C-C bonds of the aromatic ring of the melanin monomers. High Performance Liquid Chromatography established differences in the chromatograms of fungal melanins extracts in comparison with human and synthetic melanin, particularly in the retention time of the main compound of fungal melanin extracts and also in the presence of minor unknown compounds. On the other hand, MALDI-TOF-MS analysis showed slight differences in the spectra, specifically the presence of a minor intensity ion in synthetic and human melanin, as well as in some fungal melanin extracts. We conclude that human melanin is more active than the two fungal melanins against Cryptococcus. Although some physico-chemical differences were found, they do not explain the differences in the antifungal activity against Cryptococcus of human and cryptococcal melanins. More detailed studies on the structure should be considered to associate structure and antifungal activity.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2017.01292/ful

    Adaptive clinical trials incorporating treatment selection and evaluation: methodology and application in progressive multiple sclerosis

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    In progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) irreversible disability often takes many years to accumulate as a result prolonged trials are required to assess the benefits of therapies. There is a need to understand the relationship between short-term outcome measures such as MRI endpoints and long-term clinical outcomes in progression to determine the evolution of the disease early on. Thus, the common phase I-II-III paradigm for clinical trial design with separate trials for each phase may not be appropriate

    S wave velocity structure below central Mexico using high-resolution surface wave tomography

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    Shear wave velocity of the crust below central Mexico is estimated using surface wave dispersion measurements from regional earthquakes recorded on a dense, 500 km long linear seismic network. Vertical components of regional records from 90 well-located earthquakes were used to compute Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersion curves. A tomographic inversion, with high resolution in a zone close to the array, obtained for periods between 5 and 50 s reveals significant differences relative to a reference model, especially at larger periods (>30 s). A 2-D S wave velocity model is obtained from the inversion of local dispersion curves that were reconstructed from the tomographic solutions. The results show large differences, especially in the lower crust, among back-arc, volcanic arc, and fore-arc regions; they also show a well-resolved low-velocity zone just below the active part of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) suggesting the presence of a mantle wedge. Low densities in the back arc, inferred from the low shear wave velocities, can provide isostatic support for the TMVB

    Impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure on cognitive function and neurodegeneration in humans:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: This article documents an emerging body of evidence concerning the neurological effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure with regard to cognitive function and increased risk of neurodegeneration. METHODS: Two electronic databases, PubMed and Web of Science, were systematically searched. RESULTS: The 37/428 studies selected included outcomes measuring cognitive function, neurobehavioral symptoms of impaired cognition, and pathologies associated with neurodegeneration from pre-natal (21/37 studies), childhood (14/37 studies), and adult (8/37 studies) PAH exposure. Sufficient evidence was found surrounding pre-natal exposure negatively impacting child intelligence, mental development, average overall development, verbal IQ, and memory; externalizing, internalizing, anxious, and depressed behaviors; and behavioral development and child attentiveness. Evidence concerning exposure during childhood and as an adult was scarce and highly heterogeneous; however, the presence of neurodegenerative biomarkers and increased concentrations of cryptic “self” antigens in serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples suggest a higher risk of neurodegenerative disease. Associations with lowered cognitive ability and impaired attentiveness were found in children and memory disturbances, specifically auditory memory, verbal learning, and general memory in adults. DISCUSSION: Although evidence is not yet conclusive and further research is needed, the studies included supported the hypothesis that PAH exposure negatively impacts cognitive function and increases the risk of neurodegeneration in humans, and recommends considering the introduction of a variable “rural vs. urban” as covariate for adjusting analyses, where the neurological functions affected (as result of our review) are outcome variables
