25 research outputs found

    CONGAS: a collaborative ontology development framework based on Named GrAphS

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    The process of ontology development involves a range of skills and know-how often requiring team work of different people, each of them with his own way of contributing to the definition and formalization of the domain representation. For this reason, collaborative development is an important feature for ontology editing tools, and should take into account the different characteristics of team participants, provide them with a dedicated working environment allowing to express their ideas and creativity, still protecting integrity of the shared work. In this paper we present CONGAS, a collaborative version of the Knowledge Management and Acquisition platform Semantic Turkey which, exploiting the potentialities brought by recent introduction of context management into RDF triple graphs, offers a collaborative environment where proposals for ontology evolution can emerge and coexist, be evaluated by team users, trusted across different perspectives and eventually converged into the main development stream

    Developing Ontologies withing Decentralized Settings

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    This chapter addresses two research questions: “How should a well-engineered methodology facilitate the development of ontologies within communities of practice?” and “What methodology should be used?” If ontologies are to be developed by communities then the ontology development life cycle should be better understood within this context. This chapter presents the Melting Point (MP), a proposed new methodology for developing ontologies within decentralised settings. It describes how MP was developed by taking best practices from other methodologies, provides details on recommended steps and recommended processes, and compares MP with alternatives. The methodology presented here is the product of direct first-hand experience and observation of biological communities of practice in which some of the authors have been involved. The Melting Point is a methodology engineered for decentralised communities of practice for which the designers of technology and the users may be the same group. As such, MP provides a potential foundation for the establishment of standard practices for ontology engineering

    ONTOCOM: a cost estimation model for ontology engineering

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    The technical challenges associated with the development and deployment of ontologies have been subject to a considerable number of research initiatives since the beginning of the nineties. The economical aspects of these processes are, however, still poorly exploited, impeding the dissemination of ontology-driven technologies beyond the boundaries of the academic community. This paper aims at contributing to the alleviation of this situation by proposing ONTOCOM (Ontology Cost Model), a model to predict the costs arising in ontology engineering processes. We introduce a methodology to generate a cost model adapted to a particular ontology development strategy, and an inventory of cost drivers which influence the amount of effort invested in activities performed during an ontology life cycle. We further present the results of the model validation procedure, which covered an expert-driven evaluation and a statistical calibration on 36 data points collected from real-world projects. The validation revealed that ontology engineering processes have a high learning rate, indicating that the building of very large ontologies is feasible from an economic point of view. Moreover, the complexity of ontology evaluation, domain analysis and conceptualization activities proved to have a major impact on the final ontology engineering process duration

    Argumentation-based ontology engineering

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    This article applies the theory of argumentation to ontology engineering. Recent research in ontology engineering has highlighted the importance of controlled discussions for creating commonly agreed-on and widely accepted ontologies. The article analyzes how agreement is reached in the context of ontology development using rhetorical structure theory and identifies the most frequently used argument types. Case study-based investigations have shown that restricting the set of arguments participants use to express their positions can significantly facilitate reaching an agreement. The DILIGENT argumentation framework, consisting of a process, a formal model and a support tool, was built on the basis of these empirical findings. The formal model complies to the IBIS methodology, which was adapted to the ontology-specific requirements. It helps capture and record the design deliberations in ontology-engineering discussions, makes consensus building tasks more efficient, and provides detailed guidance for nonexperts. The authors successfully evaluated the framework in several case studies. This article is part of a special issue on argumentation technology

    Automatic Evaluation of Ontologies (AEON)

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    OntoClean is a unique approach towards the formal evaluation of ontologies, as it analyses the intensional content of concepts. Although it is well documented in numerous publications, and its importance is widely acknowledged, it is still used rather infrequently due to the high costs for applying OntoClean, especially on tagging concepts with the correct meta-properties. In order to facilitate the use of OntoClean and to enable proper evaluation of it in real-world cases, we provide AEON, a tool which automatically tags concepts with appropriate OntoClean meta-properties. The implementation can be easily expanded to check the concepts for other abstract meta-properties, thus providing for the first time tool support in order to enable intensional ontology evaluation for concepts. Our main idea is using the web as an embodiment of objective world knowledge, where we search for patterns indicating concepts meta-properties. We get an automatic tagging of the ontology, thus reducing costs tremendously. Moreover, AEON lowers the risk of having subjective taggings. As part of the evaluation we report our experiences from creating a middle-sized OntoClean-tagged reference ontology

    An evaluation of knowledge base systems for large OWL datasets

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present an evaluation of four knowledge base systems (KBS) with respect to use in large OWL applications. To our knowledge, no experiment has been done with the scale of data used here. The smallest dataset used consists of 15 OWL files totaling 8MB, while the largest dataset consists of 999 files totaling 583MB. We evaluated two memory-based systems (OWLJessKB and memory-based Sesame) and two systems with persistent storage (database-based Sesame and DLDB-OWL). We describe how we have performed the evaluation and what factors we have considered in it. We show the results of the experiment and discuss the performance of each system. In particular, we have concluded that existing systems need to place a greater emphasis on scalability.

    تحليل كلام الإنشاء في كتاب أيها الولد للإمام أبي حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي : دراسة تحليلة بلاغية

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    INDONESIA: Dalam ilmu balagoh kalam insya’ adalah kalam yang pembicaraannya mungkin benar dan mungkin juga bohong. Kalam insya’ dibagi menjadi dua yaitu kalam insya’ tolabi dan ghoiru tolabi. Adapun permasalahan yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini hanya mengambil sebagian dari ilmu maani dan lebih fokus pada kalam insya’ tolabi. Berangkat dari latar belakang diatas penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga rumusan masalah: 1. Apa kalimat yang mengandung kalam insya’ di dalam kitab ayyuhal walad? 2. Apa faidah kalimat yang mengandung kalam insya’ di dalam kitab ayyuhal walad? 3. Bagaimana gaya bahasa imam ghozali yang berhubungan dengan kalam insya’ di dalam kitab ayyuhal walad?. Dalam skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode libery reserch dengan pendekatan ilmu balagoh. Adapun metode dalam pengumpulan datanya, peneliti menggunakan metode dokumentasi, sedangkan menganalisis datanya, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitataif yaitu suatu metode yang tidak berhubungan dengan lapangan, akan tetapi dengan buku-buku yang berhuibungan dengan penelitian ini. Tujuan skripsi ini adalah untuk membahas tentang kalam insya’ dalam kitab ayyuhal walad dimana setelah dianalisis terdapat 143 kalam insya’ dengan bentuk yang bermacam-macam diantaranya: amar, nahi, istifham, nida’ dan tamanni. Adapun dari sekian banyak kalam insya’ mempunyai makna atau faidah yang terdiri dari 47 kalam insya’ yang denan sihot amar bermakna irsyad, 72 kalam insya’ yang mengandung ma’na asli dalam bentuk istifham, tamanni dan nida’. Dan 24 sighot nida’ yang mengandung makna tanbih. Adapun gaya bahasa Imam Gozali yang berhubungan dengan kalam insya’ mayoritas menggunakan kalimat nida’ yang mempunyai ma’na menghormati dan menunjukan nilai tata kerama kepada seorang guru dan tata cara pendekatan antara guru dan murid. ENGLISH: In balaghoh science, kalam insya' is word that containing the possibility of true an lie. Kalam insya' is devided by two, namely Kalam Insya' Tholabi and Ghoiru Tholabi. From that background, the research formulated three problems discussed: 1. Which word is containing kalam insya' in Ayyuhal Walad book? What is the usage of word that containing kalam insya' in Ayyuhal Walad book? How is the force of language of Imam Ghozali associated with kalam insya' in Ayyuhal Walad book? The researcher used method of library research by using Balaghoh science approach in this research. The researcher used documentation method to collect the data and used discriptive kualitative method to analyze data. That is the method that's not related to the field, but connected with the books associated with this research. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss about kalam insya' in Ayyuhal Walad book. And after analyzed, it's contained 143 kalam insya' with the form of all kinds as like amar, nahi, istifham, nida' and tamanni. Of the many kalam insya', it's found 47 kalam insya' with the use of sighot amar (amar form) with purpose irsyad, 72 kalam insya' containing the meaning of the original in tje form of istifham, tamanni, and nida'. 24 sighot nida' (nida' form) containing the meaning of tanbih. As for the style of Imam Ghozali language associated with kalam insya' majority use the word nida' has meaning of respect and indicate the value of the etiquette to a teacher and the way of approach between teacher and student. ARABIC: في علم البلاغة أن كلام الإنشاء إبتداء كلام ليس له واقع يصدقه أويكذبه. ووينقسم كلام الإنشاء قسمين وهما كلام الإنشاء الطلابي وغير الطلابي. وأما هذا البحث الجامعي يبحث عن علم المعان وخاصة في كلام الإنشاء الطلابي.ومن البيانات المذكور كان هذا البحث يبحث عن كلام الإنشاء في الكتاب أيهاالولد للإمام الغزالي باعتبار أشكاله ونوعه ومعناه وفائدته. وهذا البحث تتكون من ثلاثة أسئلات البحث: ما الكلمة التي تتضمن كلام الإنشاء؟ وما فائدة الكلمة التي تتضمن كلام الإنشاء؟ وكيف أسلوب الإمام الغزالي المتعلق كلام الإنشاء؟. إن هذا البحث من حيث نوعه هو الدراسة المكتبية وإن طريقة جمع البيانات هي طريقة الوثيقية وإن طريقة تحليل البيانات هذا البحث هي الكيفي وتحليل الوصفي. وإنّ النتيجة بعد أن يحصل عليها الباحث في هذا البحث، وجد الباحث 136 كلام الإنشاء الطلابي في الكتاب أيها الولد بأشكال المختلفة منها: الأمر والنهي والإستفهام والنداء والتمني. والأشكال كلام الإنشاء الطلابي التي تتكون من 136 كلمات, كان المعنى الإرشاد 47 كلمات أي الأمر والمعنى الأصل 72 كلمات أي بين الإستفهام والنهي والتمني ومعنى التنبيه 24 كلمات اي النداء. وأسلوب الكلمة التي تتضمن بكلام الإنشاء كثرة النداء بدليل قوله "ياأيها الولد" المتكرر فهذا من أسلوب النداء الذي يفبد للتنبيه. وعبارة أيها الولد لاخاص للولده الحقيقي بل يعم إلي من يدرس ويطالع لهذا الكتاب وأنه يمثل للأستاذ نحو تلميذه حتى يكون بينهما سلة قوية. لأن الأستاذ لابد أن يرتبط بينه وبين تلميذه

    Social Topology Analyzed

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